SAHM 3/22 - 3/28

Hi everyone! We are a great group of stay at home mom's that share our life experiences with each other through our weight loss journey. We don't have any official weigh in's or challenges, but are here to encourage and support each other. We welcome newcomers!


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    GM! thanks trish for getting this week started! hope grace is feeling better--and that you have a car today. :)

    goals this week--drink 50oz h20
    stay to 1500 cals per day MAX
    follow exer plan

    hope everyone has a great start to their week!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend! I worked on taxes yesterday...ugh....not quite done yet....after my 10 mile long run....that didn't go very hot...oh well:ohwell: I have my 15k race in the redwoods this sat, so I am excited about that...I don't know how fast I will be, but I know that I will at least finish it!:tongue:

    Goals for today....Drink my h20 and do an exercise video.
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    Awesome! I need a group like this!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    I'm new to joining :D
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I would love to join this group.... I am a sort of sahm. :o) I work as a substitute teacher so, while I do work outside of my home, it is only as needed... some weeks are busier than others.

    My son's 2nd birthday is today. We had his party yesterday and it was wonderful! :o) I made diet cupcakes and had an ice cream sundae bar (with ice cream as well as sherbet!) Lots of fun! :o)

    Today I will be:
    Doing my 30 day shred DVD
    Drinking all of my water (64 oz)
    Staying at or under my 1500 calories :0)
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning everyone! Welcome all newbies! This is a great support group, to help you keep on track.

    We started our landscaping of the front yard, to hopefully help with the drainage problem and too damp crawlspace, we dug up tons of sod, and tons of dirt. I think I have biceps again.............sore muscles, muscles I never thought I had, I think I burned a ton of calories over the weekend, and tried to eat good. I'm anxious to weigh this morning, see if I'm down any.

    Nicole, where exactly in the Redwoods are you running? Me and my family met for a camping trip in the Redwood last August, and loved it. So beautiful!!!! We spent some time at the beach also in Crescent City. Was a great trip. Good luck on your race!

    How is everyone else? Hopefully you all had a great weekend.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I'm back after the weekend. I didn't go anywhere out of town, just stayed busy. I had a whole lot of sodium in my diet at the end of the week last week, so that when I weighed in on Saturday morning, I was at 159 :noway: after weighing 156.5 on Tuesday morning! So I started drinking more water & eating much less sodium and got back on the scale this morning at 157. I officially weigh in tomorrow morning, so I feel confident that I can lose that half lb and possibly a bit more by then!

    Welcome MizVandyk, Jesyka, and Elysant! :flowerforyou: This is a great group of ladies who really understand how hard it can be to juggle time for the family and time to take care of yourself.

    Elysant - I'm a sort of SAHM too. I was full-time SAHM until 2.5 yrs ago when I went back to work 10 hrs a week as our church secretary. I now work M-F 9a-1p, so I'm home when they leave for school & home when I pick them up. I love my schedule!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, thanks for your good thoughts. Andy just got home after being at work pretty much 24 hours. So I do have the car today. Unfortunately, Grace was up coughing all night and is pretty darn miserable this morning and letting us know it. I'm SO drugging her at nap time so she sleeps! This random breaking out into sobbing is silly. I'm a mean mom. Just when this much whining would get to anyone else, I start laughing.

    Going for my run during Grace's nap, going to do more speed work. Already got 46 oz down the hatch for the day, another 16 at the gym, 60 with lunch & dinner, and probably another 30 by bed. Had a giant 1.5 lb drop this morning thanks to the insane amount of water I drank last night. I'm digging it! I wanted to be at 198 tomorrow (my 1/2 birthday), but at this point I just want to be 198, period! Then when I reach 192, I'll officially be half way to my goal!

    Special welcome to ely, jes, and miz!
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Hi all! Back here after a CRAZY busy weekend. Welcome to all the newbies--AWESOME group here. They really encourage you & we like to know more about you & your kidos so feel free to share!

    Can't remember who asked--I am on 1 lb a week but seems like it is more like 1/2 lb a week :) Calories are 1360--just couldn't do the 1200--more when I get my intervals in on MWF. I am all for making it a lifetime change and not a fast loss. I have been frustrated lately but the scale not moving but I am seeing results in the way my body feels so that is okay. I have more energy, the love handles are smaller and that is a great thing too. The scale is maintaining so that means more muscle I guess & less fat. :happy:

    Let's all have an awesome week! Drink your water, get your exercise in & don't beat yourself up if you mess up a day--just start over the next day!

    Goalsf for today/week

    Water--at least 8 glasses a day
    Walk/jog 3X
    Need to do my strength training--haven't been doing this at all--new habit on my non exercise days. :grumble:
    Get some housework done
    Grade papers & log hours(we homeschool)

    Happy Monday--Kim
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    WOW! Ya'll will keep me super motivated! I try to fit in as much working out as possible...I have an almost 8 year old son Jonathan and an almost 2 year old daughter Karli...We were on Spring break last week so that threw me waaaaay off...had visitors over the weekend and ate way too much bad stuff..but it was soooooooo good! (OOPS) I need to go buy a new scale...realized mine is off by about 9lbs (or I think it is) any suggestions on a good not too expensive one?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Sassy ~ I only weigh myself in the morning, completely naked and after I have gone pee! I find it better to do it at the same time and under the same circumstance, I'm usually a couple pounds heavier at night.

    Val ~ YEAHHHHH!!! SKinny Jeans!!! COngrats!!

    Nicole ~ Sorry your run didn't go better, but great job on getting done!

    Welcome to MizVandyk, Jesyka, and Elysant!

