fuenyface Member


  • I love HIIT! I incorporate it into my workouts about four times a week. My number one reason for loving it? It NEVER gets boring, because you can always change it up! Also, it's super quick, and you can do it anywhere! Here's a pretty darn good article about HIIT, you should check out!…
  • I always have candy in the house, and if I don't, I have PB2 or Just Good Stuff dry chocolate peanut butter, which I will make two tablespoons and eat it right off the spoon, with absolutely no guilt! My restriction for the candy is that it has to be dark chocolate with 73% or higher natural cocoa. The link below is a pin…
  • I'm a runner, but when I was just beginning, I found running outside and truly enjoying the scenery kept it fun, having a buddy to talk to and motivate me kept me going, and good shoes made everything easier.
  • "Sweat more, ***** less." "Would you rather be covered in sweat at the gym or covered in clothes at the beach." Both of these help me, but mainly the first one, granted I'm pretty thick skinned. I also follow a lot of athletes on instagram and pin motivation on pinterest.
  • First off, good job! Never discredit the amount of work you are putting in. I'm seeing a lot of great stuff that people have already said, so I'll only add something I think is missing. Use measuring tape! By only using the scale, I didn't realize how much I am actually losing, which is really discouraging. With a combo of…
  • Hi Emma! First, good luck on your journey! In the past, I have found that My Fitness Pal is great as a starting point, because everything is pretty much broke down easily for you. Two things: it's good to have goals, such as the smaller sizes by December for your camp, but don't give yourself unreachable expectations. It…