ftsolk Member


  • I did. I took the online screening and I'm not at risk for disordered eating. I don't have anorexia or bulimia, and I don't go on traditional binges. I've tried little things like intermittent fasting, but even on the rare occasions that I was able to combine it with sticking to a calorie goal, I gained weight in the…
  • Well, the hospitalization I obviously need isn't in the budget right now.
  • I'm not sure how stretching will help, but I'll try stretching more. I can't get into the meditation aspect of yoga because that aspect of taking a yoga class conflicts with my religious beliefs.
  • I've tried OA many times. I don't see the point. Granted, I only tried the online meetings because they seemed less intimidating. You aren't allowed to use full sentences (at least in the meetings I've been to), and there's never any feedback given. I feel like it's a bunch of robots echoing each other: "tyfs" "relates"…
  • I have the Beck Diet solution- both in paperback and on Audible. I must say, I'm not a fan. There's just something about the attitude I perceive that rubs me the wrong way. She seems condescending. Keeping index cards with reasons I want to lose weight on hand? I'm trying to get AWAY from obsessiveness. Sure, when I listen…
  • I'm not worried about what others think- especially since I know my friends support me. Sometimes- like when they refuse to offer me a slice of cake- I wish they'd support me a little less. I, personally, am just TIRED of it. I feel like I'm obsessing over food. But if I don't continue to obsess, I end up gaining weight.
  • The issue is that if I'm not preparing the food then I don't know how many calories (or points) I'm really eating. That means I'll probably end up hungry because I don't want to go over my calories and gain weight OR I'll say "screw it" and eat too much.
  • I don't think cooking up Aldi skillet meals from the freezer and/or microwaving frozen vegetables constitutes"an elaborate meal for a dinner party." Often, my dinners at friends' houses range from me being over and asked if I want to stay for dinner to "Hey, I'm going to be late getting home from work and my husband needs…
  • My friends have no problem with me bringing my own food and kitchen scale. I even have friends who will often not offer me dessert so they aren't tempting me. Sometimes, last-minute food situations can't be helped (like with the babysitting job earlier in the week; it was a last-minute thing). Of course, it's a little…
  • I think I could do ok with setting my MFP goal to losing 2 pounds per week (1,200 calories) and not counting fruit/veggies for now. I may need to tweak later, but that seems like an ok starting point. I do like the idea of having a weekly activity budget though. That'll be harder to replicate here.
  • If you are a current online subscriber (or Etools member) you can change the date on your computer to your next weigh-in date after December 6 to see the new plan.
  • I decided to take advantage of the SmartPoints preview and track my usual breakfast and lunch on Sundays: An applegate chicken apple sausage patty, slice of sharp cheddar, and an egg on an Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffin. That comes out to 10 points. On SmartPoints, it's 12. Lunch is often eaten at church (to avoid…
  • I may have to try something like that because I am not too happy with the new SmartPoints system coming out in a few days. I found a way to see what it's like, and I'm not a fan.
  • Meaning??? [/quote] If I go on my phone app or the website, I have different PointsPlus targets for the week because my app won't show my Fitbit activity points, but the website does. If I go on either of those platforms, my weekly points reset on Saturdays. On the mobile site, the points reset Sundays. There are a lot of…
  • I might have more than 1 serving left out of a recipe that feeds six if three of the people eating it are kids under the age of 8. Making it at home and bringing it there isn't an option. I have to go straight there after work (when I cook there, I drop things off before work) because I often am needed to babysit for an…
  • Besides, recipes never yield the amount they're supposed to.
  • I'm not really following a recipe. I'm just throwing whatever veggies I can find and some chicken into a crock pot. And it's my friend, her husband, and three kids eating it, so it's not like I can dish out two equal servings and then guestimate how many servings I have left. Which is why I figure it's easier to figure out…
  • I tried weighing my crockpot with water in it, and it was too heavy for my kitchen scale.
  • Of course not! They're telling us to track on paper until things get fixed
  • We were told today that they're looking at another 2+ weeks before everything is fixed. (And even then, some of the features might not be up and running). The new program is coming out in a little over a week.
  • I really wish I could combine the database and fitbit sync on this site with the weekly allowance and activity points of Weight Watcher and/or the calorie ranges of Sparkpeople. Honestly, I've done better on Sparkpeople than MFP, but the actual tracking on here is a LOT easier. I think having ranges makes a huge difference…
  • Because I don't really have the right to leave all of my stuff over there. I bought a POCKET scale for purposes of travel, but not for weighing large hot pots of soup. What if, in my rush to grab everything, I forget to pack my larger scale?
  • I have a little pocket scale, but it's not large or strong enough to fit a large crock-pot. I don't like lugging my home scale back and forth, so I bought a smaller scale for travel purposes. I cook at my friend's house quite a bit, but I usually stick with things like marinated chicken drumsticks. I'll take the weight of…
  • Ok, but what if I'm making this at my friend's house and only have my mini scale? That wouldn't work.
  • I'm ok with weighing and measuring most of what I eat when possible. I have a little pocket scale that I can use to weigh out portions if I'm at my friend's house for dinner, etc, and I'm pretty ok with estimating volume based on things like eyeballed portions (especially if I can use the bowls or plates as a reference…
  • I was not using "starving" in a literal sense, but in a figurative one. Besides, wouldn't trying to get around with eating more 0 point foods actually make me LESS hungry? I generally don't snack much between meals (I'm a 3 meal plus one after dinner dessert) kind of gal. I basically like to create an entree (whether it's…
  • I actually like Sparkpeople because it has a better database for "generic" foods- whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. If I search "apple" the first one is a USDA official entry. But this site is better for just about everything else. Though, I do like the idea of having a calorie range. I think the thing I like…
  • I just remembered an experiment I tried in the past, and it seemed to work well for me until I got lazy. I multiplied my daily points target by 34 and set my calorie goal on MFP to that. I also set my diary to "lightly active" and made sure it was set to lose 2 pounds per week. Then, I ate those calories and didn't track…
  • Maybe I'll give changing my diary around a try. I know that Mondays vary depending on whether I go to my friend's house or not (and who is preparing dinner- last week, her husband cooked a semi-modified Weight Watchers recipe). Wednesdays are also a tricky one since I never know if I'm going out or not until the last…
  • I want more than a 500 calorie deficit most days- which I'll definitely get if I eat my BMR, but on days I decide to go over my base goal. I want to make sure I'm eating my BMR every day, but I also know that I'll likely go over at times, and I want to know how far I can go over my BMR while still maintaining at least a…