SAHM 3/22 - 3/28



  • lilay
    lilay Posts: 122
    Hi everyone I would like to join this group. I am a SAHM to my 2.5 year old daughter and my 13 month old son.
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome all newbies! I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. Just a recap---I'm a SAHM of 5, plus I work from my home office, so I know how busy life can get trying to get those workouts in. I wish you all luck!

    Trish-I think the sick monster is trying to come back to our house, and right before we leave for spring break vacation, my oldest has the sniffles, my oldest son had the stomach flu on Sunday, he's better today, hopefully we will all be good before we take off on Sunday. Two years ago we went on a spring trip to San Diego with the kids, and half of them were sick, with the flu, was not that great of a trip, do not want to repeat!

    Nicole-I bought some shorts last summer, that were too tight, I haven't tried them on yet this year, haven't had the hot weather yet, but I'm anxious, just to see. That's an awesome milestone to cross!

    Yesterday was an unexpected rest for me, was so busy outside all weekend, I was too sore to workout, feeling better today.
    Goals for today-drink that water, some days I do good, some days not so good.
    Stay under calories.
    1 hour workout.
    Enjoy the day!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Kim ~ It's part of Turbo Jams with Chalean Johnson, I did the Turbo Sculpt and the 20 minute workout. I have 20 different workout videos because I get bored easily! LOL

    Nicole ~ Wohoo on your shorts!! I just packed mine away into a bag to give to good will..they were all too big!

    Lilay ~ Welcome tot he group, these ladies are wonderful! I have a 3.5 old and 21 month old boys :smile:

    Just got back from the pediatrician, Alex has been running a fever and throwing up off an on since Friday. Doc took a throat swab, he has puss all over his tonsils :( I feel bad for waiting so long, although it could be negative since it is rare for 3 year olds to have strep. But if it is negative, I hate that we have to wait 3 more days of fevers (if it doesn't go away) before he will look for something else that could be wrong with him...I just hope he feels better soon!

    So, hopefully I'll get a workout in...thinking of No More Trouble Zones and a quick run when my husband gets home from work :) Don't know if it will actually happen, so I am not sure if I should eat the calories like I'm going to do it, KWIM?
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    ***warning*** big sulking rant follows, feel free to ignore

    Ugh I had an awful day yesterday.

    I drank next to nothing (half a bottle of disgusting tap water at work, some juice/water at dinner and a cup of rooibos in the evening - only about 30oz all up)
    I ate 6, yes SIX chocolate cookie things that are bang on 100 cals each. To make matters worse that was it for breakfast and lunch.
    Then I was so hungry by about 3.30pm that I ate two peanut butter sandwiches, and a bunch of rice crackers with cream cheese on (not even light).
    THEN at dinner time I wasn't hungry any more so picked and hardly ate any of my nutritious balanced dinner.
    Drank a glass of orange juice, AT LEAST I watered it down 50/50
    THEN was hungry again about 7.30 and ate leftover chocolate pudding and cream.

    OH and did i mention thanks to all that I'm apparently up another 0.3kg today? :grumble: I know its not "real" weight, but its still mightly distressing. And I KNOW its only my own fault that I'm sitting here with my jeans unbuttoned because I'm so bloated.

    I was probably still around my calorie goal cos I get 1530, was definitely under maintenance of 2000, but still NOT a successful day! Fail Fail Fail.

    I've got a massive day ahead of me at work today because we've got a sale on this week and I haven't plucked up enough courage to look at the banking to see how many orders I have to dispatch today yet and I've already been here an hour...

    RIGHT today:
    I'm drinking 2.25 litres of water before I go home, then another 1.5l at LEAST at home tonight
    I'm going to eat a filling lunch so I don't turn into the fridge monster an hour before dinner.
    I'm going to the grocery store after school to get some items to make myself some good filling lunches to bring to work. I'm a carbs girl so I'm just going to actually embrace that and say screw it if I go 100-200 cal over if it at least means I'm eating a filling and satisfying lunch
    I'm making a healthy dinner - with as little salt in it that I can manage!
    Do some exercise

    I hope those of you with sick kiddies all have them get better soon. It must be the change in seasons, Springtime here always seems to bring out the sniffles too

    I often have the same dilemma with exercise planning too Katie - I say, I'm going to do this tonight so I'll plan to eat this, then it doesn't happen. BUT I'm on 1530 a day so can kind of get away with not eating my exercise so try to not bank on doing anything if that makes sense, as it doens't put me hugely under 1200, And just have like a juice or something when I finish to bump it up if I feel I need to.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I think I'm going to join this group! I'm a stay at home Mom to a 5 1/2 month old boy...I also watch 2 other babies through out the week. A 2 month old and another 5 1/2 month old. Because of this, i find it hard to get work outs in. When the kiddos are asleep ( lucky if they all sleep at the same time!), the last thing I want to do is workout....I want to RELAX! It's just way easier to NOT work out than it is to do so.
    My goals will be to get atleast 40 min. work out a day. 20 min. of cardio and 20 min. of strength. Maybe try to sneak a walk in after the kiddos go home.
    LOTS more water and fiber.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey ladies!Welcome all of the newbies! Lilay, Kristen, everyone from yesterday!

