

  • Definitely works for me. Since I switched to (well I'd say 90%) paleo and stopped counting calories in early may I've lost an average of 0.5lbs a day and I don't even work out exceptionally hard. I feel much stronger and can recently do multiple pullups/chinups in a row. I eat high fat and very rarely get hungry in the…
  • I personally wouldn't suggest going over 2 fruit servings a day. Eat as many veges as you can get in yourself (including pure veggie smoothies) but fruit does still have plenty of sugar in it and some (dried mostly) will spike your blood sugar quite a bit. Now if eating fruit keeps you off of processed foods then it's a…
  • You can do it, but may I suggest if you're to obsess on something obsess on healthy lifestyle not weight. Change is long-term and the only way you'll keep it off for 4-5+years is if you focus on the lifestyle bit and not quick weight loss.
  • Dude that is an awesome inspirational story. Please keep your youtube up to date when you progress more!
  • I just can't see how 5:2 is sustainable. Plus it's likely you'll lose muscle mass and feel weaker, along with hangry/tired. Try a 12 hour fast between breakfast/dinner or a 14-16 hour fast by skipping breakfast and having a large dinner.
  • Eat a cup of spinach and a few (like 10-15 almonds) whenever you feel hungry. Try and drink 3litres of water a day also.
  • Personally I cheat sometimes but recently if I have something I used to love (like a slice of pizza) afterwards I just feel really bad/sluggish. Whatever you do make sure it fits your caloric goals but if all you eat is 2000 calories of sugar don't expect to lose weight fast. Keep 95% healthy and save the other 5% for…
  • Don't start any diet you can't see yourself sustaining 95%+ for many years. For me I've reduced my carbs for several months and mostly have been very happy with it. My weakness has always been pizza but recently I tried going back to it by having a slice and 'fitting it in my macros' but ended up just feeling disgusting.…
  • There's been many controlled studies on obese people fasting or eating exceptionally low calories over a long time (years even) but you really don't want to try anything like that unless you're being monitored/fed vitamins. There is no fast way, the only 'fast weight' is water weight. You can starve yourself but you'll…
  • It's pretty simple, if you're going to cheat portion it out. Every once and a while I'll crave pizza, buy a smaller size (medium) and literally have one slice with fresh veggies and such on the side. Satisfies my craving and still fits in my calorie deficit. That said I haven't had a real honest cheat (eaten out) in…
  • I feel like too much focus on weight loss is... based around the loss. I do have some sort of an idea/target of where I want to be but I always make sure my first and foremost thought is concrete longterm change. When I describe my weight loss I use "Fit and Healthy" instead of "I want to weigh x pounds". There are so many…
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