Try using a mix of cayenne pepper, coffee and a dash of honey in the shower then massage in coconut oil when you get out. It won't help with muscle definition but will make the dimpled look go down hugely. I still can't believe how effective it is. PS the dry brushing thing works pretty well (though not as well) too, but I…
Didn't mention but the above for me has added about 15-20 minutes to my daily routine. I work in the coconut oil with my clarisonic (which I can't use on my face as it makes me break out). Personally I think it's more than worth it, especially since we're approaching summer!
Hello ladies! I would like to share my recent success. I don't personally think being slim has much to do with cellulite... I'm slim and always have been and I've always had cellulite. Lowering body fat does help and exercise is great for the shape of your legs but unless you get rid of all your fat you can't get rid of…