

  • Yes, we can do it!! We just got to find a substitute that we can deal with..especially since we both love it so much!! We got this though!!! :smile:
  • Oh yes, it is definitely the bubbles. Sometimes I drink Pepsi and it's too sweet. But I keep drinking it because of that great bite! I've had two recommendations on Trader Joe's fizzy mineral water! It must be great! I will def check it out! And yup, I got a Trader Joe's just 5 min away!! Yay me!!! :smile: Thank you!!
  • Wow, another great suggestion! Yes, it is the bite that completely gets me. I'm def going to try that one out!!! TY!!!
  • Hello there!! My family and I just moved from Vegas and I miss it! Welcome!!!
    in new here Comment by kupo808 April 2011
  • @ Caerith: I'm trying to give it up altogether because I don't have the willpower yet to only drink some at a time...I'm so weak!! :embarassed: And I've heard that soda is a complete waste of calories. It's just sugar and serves no nutritional benefit. I figure if I can take small steps like eliminating soda, I'm on the…
  • Welcome!! I'm doing P90 too. Or, to be more specific, I was doing P90 until we moved three weeks ago! But, I plan to get my butt in gear again! It's great that you and your wife are doing this together. Best of luck to you both on your journey! Im new on here too, but if I can be of help, let me know..
  • Hello there! I'm new on here, so I'm not sure what I'm doing yet! But, I'll definitely be there as your "buddy"!! :smile:
    in Hi there! Comment by kupo808 April 2011