Lillyrose125 Member


  • I'm here again! Can't believe I gained back 30 pounds. Well, I can believe it because I made that choice every time to have that bread, that sweet drink, that cookie...before I knew it I was up 10 pounds and thought I could get back with it, but then I changed jobs, went on a week-long stressful work conference, excuses,…
  • Just wanted to add (and I'm not saying you are eating too much for sure), but some years ago I hired a personal trainer at LA Fitness and was going about 5 days per week, swimming laps, working out on weights and he about killed me on my workouts. He also told me that it would do nothing for me unless I stopped eating so…
  • Candice, what is it you weigh now? You look pretty thin by your picture. Could it be you are adding muscle weight? Also, not sure of your age, but you could be having some hormonal weight gain? I know I can gain 7 pounds in just water and lose it within a few days. Maybe we are more talking 15 pounds? I don't get it. Did…
  • You can also check out the new Fitbits that are due to come out soon. I believe they do your heart rate but not sure about the GPS? I just got the Fitbit Charge thinking it wouldn't really make much of a difference to me, but it turns out that I really like it. It makes me think twice about getting extra walking in and…
  • I changed and was very glad I did. Just e-mail a message to customer service that you want to change and I have referral for you if you want to check her out. Let me know.
  • Me too! I'm down 65 pounds since last May and have another 45 to 50 pounds to go!
  • Hi Dan from the UK. Congratulations on such a huge weight loss and success story. I'm active every day as far as logging faithfully my foods and any workouts. I don't always feel like writing anything, but I'm here for you! I'm 54 so quite a bit older than you, but sometimes that can be a good thing too? I have a nephew…
  • Boy, now you started something! I'm from the Tacoma/Seattle area! Pacific Northwest!
  • I believe 1 cup is a leafy green serving. 1/2 cup for string beans or broccoli.
  • Oh boy, that is a loaded question because I have so many favorites and not in any order: Game of Thrones Sons of Anarchy Boardwalk Empire (just ended) The Profit The Good Wife Chicago Fire/Chicago PD Law & Order SVU The Walking Dead The Blacklist MasterChef Project Runway Top Chef
  • Started MF in May 2014 and have lost 61 pounds so far. Am at a little standstill right now but made it just under 200 finally. I'm now starting to work out again but still have another 50 pounds to go to get to goal.
  • Wow. Linda, guess the support we were used to on MF isn't here. All you jerks out there who felt a need to post something don't understand where us MF friends were and what we are looking for again. So just go away. It is true that all diets work if you stick with them. Most of us have been on and off all of…
  • I'm here too! Talk about one day you are basking in the warmth of other MF losers and then thrown out in the cold to wonder where everyone is? I believe they "execs that be" at MF will find out it wasn't just the "diet" that worked - it was the support we all gave each other. If it hits them in their wallet, they will…
  • I love daily check-ins. My mom was visiting for the past three weeks and I admit I fell off the wagon. Gained a few pounds but am hoping it is mostly water weight. We'll see in a few more days. I was doing Herbal Life but admit I get so darn hungry having nothing but the shakes during the day with a few snacks. I end up…
  • 52 and struggling with my weight loss yet again! Every day is a new struggle. I am taking this 10 pounds at a time! Welcome!
  • You probably have plantar fascia which I'm the queen of! Suffering from it again right now. The biggest sign of this is pain in your heel(s) first thing in the morning. You have to do some special stretching exercises for this and ice it. There are little pads you can wear around the middle of your foot with your shoe that…
  • Donuts at work because I can't just eat one or have a few bites. Pizza for the same reason. Chips with cheese on them. I will now measure out a serving of tortilla chips to have with salsa. Also ice cream - only because I am never happy with just one. I will keep eating them so I just have to not have these foods in the…
  • Thanks you guys! Last night I had nonfat refried beans, salsa & a little skim cheese on a whole wheat tortilla. I am dying right now for a pizza but that's how I got into this body in the first place!
  • I was on the treadmill watching Fox News before getting ready for work. My husband was in the other room when I called him in after the first plane hit. I remember it like it was yesterday. I felt weird going to work as it seemed like the world should stop and we should all stay home and be glued to the t.v. What an awful…
  • OMG! Me too! I can't turn the channel fast enough! Even the music is a killer for me!
  • I have always been an avid animal lover. I can't have cats because I'm allergic but have always had dogs. Always brought home strays when I was a kid and then I moved to the Aleution Islands after high school. I met and fell in love with a Siberian Husky pup and I grabbed her and named her BoBo. They were running all over…
  • No way, really! That is total committment! What a difference!
  • I just found an Herbalife coach/distributor in my area so I hope that will help. Since 1,200 calories per day is what a thin person should eat, I wonder how MFP can reduce my calorie intake if they are starting me off on that. I did put in my resting heart rate, but anyway, thanks for your help. BTW, I am 5.3.....
  • Thanks! I just started it today. I had my breakfast shake with a scoop of the protein and used skim milk. We were gone all Labor Day Weekend so I didn't get to the store to get anything else. Should I just have yogurt for my a.m. and p.m. snack? Can I juice with berries and veggies to get my fruits & vegetables in? For…