

  • Hello and Welcome, One meal at a time, write it all down, calories in, calories out. We are all on this journey together so you are not alone.
    in Hello All Comment by Alda July 2010
  • I managed to lose 60 pounds in 7 months and just reached my goal. I kept no food in the house that I would want to snack on ie; bread,pasta, peanut butter, cookies etc. I planned my meals in advance, ate 3 a day. Good breakfast, ALWAYS, heaviest meal around noon, very very light at dinner. Drank lots of H2O and green tea.…
  • I actually just added it to the Data base. According to ASK. com AND my instructor you will burn between 500 and 800 calories depending on intensity. I used the 500 as I am new and tend to stumble around at times. It IS fun and exhausting. Good Luck!
  • It IS sooo good, HOWEVER, my weight loss slowed dramatically when I began to eat it 2-3 times a week. A food I really cannot have around. Like Peanut Butter, bread, pasta. I tend to over do it.