    Happy Birthday to your son Tara!

    Vandy ~ I think any scale would be fine, as long as that's the scale you use consistently!

    I signed up for 2 5ks this weekend! LOL One is a fun run on base on April 10, and one is a leg for the OKC Memorial Marathon relay! The other girls I am running with have all helped me one way or another along my weight-loss/getting healthy journey. I'm so very excited!!

    I'm still debating on my workout today, I know I should, but with a sick kiddo, I just don't feel like it. I really wanna go for a run...but hate pushing the jogger...ugh...send me some motivation please!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    katie, do what I do: have sitter come over during nap time, and get the workout done then. I find I'm not only carefree during this period, but I push a little harder to make sure I get a good workout in and hurry home before kid gets up. I know I'm always willing to babysit kids for an hour if they're sleeping!
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Yup I weigh first thing in the morning, while I'm waiting for the shower to hot up.

    OK I'm reading about sodium and water and all. And to be honest, I did probably have a lot of sodium over the weekend and yesterday even tho I stayed under cals. Bacon for breakfast, chinese last night I guess is full of sodium (no msg at this place at least) even though i had dishes full of veges. I'm going to have to keep a really close eye on that and see what happens. Something is causing the fluctuations and it can't possibly be actual weight gain. There's no way I ate enough to have 'gained' 1kg in 3 days! that's 3500 extra calories a day over my 1500!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Hey Katie why don't you try jumping rope? You can just do it outside while the kids play around you, or naptime, or even jump with you! It's really good cardio.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sassy, sounds like sodium to me. I don't know how the nutrition fares in restaurants over there, but here in the states most restaurants are awful with sodium. It doesn't matter if it's loaded with veggies or not, eating out is just bad news unless you plan for it and fit the sodium into your diet for the day.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    Hi all.

    so my goal this week is to try to keep up with all you ladies, lol its been a while since I posted on this thread.

    Lifes just been a little crazy, my little one was sick for a few weeks then ended up in the hospital on IV fo r48 hours, life seems to be finally getting back to "normal"

    I just got my Wii and Wii fit plus. I've been having fun with it, just doesn't feel like I burn calories with it like I do with Jillians SHRED video. I have found muscels that I didn't know I had though LOL. I'm curious how many lbs I'll actually loose with it or if it will be more inches? anyone know from using theres?

    Trish I love that you get a babysitter during nap time. What a GREAT idea.

    So I'll try to pop in here more often and keep up with you ladies. ;)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Ugh, Kim, sorry to hear about your LO in hospital. That is no fun. I haven't been a mom very long, but I can't imagine much more heartache than a baby (even if they're you're 22 year old baby) in the hospital!

    Katie & Nicole, I have your motivation to run today: Chubby chick here ran a 6.5 mph interval. If I can do it, YOU can do an easy run!

    Getting a sitter at nap time is probably the least stressful way to go. How could anyone not want to just watch TV/play on internet for half hour or so and relax while kid sleeps & parents are out getting their business done? SOOOO easy! I will watch a good sleeper ANY TIME! Don't even have to pay me.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Kim ~ Sorry about your LO!! So glad life is getting back to normal. I have no experiece with the Wii Fit though, sorry!

    Trish ~ WOW!! Way to go girlie!! You are tearing up that treadmill! I do have a couple friends I've called on before to watch the kids while I run, I just don't want to do it that often. My oldest no longer naps :( But today he was pretty good at watching a movie while I got a workout in...yes, I actually did it ;)

    So yes, I did a workout, ended up doing Turbo Sculpt and the 20 minute Turbo jam, for about 58 minutes and burned almost 500 cals. I really enjoyed myself..maybe because I knew my youngest was at MDO and wouldn't be waking up anytime soon to interrupt me! haha! In the summer both boys will be going to MDO twice a week on the same day, so that's when I'll be getting some runs in, very excited to have 2 free days!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    thanks Trish and Katie. Shes 15 months so its hard to watch.

    Katie 500 Cals thats GREAT is it a video that your doing?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Amy- I don't post much on the weekends either because of being so busy with chores and the fam!

    Dolphin- I am going to be about 10 miles Northeast of Crescent City, I believe in a state park there. I live about 3 hours from there.

    Trish- You go with the running! You are a thoroughbred for sure!!!!:wink:

    Ontario Kim- I hope your little one is ok!

    Katie- Those races sound like fun!

    BTW---did I tell you that we got 10 little peeps over the weekend? they are soooooooooo cute!!!!!!! I need ot go take a picture of them before they get big!

    Edit: I bought shorts last may, right before we moved here to OR...I didn't try them on before I bought them and when I did they were too tight....I tried them on today and they fit perfect!!!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Welcome new joiners!

    Elysant - I sub too. Taught first grade for 3 years until I had DD2. Now I sub on my hubby's days off.

    Trish- hope the kiddo feels better!

    Miz - Had relatives visiting and anniversary so I was bad too. :P But my body finally seems to be settling down again.

    Sassy - love the jumping rope idea

    Kim - is your kiddo feeling better?!

    Nicole - Yay on fitting into your shorts! Isn't that fantastic?

    So instead of going out to eat with the relatives in town I had them over for dinner and cooked. So that really helped with the calories today. That and getting in my 30 min run on my elliptical. Also did about an hour and a half of lawn work, mainly pulling weeds. so all in all a good day! Still having a visit from AF. I'm hoping once it ends my weight will really start to drop again. I leave for a cruise in 4 weeks which will really deter my weight loss so want to get as low as possible before that! :P Well, off to bed!
