zassgirl Member


  • I am on week 8 of this program. I finished 60 days of Inanity and saw amazing results and went right into Jillians 90 day program. For anyone that is doing this, is there anyone else other than me who hasnt seen the scale go down? I have lost inches and fat and replaced with lean muscle which I am thrilled about. But…
  • I took a zumba class for a year and a half and loved every single second of it. I stopped because I was training for a military obstacle race and wanted to do the Insanity and Jillian Michaels Body revolution program. But I miss Zumba everyday. Feels more like a night out with the girls dancing rather than a work out!!
    in Zumba? Comment by zassgirl May 2012
  • Thank you SOOOO much for posting this. I too did insanity and am in week 6 of Jillian Michaels 90 day program and for me, the scale has gone up a full 10 pounds since I started day 1 of isanity (Jan 28). When i started to see the weight go up i freaked out but kept telling myself that I was doing the right thing because i…