SAHM 3/22 - 3/28



  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Ok this will probably be my last post until we get back from vacation, we leave tomorrow, and will be back late April 1st, but then its our anniversary that weekend, so will have "us" time while kids are at grandma's house, so I probably won't be able to check in until April 5th, WOW a long time, I will miss all you and probably miss lots about you! I'm thinking of taking a small notepad and logging my calories everyday while on vacation, just to keep me on track a bit, it will be hard not having a computer to do this, (no free wifi), but I'm planning on eating very healthy. oldest wakes up 20 min., ago, says she's dying, has a fever, sore throat, runny, nose............Uh we leave tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. I may run her to the doc to make sure its not strep throat, or worse (the flu), I want to know what I'm dealing with before we pack 7 of us in a car for a 10 hour drive. Seriously, this happened 2 years ago, we took a spring break trip with the kids to San Diego, flew, and the day we leave, 2 kids came down with what I think was a mild flu, we had to go, tickets were non-refundable, beach house was non-refundable. Needless to say they hung in there, loaded up on meds while we were down there, all in all the trip turned out fun........only to come home, with me with the flu, and 2 days later my hubby was in the hospital on our anniversary having emergency surgery to get his appendix out. This feels like deja vu, I hope and pray she just has a little cold, the kids are SOOO excited to get away for a vacation, has been 2 years.

    On a good note, though, I worked out real hard this week, stayed under my calories, not sure how much exercise I will get on our trip, I'm going to try and wake up before everyone and use the hotels gym, but we will see. I hope everyone has a great week!!!!!

    And Nicole
    Good Luck, Good Luck, Good Luck, I'm going to come back and read the post so I can see how you did on your run, I hope you have a great time!

    Will talk to you all when we get back!!!!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't know if Grace is sick or teething. She's still snotty, a week later, and coughing, and feverish. We called the after hours nurse last night & she said we could give her double dose of baby tylenol. Poor Grace was not a happy camper yesterday, and was screaming like a 3 week old at about 10 pm. I felt sorry for her, and it's frustrating when you don't know what to do, and anything you do do is of little comfort. Mid-day yesterday I started getting sick. It's just in my head though. The rest of me feels okay, I just want someone to saw my head off. If I lay down, and not move a whole lot, I feel lots better.
    My happy notes are that yesterday was payday, and I'm down to 202 today...
    Goal for the day: drink at least 90 oz of water. Water tastes terrible to me when I'm sick, so 90 is going to be an uphill battle. Guess I'll be chug a lugging crystal light today.
    I was going to have a candy apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory yesterday, but I think I'll wait till I'm better & can actually enjoy it now.

    Everyone get outside in the nice weather, enjoy it, and STAY HEALTHY!

    Good luck on your race today, Nicole, I know you'll do great.
  • blessdmomof4
    Trish - maybe its her ears. Sometimes w/ teething or a cold they get blocked up and infected. A little garlic oil on a cotton ball on her ears might help. Hope she feels better.

    Dophin- have a terrific time on your vaca and I hope everyone is feeling better in your house too!

    Doing this low carb things has been good but I'm having a hard time staying under on fat. Today I was way over on fat and protein but way under on carbs and calories. I was even under on sugar. I think that has happened twice since I started. It's all good fats, like eggs, cheese, nuts, meats etc. but I don't like going over. How can I possibly lose fat if I eat more fat than I need?!

    I took the 1/2 way point pictures. It was really hard for me. They are so awful. I consider myself photogenic and I'm not camera shy generally but it was a different story in spandex :laugh:

    I hope you are all having a great weekend!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    we had our moms of multiples spring picnic today, and i was in charged, we ahve spent most the week shopping and today we had to get the last of the food from walmart, i do need to say it went awesomely. the trips were great, they loved the egg hunt. i am beat and since i did not ahve time to sit and eat, i picked on the honey bbq chicken, and ate way to much which seems to be the norm every few days around here, and i am sure you guys are sick of hearing that.

    won't get exercise in today, but that is ok, i did not sit much today and the ankles really hurt, so exercise tomorrow, and then church for palm sunday and if the rain holds up i have a tennis match whcih is easy calorie burnign. i need to clean, it is such a mess in here, but i am beat, so i am giving myself till 9, then 45 on of cleaning and then i get 15 to play on the computer.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    ok.....Let me just say that I have run in quite a few races, ran in different parts of the world, competed in triathlons that the scenery was awesome...BUT NOTHING COMPARES to running in the redwoods! It was breathtaking....We ran on a dirt/muddy road right through the redwoods...sunny, 55 degrees...perfect! Now....the raving is done with the scenery because my run itself was poopy. Let's chalk it up to alot of things...first...last night I didn't sleep well, nor did I the night before....I was nervous...not sure why...I usually dont' get nervous before races. Third...a started out way too fast...ugh ....I know better....and the biggest pet peeve of mine is when they don't have bathrooms at the start...which they didn't and I really had to I held it...big mistake! Here's the funny part...towards the end of the race I finally said ...ok...I gotta get rid of this pee..since I had started to pee myself...I was other runners around me at this I duck to the one side of a tree....the side away fro mthe runners behind me..started to pee...and wouldnt' you know a soon as I started....a car comes from the direction of the side I was I tried to pull up my panst and stop peeing at the same time...and peed all over my pants!!! I waited until the car passed and I tried to pee again and I couldn't!!!! I guess I scared it away!!! I don't even know my exact time Somewhere around 10 min miles. I forgot to stop my watch right away....turtle pace,...I will check it out on the website tomorrow. Not happy with my time though.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, the fact that you finished is a good achievement. Running anything longer than a 5k is something I aspire to, so wtg!

