SAHM 4/12 - 4/18



  • blessdmomof4
    Scale moved today! Yahoo!! I'm .5 away from 25lbs lost!!! I am really hoping to get to 175 (5.5 more lbs) by the time I go on the Pastor's Wives retreat at the end of the month. :happy:

    Trish- thanks for reminding me that everyday can be like that good day. Everyday since then has been like that! I just needed that little encouragement/challenge that you are so good at offering. And...enjoy your bologne :happy: Every now and then I crave it on soft white bread w/ mayo and American cheese (but I can't eat it now b/c I found out I am allergic to pork).

    It's my babies birthday today. He's 5. I can't believe my youngest is 5! Lots of things to do today. I couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning to get to the gym. Wednesdays are always hard, idky. I think it's because I originaly set it as my rest day. I'm going to try to squeeze in a walk w/ the kids later to at least burn a few extra cals.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    I just sigend up for the Pound for pound challenge anyone else want to join me?

    <a href=''><img src='' border='0' /></a>
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I joined at the beginning of this season's Biggest Loser :)

    I'm also doing the President's Challenge. Need to update my workouts on there.

    Melissa, yay on the scale boot scoot! And I'm proud you made that decision to make every day like that one good day. Remember that the Lord gave us free agency, and at the end of the day what we do with our life boils down to that-- a choice. We didn't end up on MFP because of food, we ended up on MFP because of food CHOICES. Make those choices better ones!

    Had a good night last night. Got two new pairs of shorts-- size 14. I don't recall there being any point in my teen or adult life where I have fit into a size 14. Although I'm pretty sure vanity sizing is getting worse these days. I was lighter in high school and wore a size 16 in the same brand as my shorts. Go figure.
    I also had a nice shower in my new bathroom. Andy helped. It was tricky because my poof (bath loofa sponge thingie) kept sticking to my stitches and would pull when Andy would try to grab it from me. I was trying to do it myself, but he was being overly helpful. I snapped at him a few times. The poor man gets henpecked noon and night by 2 girls. LOL

    Weighed in at 198.2 this morning, only .2 away from the big 5-0. I have turkey trots (sorry TMI) so that's probably the culprit and will gain back tomorrow (nobody loses 1.4lbs overnight), but I hope to see an official 50 by Friday!

    Off to the rec center to get a workout in. I've missed it!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Val ~ Where in MN are you from?

    Welcome to Deana and Skye!

    Trish ~ Under 200?!! Congrats! And size 14s too?! WOHOO!!

    Stacey ~ sure, let's see...not all of them are good, so I'll just tell you the ones that I like ;-P
    Jillian's No More Trouble Zones
    Jillian's Blast Fat Boost Metabolism
    Jillian's 30 Day Shred
    Shape Ultimate Bikini Body Workout
    Windsor Pilates
    Turbo Jams
    Tae Bo

    That's all I can think of off hand and I rotate through them when I get the chance. Hope that helps!

    So I was down 2lbs on the scale this morning, but that's probably more due to the fact that I only ate 600 cals yesterday and barely drank any water...I'm sure I'll be back up that tomorrow LOL I was so sick yesterday, went to bed at 4pm and didn't crawl out of bed til 5 this morning. Doc said it was just drainage, but my throat hurts, my neck is stiff, I've had a fever and joint pain. UGH! As long as I stay on top of the pain with motrin, I'm ok, but it still horrible! He gave me some mucinex D and a nasal spray, hopefully I feel better soon. We have a busy weekend ahead of us and I cannot be sick!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Get well soon, katie. Being sick is no fun!

    Have new progress pics on my profile. One of me in my new size 14 shorts and new bathroom (it's a good day) and a "Yay, 50!" avatar

    Went 1.9 miles on TM this morning, followed by 15 mins on stationary bike. Now just gotta get water out of the way. 46 already down, 53 to go.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! I am back from Jamaica...I will probably chat more tomorrow, I have a little bit of jet lag going on!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Well headache is gone, now throat is sore, maybe it's a cold, couple of the kiddos were sick a week or so ago, so who knows, and AF showed up this morning. Joys!

    Sitting here waiting for the landscape company to deliver our rock for the front yard, then I get to shovel it all over the place, yeah, almost done with the front, then onto the back yard. At least I'll be burning some mad calories.

