frenchiep87 Member


  • Your story is very similar to mine. I'm 24, 5'2, have about 110 lbs to lose, and have PCOS & Endometriosis. Both which make it harder to lose weight and easier to gain it. I was on MFP regularly for about 8 months, then my work load increased by a good 15 hours a week, which completely killed my workout habits, healthy…
  • Ditto to all of the other posts on this forum. I've lost almost 80 lbs about 3 years with a relaxer and gained about 50 of it back :angry: (I know, it's a struggle). I've been natural for about 2 years so hair is no longer an issue. But I do agree that there is this myth, fear, misconception, whatever about black women and…
  • I absolutely agree. Please add me I will try my best to keep other accountable as well. Now if only I had that person with me at the gym giving me that extra (oh, wait. That's what a personal trainer is for. Too bad they are too dang expensive) :grumble:
  • My goal is to lose 100 lbs and I haven't done the best in finding a community for support. Add me!
  • It sounds like you have goals in your weight loss but don't necessarily have all the tools to take control of creating a healthy life for yourself. The fact that you said "I have no self control" is concerning because that is one of the main symptoms in regard to weight gain. My doctor and nutritionist have told me time…