

  • I started doing it weekly, i day I weighed myself and 3 hours later my digital scales said I was 3 pounds heavier LoL so I have no idea how accurate they are.
  • I usually walk, I up my walking I will run then back to walking (3.5-4mph) then run again or sometimes I just walk at about 3.5mph at a 9% incline on the treadmill, or if it's nice out I walk a few miles with the dog at a local trail I also do ab exercises on a machine I have. PLus my normal cleaning around the house etc..
  • Im the same way, it gets easier, I can do an hour on the treadmill as long as Im not bored, so I have to have music or a tv I do light intervals of running at 6mph for 30 seconds.. Take it one day at a time. I just started this eating healthy and I cut back on my soda which was so hard for me and I am still craving it. You…
  • I took a zumba class once, its quite hard if you are not experienced in working out (like me) I was tired after the 10minute warm up, I did have alot of fun and I sweated like crazy, some zumba pages say you can burn up to 1000 calories in an hour but I actually dont know, it is a constant hour with warm ups and cool downs…
  • I usually buy that or frozen cod but yesterday I made tilapia with veggies and all I do is bake it add sprinkle it with pepper I don't care for fish that is breaded not because of calories but because I don't like any meat breaded.. Sorry Im not much of a seafood eater so thats the best I can offer you
  • Lmao yea even tho I have girls and we all have the same parts and its up to me the mom to teach them body things they hate when I only have a towell on lol but its ok for them KIDS lol... Yea I have stopped weighing daily.. I dont think the weather is going to be as nice as I want it this week to go out walking so I need…
  • I take Vitamin D and Calcium because of back and bone problems with the women in my family, I also take potassiam.
  • I have a mustang which is decent on gas as long as I fill it up, it needs a tune up for better gas milage, this one near me doesnt have a pool (i cant swim but my kids the water) they have socceer, basketball and other things for my 10yr old and then when my daughter is in highschool which is this upcoming school year she…
    in YMCA Comment by dogluvr73 April 2011
  • :bigsmile: Wow Allison good for you I hope I can reach my goal I am so determined, I know if I lay off the Faygo Cream Soda (my addiction) I will be good, I think in stead of going cold turkey I can have one a week, some ppl are addicted to alcohol, smoking, sweets, for me it was the cream soda It used to be pepsi I cant…
  • My goal weight is 125-130, I was 116-118 in 2008 and even though I am small frame that is too small for me, I couldnt find clothes that fit right when I am 125-130 I can wear all my size 1-2 jeans and I feel real good about myself, I gained weight after I lost my job in December I gained about 10 pounds I was 135 back in…
  • Thanks I sure hope so I want to lose weight in a healthy way instead of the diet pills my Dr gave me a few years ago
    in New here Comment by dogluvr73 April 2011
  • If you are losing inches that is great, I used to always make sure I lost inches before I checked the scales. Also I was unaware of the potassiam supplements with help with weight loss.