dolphin7 Member


  • Good afternoon, all! Spring is in the air, you may not hear from me much, the outdoors is beckoning me, even if it is to just mow the lawn. I love the sunshine! Took the kiddos skiing/snowboarding Friday night, and we all had so much fun, going to go again this Friday with hubby, he'll be off work, love getting outside and…
  • Good morning everyone!!! I was a bit busy yesterday, still am, but decided to check in. Welcome all newbies! Amy-you are doing a great job on the weight loss, I just realized we both have the same goal, my goal is 125 lbs., which is right in the middle of a healthy BMI for me. Good job! Kim-I hate it when the pukey monster…
  • Good "cold" morning everyone, our wintry feeling weather is back, after a whole weekend of 60º, it really sucks to be back with the below freezing and wind. So no outside landscaping yesterday or today, but I did get in a good 60 min. workout yesterday, arms are sore from boxing, lol Kat, great job on the bathroom, we…
  • Good Morning! We had awesome weather all weekend, curliegirl, we had our 60's, today looks like rain. So we started on our landscaping project, getting rid of all the sod in our front yard, we are replacing it with a stone path, and permabark, trying to get rid of sprinklers along the house to see if it will help with our…
  • Awesome, I went into a medium shirt about a year ago, and am very happy with wearing mediums, prior to that I was in extra-larges for years. It is such a great feeling, now If I could just get my bottom half, to follow. WTG!!!!
  • I agree with wonderwoman22, we invite friends over a lot of the time on weekends, because I like to cook, and they all love my food, and I don't overeat this way. Also something else that has helped me lose the first 34 lbs. (I'm halfway to my goal), is I do have one rest day on the weekend, because I normally workout…
  • TGIF!!!! I finally was able to workout for an hour yesterday and I felt great, I did 35 min. of kickboxing and 30 min. on the Elliptical, this was the type of stuff I was doing before I got sick, felt so good, and I'll be heading up to the slopes this weekend, either skiing or snowboarding, depending on which kids tag…
  • Trish, does this green tea extract have lots of caffeine in it? I have heard a bit about green tea to help boost metabolism, but not sure how it works exactly. I am caffeine sensitive, have to really watch my caffeine intake, I get migraines if I have too much. I have been doing this lifestyle change, purely by hard work,…
  • Just checking in, busy day ahead, as was yesterday, had a dental cleaning yesterday, I so HATE going to the dentist, I would much rather get my braces adjusted, but thats just me. I made it through teeth feel cleaner. Still waiting on hearing back from the teacher, but my daughter is not upset anymore, I'm beginning to…
  • I agree with Catherine, I bought a 2 L FIJI bottle because I liked the look of it and I keep it with me no matter where I go, outside, upstairs to fold laundry in the car, so its always there. And it is becoming habit. I tried the Crystal Light Stuff in the past, but I didn't really like the taste, and they made me feel…
  • OMG, so true, haha!
  • Wow Val, 1 hour of work, what are you doing? Extra money is always good. Yesterday was busy, today will be busy. But I was able to squeeze in 30 min. of kickboxing yesterday, I literally feel like I'm starting my whole working out completely over, from being sick. I feel like I have to work back up to where I was before I…
  • Same here, I've been trying everything, to get past this plateau, I'm beginning to wonder, maybe our bodies go in hibernate mode because of winter and try to hold onto all the fat, maybe we'll all get a burst and lose some weight as soon as spring hits!
  • Good Morning everyone! Hope all is well with you and yours. We had a great weekend, yesterday was almost 60º so we went on a short hike to see a waterfall with the kids out in the Owyhee Desert, sinus infection and all, really worked my leg muscles, going up to see the view. Kids had a blast, was great to get some Vitamin…
  • Thanks everyone for the well wishes, I'm trying. Nicole, I am right with you, same exact thing, fluctuating between 166 and 168 since September, I finally got down to 165 this week, but only because I am sick and got my braces adjusted on Monday, I've just been eating softer foods, and not much, I haven't quite figured out…
  • I constantly get asked how are you losing so much weight? When I tell them eating right and exercising regularly, they give me a weird look, like they don't believe that could be working, haha, I guess its our secret, eh?
  • Well its turned into a rough week, I somehow manged to get sick AGAIN, I am so tired of this, I have exhausted all my ideas on how to get better, we must just keep passing it back and forth in our house, which probably isn't that hard with 7 of us in the family, this time I caught my hubby's sinus cold, so, besides taking…
  • I love panko coating, I will have to try this, I wonder, it may be good for fish as well.
  • Hello everyone, well my Monday started out really well, then ended not so good. I did half my kickboxing video in the a.m. yesterday, did some shopping for clothes for the kids, then went to my orthodontics appointment and it went downhill from there. I had hands in my mouth for an hour, them working on my braces…
  • Happy Monday everyone, yep I said happy Monday, hopefully this week will be great for us all. Welcome newbies, this is a great support group, whether you need advice, need to vent, or just love reading about everyone. We had a busy weekend, and looks like the week is starting off busy as well, will be doing my kickboxing…
  • TGIF Everyone! It has been a great week! Kim-we remodeled our master bathroom over the summer, took us 4 long months to do it, but we finally finished it. We have 2 story house with all the bedrooms upstairs, and the laundry room was all the way downstairs, across the house next to the garage, with 7 people, trying to…
  • Good morning everyone! House issue is not as bad as we had thought, there is no standing water, and no mold, yeah! It is too damp down there though, so he suggested rain gutters to move the water outside better and to move the sprinklers away from the house by 2 feet, so we have lots of outside work to do when the ground…
  • cv, I hate working out in front of my hubby also, so when he's around we do other stuff, bike rides with the kids, snowboarding, something else to burn the calories, plus spending the time together, or I get up before he does that works. I feel your exhaustion, I have 5 kids and somedays I just drag, gets a bit easier as…
  • GM everyone. It is hard for me as well not to weight everyday, but I think I shouldn't because then I just obsess over the 2 lbs. up the 2 lbs. down. I am going to try and weigh once a week. Weatherman says 50º today but I seen on sun, it looks dreary here, was thinking of washing the car also, will have to see. I think…
  • Welcome val, I like how this group is laid back, there are no weigh-ins, just jot down what you want, its nice! Trish, all our Idaho Haystack are, is chili (homemade is better) atop some tortilla chips, then atop that load it with lettuce, tomato and onion, then if you prefer, some cheese, salsa and sour cream, really I…
  • Trish, forgot to mention my sister-in-law had a PT Cruiser, and she LOVED it, until her hubby wrecked it, she talked about getting another one, but funds were never there, hope you enjoy yours!
  • Hello everyone, I haven't logged in for a few days, just been busy, with work (if I forgot to mention it I work from home, doing mostly medical transcription and have been doing so for 11 years now), and kids had yesterday off, so we met the hubby for lunch. Today.....I used my Elliptical for 20 min., first time in exactly…
  • I am so trying to do that right now, I have 2 pairs of 14's that are a bit big, 1 pair of 12's that fit perfect right now, but dang it I want those size 10's. Thats awesome, I love it when I go down a size, makes you feel soooo good!
  • Well everyone is different, I know the first 30-40 lbs. I lost seemed to just fall off I couldn't believe it. Then I hit a plateau and have stayed there for months now, I've always heard losing the first half is easy, the last half is way hard. I think as long as you keep logging your food and exercising, making the right…
  • GM Everyone! I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, not coughing as much and my chest doesn't hurt so bad, I think I will be back to normal by Monday if I can take it easy until then. Next week temps are going to be in the 50's, I can't believe it for February weather that is so not normal for here,…