    Congrats on the size 14 jeans, Trish!!!!!! I'm almost to a 12, my 14's are just to the point of bugging me they are baggy, but I'm going to wait a bit, before i go shopping, love going shopping when I drop a size.

    Welcome back Nicole, can't wait to hear about the trip, and pictures?

    Well got stuff today, weather is perfect today, 61º, yeah, we love the spring time weather in this family, lots to do, lots to see!!!!
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Looking great Trish!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Looking great Trish!

    ditto! you know it's not just in your face that there is a big diff--but i can see it in your ARMS too! wtg on all you have set for yourself and accomplished!!!!

    katie--thanks for the list. hope you get to feeling better soon. just got back from dr re: dd1 and long time cough. just drips--take claritin or zyrtec to dry her up is the advice. and she has officially entered PUBERTY! what?! that lump is a boob growing (how was i to know--i got boobs like overnight and by 5th grade had some serious boobage that the tomboy in me wouldn't acknowledge--hehe!). anyway, all's good. :)
    so dolphin--i hope you feel better too!

    welcome home nicole! can't wait to see you post up new picture from trip. ;)

    chk ya later--
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Doc said it was just drainage, but my throat hurts, my neck is stiff, I've had a fever and joint pain. UGH! As long as I stay on top of the pain with motrin, I'm ok, but it still horrible! He gave me some mucinex D and a nasal spray, hopefully I feel better soon. We have a busy weekend ahead of us and I cannot be sick!

    Dolphin & Katie--sorry you are sick. We have the same bug here. Last week DD#1 complained of the neck pain 7 sore throat. Nasty stuff. I am flirting with the achies & headache. Wish it would go away. Luckily no one else has gotten this.

    Trish--whoo hoo and the size 14s!!!! Don't ya love new smaller clothes. :)

    Nicole--Welcome back! Sleep & report woman!

    Even with feeling yucky I have managed to walk today and Monday. Maintaining right now--of course the ice cream and cookies that was dessert tonight probably won't help. Sure tasted great--nothing better on a sore throat than ice cream.

    I have so much to do this week and being sick is NOT in the program. It is our last week of school--scheduled any way. We will do some all summer but the bulk is done. We leave next week for a big trip and competition for the older two kids. Anyone out PA way? We will be in Pittsburgh.

    Going to bed early & hopefully better tomorrow.

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Kate - I grew up in a small town in southern MN called St Peter. I moved to Minneapolis to go to the U of MN. Married up there and moved down to Phoenix a little over 5 years ago. J And ugh on the icky cold or whatever you got! So not fun!

    Dolphin - Feel better soon!

    Tonight my Dad babysat while I went to the shooting range with my hubby and shot off his 2 40 caliber glocks. We had a blast and stopped by the wildflower bread company afterward for some soup and bread. :) Stayed under my calorie limit and had a tasty meal. I'm very satisfied! to bed!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    not caught up on rdg yet---but lost wt!!

    after waiting 2-3 days to go to the bathroom (tmi--but that's what too much fried matza does to you!)--i'm lighter. here's to going forward!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Jamaica- was alot of fun! It was soooo nice to have adult time. It was so beautiful and the people were soooo nice. I wish we could have stayed longer! Can you believe that we have no pictures of our journey? We were in such a rush to leave that we forgot the camera, and kept forgetting to get a disposable one. :ohwell: Here is a link to the website of the hotel.

    you chan check out the pics there. My eating wasn't too bad....I haven't weighed myself since we got back. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow.:noway: I am kinda nervous to do that!
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    oooh, very nice!
    Had to have a little giggle at the Asian restaurant in the Jamaican resort!
    Was it as huge as it looks?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    The resort was as huge as it looks! I did giggle at the asian restaurant and at the sports bar.:laugh: I just ate at the buffet so I could pic kand choose what kind of food I got.
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Wow, shoveling rock for 2 days, and we didn't buy enough to finish, oh boy, its a great workout though, and front yard is coming along. I am feeling better, keeping on top of AF, drinking tons of water seems to be helping, sore throat went away, could have been allergies, just the normal cramps right now, and sluggish, but I'm trying to stay busy.

    Nicole, Jamaica looked amazing, bummer you forgot your camera, I usually bring mine but hardly take pics, or I'm never in the pics because I take all of them. I'm glad you had such a great time, "adults only", this is what my husband & I need, we are thinking September we may try and get away.

    Val, your doing such a great job staying under your goal, I have been really working on this, but I am getting better!