    Sassy- Its ok! we have those days! ((hugs)) :flowerforyou: You know what you did, it's in the past, and you jsut move forward from here!

    Dolphin- Sometimes we just need those rest days! It was good that you listened to your body!

    Katie- I hope your little one is ok!!! I know what you mean about the exercise cals...If I am banking on exercise, I do try to eat some of them before hand, so I am not having a 1000 cal dinner, but my dinner does usually end up being bigger...just in case I do get in the exercise and I don't...does that make sense?

    I am also excited today- my heart rateavg was 163 during my 5 mile run, even with a sprint workout in the middle!!!! I have been averaging higher!!! YAY! I am finally getting into shape!! even if the pesky scale isn't moving, I am going to find these daily accomplishments for myself! TAKE THAT STUPID SCALE!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You tell 'em, Nicole! Show that scale who's boss!

    Mustering up gumption to pick up living room so I can do Wii Biggest Loser workout. Blah. Will have 76 oz of water down the hatch after lunch. Been averaging 150 the last few days. Ah, the miracle of crystal light!

    Going in to hubby's work again tonight for a shower. At least that's my excuse. The real reason is that there's a Ben & Jerrys by his work, and today is free scoop day!! I've already factored it in to my allowance for the day, which is why I HAVE to do Wii BL. I'd rather just nap.

    If Andy still hasn't gotten tile done in bathroom by Friday, I will use showering at his work place as an excuse to go to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I went to the one by us last night & got a chocolate covered smore. It wasn't very big at all, and I only had about half of it. I brought it home & asked Andy if he would like a BITE. The man ate the whole thing! I was so sad. I told him I was going to make it last me a couple days. So now I feel he owes me a treat and Friday is payday.

    Is it bad to feel guilty about indulging? My grandmother had a magnet on her fridge that said "Those who indulge, BULGE". I think about it when I'm about to eat something I shouldn't. Maybe it is just AF this week, but I'm craving the worst stuff (cheeseburgers, soda pop, junk food...)
    Trying to avoid taking the first step down a slippery path.

    Ok, off to do Wii BL and then have lunch.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- I feel guilty about indulging all of the time!!!!! You have your grandma's magnet in your head, and I have the old saying min my head, "moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips!" You deserve it though Trish, you work so hard, and we are not perfect. if yo ugive into your cravings everyonce in a while, it's ok! It is real life and these will come at you for the rest of your life, and now is when you are teaching yourself that is' ok to have some, but I don't need to eat the whole pie today like I used to!!!! As I am telling you this I am telling myself too!:flowerforyou: I am saving up my cheats for when we go to Jamaica! Can you believe it's 2 1/2 weeks away?????
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Jamaica... Nicole, DON'T RUB IT IN! LOL

    I would love to go back to Jamaica. It was very pretty.

    Andy has agreed to letting me have a treat on Friday. I told him the three of us can split a candy apple. I wanted one last night, but didn't have enough for one.

    Moment of the day: I just converted Grace's crib into a day bed ALL BY MYSELF! I'm da wo-MAN! Grace is giddy over this. She can get in and out of bed all by herself. She's a TV junkie and has even abandoned her TV for her new big girl bed. She keeps coming out to the livingroom to retrieve her plush friends and take them back to her bed.
    Obviously this getting in and out of bed is going to backfire. It's inevitable. It's one of those parenting moments that seemed like a good idea at the time, but goes horribly wrong down the road. Gotta love adventures in Momhood!

    Anyway, need to get dinner started. Eating early, then taking Andy his portion, which he'll eat while Grace & I will shower. Then we can go window shopping and get Ben & Jerrys! It's going to be a nice night.

    106 oz down the hatch now. Yum!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    Thanks Ladies my little one is doing much better. She is gaining weight again and is pretty much back to her normal happy self.

    Nicolee - Thats great about the shorts. I bought a pair of jeans a couple of weeks ago and they are already loose. Don't you love it.

    Welcome to the newbiees too (I'm still a newbiee myself lol)

    Dolphin hope the sickies stay away we finally got them out of our house

    Katie - hope your little guy gets better soon. So hard when the little ones are sick

    Sarah - sorry about your bad day, we all have them, forget about it and move on :)

    Kristen - sounds like your busy two 5 1/2 month olds and a 2 month old!! wow thats like triplets... I think taking care of that many is probably a workout in itself.