    Welcome to the group, Nic. Why don't you tell us more about yourself :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! lotsa reading--
    wtg nicole!! you did it!! that's what counts. i'm so impressed by what you have accomplished these last few months! (and your pee story had me laughing!!)

    trish--sorry that grace still isn't herself. i hope she improves.
    dolphin--you've probably left on your trip already--but safe journeys.
    val,, i hope everyone recovers soon. rough week.
    melissa, i'm glad you took pics. you will be so glad to see later how incredible you look!

    welcome nik! and i'm sure i've left out....but hope everyone is having a great day!

    tomorrow is passover so i am cooking cooking cooking today. il's coming in town today to stay for seder tomorrow night. i've got the chkn soup done and the potato kugel (casserole) is in the oven. i still have to make the matza balls and tidy up the house 2nite. and i could use a shower. thought i'd get a workout in, but iffy now b/c grating potatoes took way longer than i planned.
    maybe dh will take kids with him and il's to dinner tonight and leave me at home to exercise. :)

    chk back later!! you ladies are always on my mind/in my head....:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    melissa and trish--i need help with my digestive system. the stress in my world has settled in my middle.
    sleep disturbances, gorge eating--espec high carb hi sugar, and things are not settling/moving along. even with lots of water. also i'm sure my irregular exercise habits are adding to the prob too. i get plenty of fiber

    suggestions?? what's that cleanse you were talking abt trish? i can't take something with st john's wort tho b/c i already take antidepressants.
    and melissa, you said you weren't crazy about the jillian one? what don't you like abt it? is it you with the sil who's a trainer? was this something she recommended?
    i'm usually anti-cleanse, to be completely honest. but my system is just so out of whack from these last several weeks.
    so i would really appreciate your advice.

    thank you so much. i'm really struggling rt now.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just a funny update--potato kugel turned out GROSSSSSSSSS

    i had a tiny bite, cdn't even swallow it cuz it was so disgusting! so into the garbage can it went. no redeeming it.
    if we decide to still have it, hubby will buy the boxed kind.

    oh well. i don't mind trying new things. the rest of the meal will be yummy!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- really quick..I am planting more trees but came in for lunch....cascara sagrada will get you moving if that is what you are looking for...or there is a tea called smooth move by traditional medicine that works great too! :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, the only cleanse I use is my chiropractor. He pushes on my colon real hard & it cleans me out right quick. He did prescribe some natural digestive supplements though. One of them is GB-Plus. The system six stuff I take is just a metabolism booster & mood stabilizer.
    It will also help if you eliminate a few things from your diet (which is hard, I know), like milk, and the goodies that have been plaguing you lately. Sorry your kugel didn't turn out so great.

    Grace still has snot rockets, I'm feeling a little better, but I think Andy is getting sick now. Well if he's sick & stays home tomorrow it means I get to go to the gym during the day, so that's a plus.
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    I was ecstatic this morning thinking I was down 0.5kg... then remembered I got my hair cut yesterday. LOL

    I think, I must be down some cos there can't have been that much hair, I keep it reasonably short It wasn't like I shaved off butt-length hair or something

    My parcel-weighing scales here at work put me on 77.6 with clothes. They seem to weigh about 2% higher than my ones at home. I'll try and weigh tomorrow morning at home.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    ETA: has anyone done any of the bootcamp workouts on SparkPeople? I was just watching one, might give it a go when I finish work.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sassy, if you got a hair cut, then I'm thoroughly convinced you lost .5k! I always feel like the weight of the world comes off my shoulders when I get my "ears lowered" ;)
    I really think a positive/happy attitude leads to less stress, and less stress leads less weight. Feeling great makes me happy. Hair cuts make me feel great. How 'bout you?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks trish and nicole. i'm gonna look them up. i know you're right, trish....tonight i stuck with grilled chkn breast and salad (and dressing as added by me) at tgi friday's. not even a taste of dessert!--and there were 3 diff options on the table. ugh!

    but i know tomorrow's festive meal is caloric and dense so wd rather eat that.
    and......i stayed at just about 1400 cals today!!!!! first time in ages upon ages!!!!!

    girls, i hear you in my head cheering me on each time i have a choice to make. you really make a difference!

    congrats sassy! and i agree with trish--haircuts make me feel cute and spunky which must = lighter. hehe

    time to make the matza balls....have a wonderful evening!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Way to go for sticking to just the meal, Stacey! I'm proud of you.

    Last night at a Primary training meeting, they had tiny chocolate cupcakes. I could smell them across the room. After the meeting, I looked at the nutritional info on the back of the box. 1 cupcake (half the size of my thumb) was 100 calories. "Oh my GOSH!" I said, and the other leaders all asked "what?" and I started laughing "1 of these is, like, half my lunch in calories!"
    I took one home to hubby & baby, but none for me, no thank you!

    If I'm going to have 100 calories, it better look like 100 calories, kwim?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    link over to this week

    and thanks trish!! good job on passing up that cupcake. how true, how true....