dolphin7 Member


  • Wow, so many new people, so much going on, welcome all newbies, I hope you enjoy posting and reading here as much as I do. Those kittens are the cutest ever! Great job everyone who has lost weight, I've lost a few pounds, down to my lowest in YEARS, yah!!!! I'm half way there, to my goal weight, I can't wait. I've still…
  • GM!!! Welcome all newbies, we are a great group to get to know, ask advice, and just be silly, enjoy! We had a great weekend, until Sunday night I came down with a nasty head cold, all day yesterday I pretty much slept on and off, and wouldn't you know it the one day I want to take a nap the 2 little one's do not, so they…
  • Ah, beautiful weather has finally arrived in good ol' Idaho, our weekend is going to be spectacular here, so planning lots of outdoor activities. Walked my kindergartner to school today, its about 1.5 miles round trip. Stuck the 2 little one's in a 1-seat stroller because our double broke, but it worked! I think I am going…
  • Hello everyone!!! I've been so busy lately I've only been able to check in once a week or so. It will be nice when summer break is here, and we can wind down for a bit. Trish, did I miss something, why are you going to NY? Dasha, welcome, its great to come here and read about everyone's successes and struggles. Amy, hope…
  • GM!!! Val, I'm glad you had fun on your trip, it does suck to be sick, the last 2 major trips we took with the kids, a couple of them were sick, but we all managed and ended up having good time. I cleaned up the downstairs yesterday, doesn't it feel good to have the house clean, even if its only for 15 min., til the kids…
  • WOW, I have been so busy this past week with working from home, yard work, and the kids, I've been trying to keep up with reading all your posts, just have never had time to respond. Trish-WTG on the weight loss, I bet your doc was so happy to see that, your doing great. Nicole and Shera-great job on your races,…
  • Okay, I'm here, busy week ahead, today is our only day of 70º weather, then rain for like 5 days, so we are heading outside to enjoy it. Hope all is well with everyone, I'll catch you all later :)
  • Wow, what a busy week for me, I've been checking in and reading the posts, but just haven't had time to comment. Tis the season (springtime!) to be so busy. Stacey, hopefully you have figured out your tummy problems, we try to limit dairy in our house, we have one that has asthma, and it seems to exacerbate his asthma, so…
  • Good Morning! Sunday and yesterday were not such great days for me, I came down with a nasty stomach bug, good thing it was only about 24 hours in length, I'm feeling better today, I just hope the rest of the fam doesn't get it. So I did nothing yesterday but laid on the couch and went to bed early. Today is our last day…
  • Wow, shoveling rock for 2 days, and we didn't buy enough to finish, oh boy, its a great workout though, and front yard is coming along. I am feeling better, keeping on top of AF, drinking tons of water seems to be helping, sore throat went away, could have been allergies, just the normal cramps right now, and sluggish, but…
  • Well headache is gone, now throat is sore, maybe it's a cold, couple of the kiddos were sick a week or so ago, so who knows, and AF showed up this morning. Joys! Sitting here waiting for the landscape company to deliver our rock for the front yard, then I get to shovel it all over the place, yeah, almost done with the…
  • Trish, no I haven't tried that before, I was told I needed extra B vitamins, and iron, which I try to remember to take, but I may look into the mag/pho. Headache finally went away after I had my cup of tea, I feel better. Time for pj's and some good ol' couch surfing.