    I decided to do level 3 of the SHRED to mix it up a little. Seemed to go faster since I didn't know what to exspect... gotta love that.

    well little one is up from her late nap.. will have to catch up later
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    1.5 litres down, 0.75 and 3 hours to go! Might even get an extra bottle in before I go home at this rate!

    I'm dumping this stuff called Vita Quench in it - its a low (4.5 per 0.75l bottle) cal water flavouring powder sticks thing, had B and C vitamins added too. I guess along the same lines as your Crystal Light stuff. It makes the water so much easier!

    I didn't have any with me yesterday which I think is why I just couldn't drink anything.

    ETA: Thanks Kim, I will more forward! Yes I will! :happy:
    (might try and not forget it entirely though, maybe remembering will help stop me doing the same thing again!)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Kristen ~ Welcome to the group!! Love all the new girls coming in :smile:

    Nicole ~ My friend just got back from Jamaica today! Hope you have a blast! And Great job on the run today, I did 5 miles and my average HR was in the 170s...I blame it on the wind though :wink:

    Trish ~ I don't feel guilty for indulging, and I do it at least once a week, but I only do it once...I will not let it derail me! Yikes for a big girl bed already! I'm not changing Carter over until we move LOL How old is Grace again?

    So I did two workouts today, I danced around to music and did some squats and leg lifts in between. And then I went for a run when hubby got home. Uffda!! The wind was brutal tonight, not to mention it was 75 was so HOT. I'm so used to running in the 40s and 50s...thank goodness for my new running skirt! But I did accomplish 5 miles in 55 minutes, so I am happy with that :drinker: Now I'm off to have a beer and take a bath
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Katie- The fact that it was hot would why your heart rate was elevated!!! Iit happens to me all of the time, especially when I am not used to the heat.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok, so I can't remember how to post a pic, so I have a pictrue of my peeps in my profile. We have 10 little ladies for some down home eggs!

    Trish- Booya on the bed!!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Grace is 20 months old. I mainly wanted to see what she'd do if we took the crib rail off. I'm probably gonna be banging my head against the wall tonight, LOL.

    At hubby's work right now. Just had nice hot shower with Grace a little bit ago. Waiting for Andy to finish his dinner so we can go window shopping and see if we can get a free scoop at Ben & Jerrys :)
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Ahhh, I remember converting my kids' cribs into transitional beds! I remember spending time sitting on their floors leaning over their beds so they would actually fall asleep instead of continually getting out of bed. Fun nights! Trish, don't get discouraged. I think it was only about 2 nights with each child. And Will has always been my good sleeper, so it didn't take nearly as long for him to fall asleep. Great job on converting the bed yourself! :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    wow! so much has been said--welcome to the new folks! this is a GREAT group of women.

    i did pretty ok with my food today. only 1 piece of pizza and 1 danish cookie (from xmas tin). we had my dh's aunt and uncle here for dinner. we haven't seen them in years--and they were so tolerant of my LOUD children. :)

    nicole and katie--amazing on those runs
    and trish, i agree with everyone else on "indulgences." they're fine as long as they're not all the time. that was the problem i got into these past cpl months--daily and large quantities. i think it's wonderful how you plan ahead and pick exactly what is appealing rather than eating just any ol' garbage cuz it's there. kwim?
    and good luck with teh bed--our little guy is in a bed and often gets out a lot. we just keep at it. tonight i offered him a prize if he stayed in....last time the prize was a marshmallow--which he promptly tossed aside. "pwize? this is not pwize!" oh well. he stayed in his bed and that's all i cared abt! hehe

    alright, i want to turn in early tonight. i feel like i got a lot done--and yet my short list still seems long (and unchecked). hmmm
    chk y'all in the AM--
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Time to go make my lunch for tomorrow, then bed.

    i managed 3.25 litres today - half a litre short of my goal. Will see what effect its had in the morning.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    GM Ladies!! :)

    Trish ~ I knew she was around Carter's age, I just couldn't remember.
    Nicole ~ after you upload them to photobucket or tinypic use the [IMG]codes, but change IMG to lowercase letters I know I shouldn't have, but I stepped on the scale and I am down another 1.5 since Friday! 10 more pounds to go...can't believe I'm in the home stretch!! And here's some half way pics:[/img]349b3tx.jpg
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wow Katie! That is awesome! You can see that you have lost everywhere!!!!! I will have to try to upload the pics again....arrggghhh...I think i make it harder than what it is!

    Stacey- I like the ideas of prizes for staying in bed!

    Today- a fun run of 3.5 miles and some field drills with Kyle! The schools are on spring break around here and so he has to do his track workout at home! Of to eat some breakfast!

    trish- How was the Ben and Jerry's?