FatYellowDog Member


  • Hi, are we twins? I had this exact attitude. I actually made it 6 weeks into the Insanity workouts and then scrapped the entire thing and quit because I missed a workout on Thanksgiving last year. I know, it sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud! I'm totally a perfectionist and this is very hard for me also. If I don't…
  • In my experience, Fitbit isn't particularly good at tracking cardio if I'm not walking or running. If I do an activity that isn't tracked well by Fitbit (biking, workout DVD, treadmill, etc.), I enter it on the Fitbit site and let it cross over to MFP as part of the Fitbit sync. If you truly believe that your exercise…
  • Thanks for the clarification. Syncing with Fitbit makes my calorie goal change daily (I don't log additional exercise) and I've read a bit of conflicting info about what to do with those extra calories. It never ended up being much (100-200 extra calories, usually). Doesn't sound like much but that would definitely add up!
  • I worship my food scale and I am never without my Fitbit. The calorie burn always looked high, so I initially ate back half and eventually none at all. I'm sure my problem will be resolved with some patience and persistence. I was just curious how others had figured this little puzzle out in hopes that their experiences…