  • Today is an off day for me......AF is coming anytime now, I have a headache, I am barely keeping at bay with Tylenol, its trying to turn into a migraine, so I'm doing everything I can so that it does not. Took a warm bath this morning, now I'm trying a cup of tea. So I chose no workout today, rest day. If I feel better…
  • Good afternoon!!!! Kim-I would maybe try walking, sometimes getting up and being active, wakes me up, but sometimes you also need to listen to your body and if your tired, your tired, no way around it, hopefully you can get back on track tomorrow. Trish-how are the hands, and glad to hear your trip went so well. Stacey, I…
  • Sweet Trish, on the weight loss, that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Stacey, I am working on my first full size quilt, well have been working on it for almost a year now, just can never find time, I almost have the top done, and have the flannel backing bought already, I just need to put it together and take it to town to get…
  • Wow Trish, I hope your hands feel better, can't be fun traveling either. Good luck at the show!!!!!! Not much going on around here, hubby made it home safe Wednesday night, all has been quiet. Just been busy with kid stuff, oldest daughter had tennis match last night, in the 45 mph wind, was not fun, tonight is soccer camp…
  • Wow, I love how everyone is so chatty, hearing about your lives, it makes me feel so much better, that we're basically all going through the same types of things on a daily basis. It's so great to come here and just vent, or praise ourselves :) Welcome all newbies, I hope you enjoy posting here as much as I do. Katie,…
  • WOW Trish, the bathroom is awesome, isn't it amazing, how just making a few changes, totally transforms the space. I bet you LOVE it!!!! Stacey, yep we went to Vegas, sorry, we did San Diego a few years ago, wanted something a bit different, I had thought of trying to meet up, but I knew we were going to be so busy, and…
  • Quick post, we're back from vacation, and had lots of fun, saw Mystere at Treasure Island, The Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay and went to Hoover Dam, kids had a blast!!! They can't wait for our next trip, maybe The Grand Canyon later this summer. With lots of walking and only 2 meals a day on vacation I was able to maintain my…
  • Ok this will probably be my last post until we get back from vacation, we leave tomorrow, and will be back late April 1st, but then its our anniversary that weekend, so will have "us" time while kids are at grandma's house, so I probably won't be able to check in until April 5th, WOW a long time, I will miss all you and…
  • Wow, Ladie's, I am so impressed withe everyone's successes, whether with this weight loss journey, or in your personal life (Stacey-fighting for your daughter). I just have to say WTG!!! To everyone. I think logging in here everyday, asking for advice, posting our successes and failures is helping us all tremendously. Took…
  • Great news, LOST 1 lb., YEAH for me!!!! Feel like I've finally made it over the hump, and past the plateau. Learned a few things: exercise more (cardio), don't count strength training as calories burned, and watch my portion control, lots of water. I've come to realize that I really think I will have to be a calorie…
  • Good afternoon, usually I check in, in the a.m. but was busy today. Got 55 min. workout in after breakfast, then babysat for a friend of mine. Now I'm eating some pineapple trying to eat back my exercise calories, I already know what I'm eating for dinner and still have 500 calories to eat. Hmm, maybe a treat, small cup of…
  • I just ate a bowl of Total Blueberry/Pomegranate and it was pretty good, plus it has 100% iron, which is what I need being anemic.
  • Welcome all newbies! I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. Just a recap---I'm a SAHM of 5, plus I work from my home office, so I know how busy life can get trying to get those workouts in. I wish you all luck! Trish-I think the sick monster is trying to come back to our house, and right before we leave for spring…
  • Good morning everyone! Welcome all newbies! This is a great support group, to help you keep on track. We started our landscaping of the front yard, to hopefully help with the drainage problem and too damp crawlspace, we dug up tons of sod, and tons of dirt. I think I have biceps again.............sore muscles, muscles I…
  • Yes, good morning, I'm still around, just been busy, I think its because of Spring! Lots to do, kids, work at home, etc, etc, etc. Today hubby and kids have the day off, were taking a lazy morning, the when g'ma gets off work she's picking up the little one's so the rest of us can go skiing/snowboarding YAH! Can't wait.…
  • It's hard for me to see old pics of myself, when I was skinny, (before kids-I have 5), and I feel the same way you do, when will I get down to my goal weight, will it ever happen. But I do know, because I've been working out regularly for almost 2 years now, I'm in great shape, even if I'm overweight, I CAN keep up with my…
  • Good morning everyone!!!! I've been feeling just a bit under the weather with Aunt Flo visiting, ugh, but I have still been working out which is a plus, can't wait till she leaves. Melissa you sound extremely busy.....hope all goes well, and I'm glad your able to stay under your calories even with making a Princess Cake,…
  • Good morning, we are on tap for a beautiful 65º weather today, YEAH! Yesterday I mowed the lawn and had to use the push mower, because the rider is ancient and I couldn't get it started, I burned over 500 calories but was so pooped, came inside took a bath, made dinner then relaxed. Trish, I'll post a pic in my profile of…