TheTrophyWife Member


  • That certainly puts it into perspective. A loaf of bread per day! That will rock people's worlds!
  • In my case I think it's going to have be enough. I was trying to reset after making some bad choices. Not sure if I can follow through.
  • Today was my first day and I'm already sick of eggs. Breakfast was great; three scrambled eggs with butter. Lunch, not so much. I made the egg salad. I thought I was going to regurgitate. How will I make it through 5 days? This might be it.
  • I'm starting it tomorrow! I'm very egg-cited! LOL!
  • Do you have the actual link? I would love to share this with my friends who think I'm going to have a heart attack and go into kidney and liver failure.
  • Google fat bombs or search for the term on Pinterest. Flavored butters are a great way to add fat. And bacon. Lord knows I love the bacon!
  • *double take* I'm sorry. Did you just say you lost 113 lbs in 5 month and 28 days? Did I read that correctly? What the hell am I doing wrong?
  • No croutons. It was chicken salad, not a salad with chicken. I also read the label and they do add sugar to it when they make it. I wish there had been a nutritional label instead. I love knowing the ingredients but I also would love to know the nutritional breakdown. It would have saved me fifteen bucks.
  • HAHAHA! Bacon gets around! You can also add extracts to your cream to flavor it. Lemon is one of my favorite flavors and lemon cream is like.....I don't even know how to describe how crazy delicious it is! I'm drinking some now!
  • I air my grievances on Facebook. My friends look forward to my yearly rants about bad drivers and such. This year it was Festivus truths. I expect to be quoted often this upcoming year. LOL!
  • I figured they just used mayonnaise like regular people. LOL! It never occurred to me that they would use anything but mayonnaise. Now they sell the rotisserie chicken breasts by the pound and that bag was cheaper than the pre-made salad. I stood there contemplating and figured it would be cheaper to buy it pre-made.…
  • That's my kind of reward!
  • I gained about 4 lbs after this weekend. I was going to ask for a pep talk but I see that we're all in the same boat and it's been good for me to see people having the same struggle. I don't even like eating so my weekends get blown. I may eat a keto breakfast but all bets are off for the rest of the day. I've been stuck…
  • Dragonwolf, you are amazing! I didn't think it would be the exact same but there is no way to log it in MFP. It was a little under a cup and made for a very delicious snack. I did notice that the consistency was like skim milk, which I would never touch, and a small amount of the fat that got through. Are we friends yet?…
  • Megall, before I started keto, I was also intolerant to eggs. Someone told me to try Eggbeaters and that's where I started. I can eat them with no problems at all. Also, something in my body has changed because I can now eat real eggs without getting sick. I used to have eggs once every 6 months or so but now I have…
  • Any time that I've lost or gained weight I've kept my clothes out of paranoia. I've also had people who have lost weight give me clothes that were too big for them but also way too big for me (I was never a 32 but I have 32s). Now, I'm shopping in my own closet but I don't ever intend to go back. I'm packing up the 32s and…
  • That's a good point. Sometimes I try to repeat meals but my activity definitely doesn't get repeated.
  • The first day I completed my diary, it stated I would weigh 299 in five weeks. Next week is week 5. Currently my "broken" scale says I'm 305.1. Unless something really big happens, I don't think it's very accurate. Then again, I don't eat on weekends so that may affect my outcome.
  • Truelove, you had me at pork rinds! I am so going to try to make those!
  • Dan, If I am to believe the scale, I'm actually at 305.1. I think when I started using MFP again, I just started from my new weight which was in the 320s but I don't remember exactly. It took me forever to find where to log my weight so I just didn't bother to update that starting weight. My strength really has improved…
  • ERMEHGERD! I'm so glad the boards are back up! LOL! Thanks Baconslave. I don't want to quit but if we could just back down a bit or maybe find something else. I really don't believe there is much that I can do that won't hurt my joints and that will be effective. The treadmill is murder. The elliptical is death. I'm still…
  • I see what you're putting down but I don't think I'm ready to pick it up yet. My brain was apparently pretreated and soaked before it was washed! Physically I have come a long way. Yesterday I did 50 flights of stairs. If you had told me in January that I would be climbing 50 flights of stairs by December, I would have…
  • Dan! You are the man!
  • Dan, Thanks for putting that together! I really appreciate the abbreviations too. Now I know what everyone has been saying! LOL! So, I'm considering drinking my fat shakes until I feel like I need solid food. I can usually make a 16 oz shake last for a couple of hours plus I drink my BPC with it for breakfast. I'm also…
  • Thanks! ABrownGirl: My scale is seriously broken or the battery is dying anyway so... this feels like torture. LOL! I've been married to the scale for so long that I'm a bit uncomfortable not getting on it. The habit is going to break itself. I know I'm losing inches and this is how I judge it: if I can pull down my pants…
  • Dan, When I started out, I was at 330. I started in May trying to eat healthy and get moving. In the beginning it went well but very slow. I started seeing my trainer in July but I had managed to lose about 13 lbs on my own. I got a trainer because everyone says you have to exercise (create that calorie deficit!) and I…
  • Thanks for the advice. I think the biggest lesson I'm taking away from this is to not be so hard on myself especially when I decide to take a break. I can honestly say I don't have very many cravings but I do need breaks. This is a lot to take in, even with as easy as it is to eat this way. I was diagnosed as a disordered…
  • I'll leave out the mushrooms and hot sauce but the rest sounds delicious! Now I have to go find avocado oil.
  • Thanks. I guess I was worried about the color. I've used keto sticks before but I have never been that deep of a purple. I'm also going to try to increase my water intake. Some days I make it to 8 and some days it's just me and coffee.
  • That's her! Thanks for reminding me of the website. Going to go add it to my favorites now!