

  • Filler foods that are helping me get closer to my goal of 1,200/day calories (it's so hard!): chobani with strawberries or blueberries - instant oatmeal packets - and green giant has a variety of seasoned vegetables in a little cardboard box that are really good! good luck all!
  • Thank you for that post! I've often times questioned if I was doing myself a favor or more harm then good, by eating a whole egg most mornings vs. a couple of egg whites (especially because I have high cholesterol in my family). I'm also going to switch to organic eggs as well. If I'm doing that for the bread and peanut…
  • chobani is great, really filling, tasty, low in calories (most varities are under 150) and full of protein. i usually eat it with strawberries and/or blueberries and it could almost be a meal...
  • that is most excellent! congratulations! thank you for sharing, also. it is really inspiring to hear and see these success stories.