    Great pic Trish!

    Well busy weekend again, church Saturday morning, our just turned 4 y/o graduates into the next class at church, he's nervous, but he'll be going into his older sisters class, which will help, but coming out of his younger sister's class, he's not too happy about that. Then soccer game for dd2, then the rest of the day we are playing hooky from yard work, and playing with the kids the rest of the day, supposed to be in the 70ºs, YEAH!!!! Not sure what we will do yet, but hopefully something fun. Then maybe dinner out with just the adults for Saturday night, we try to do that a few times a month, keeps us sane, especially ME!

    Have a great weekend, in case I don't check in tomorrow!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sounds like a busy weekend, dol! Have fun :)

    It's supposed to be beautiful here. Andy has a primary party for the kids at church he teaches that he needs to go to in the morning, but after that I hope to take Grace out to Thanksgiving Point (finally) for animal cuddles and pony ride.

    This afternoon I took my 14s back. They were falling off of me yesterday. I was like "WHAT GIVES?!" I got two pairs of 12s (which I'm convinced are actually 14s in disguise), and squeaked into a 10 of the same brand. I would've tried on a couple more, but Grace was having a melt down. She had a great time at play group this morning, and I think it wore her down. We came home, got fed, and she went down for a nap with no fuss. It was AWESOME!
    When she gets up, I'll give her a snack and go up to walk a couple laps around the medical center for my exercise today. Then I need to come back and clean up as I have company coming over at 7.

    Oh, and that's another thing... the kid has been ravenous all day. I'm like "Do I not feed you ever?"
    For breakfast she wolfed down 1/2 a banana, an entire piece of toast, then tried to steal one of my Larabars, so I fixed her a toaster scrambler thingie which she also inhaled. Then at playgroup she ate everyone's snacks (including the ones I brought), and insisted on another snack in the car. I know it's a growth spurt (kid's been sleeping in lately), but good gosh! She's got daddy's hollow leg or somethin.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Stacey - LOL....loved the comment about how you lost weight. :P

    Dolphin - I'm glad you're feeling better! I've been working extra hard at my eating habits since I go on a cruise in a week and will probably gain quite a bit there. :P But since I will probably never go on one again, I figure it's worth it! :)

    Trish - she's probably in a growth spurt. It's amazing how drastically their appetite changes from week to week isn't it? One week they eat you out of house and home and the next week they eat almost nothing.

    Did not have a chance to work out today, but luckily managed to barely squeak under my calorie goals for today. :P Tomorrow I'm hoping to start waging war on the back yard and that should start burning some more calories for me. :) I tend to drink more water when I work on the yard cause I wear a camelpack which makes it super easy to down lots of water. Had a decent day, got a lot of little things done, like filing all our bills and paperwork, sweeping the house, and chasing my 2 year old around. I had a blast! Have a great end to your week!


    Goals for tomorrow:

    Cut up the dead branches in the back yard
    vaccumm the carpets
    drink lots and lots of water.
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    GOOOOD Morning everyone! I don't know where the headache went but I am so glad it is gone. Have felt lousy all week but woke up this morning ready to get somethings done! Yeah!!

    Trish--sounds like she is going to shoot up soon. Growth spurts are fun to watch but seem so crazy.

    Val-good luck w/ your yard work. I love how many calories it burns. Who needs to work out--go rake & carry branches. :)

    Today I plan to work on all the little things that are bugging me and need to be done before we leave on Tuesday. Bills, laundry, mopping the floor, & lots more. I will walk this afternoon also. AF was here this week so I still feel bloated so I plan to drink a TON of water today to help flush it all out.

    Hope that you all have a great day!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    now i'm caught up on rdg posts.:)

    kim, i'll bemopping today 2! glad youare finally feeling better.
    trish--that's awesome.
    i still wear 12's and 10's. you have really changed your life!! have fun at t-giving point. that's one of our fave places to visit in UT. i'm trying to figure out how to get there this summer--b4 our condo sells. will keep you posted....

    dol-whew! that's a lot of work. don't envy you.
    girls, it's still strange to me when i read abt everyone's massive yardwork. since i grew up in a condo, it was never a part of my life. and now we have all this rock.
    BUT we are the weediest rock yard on teh block right now. i just want hubby to spray it all down. i have ZERO desire to pull them all.

    goal today
    drink 50 oz water

    gotta skedaddle--told boy i'd take him to the park.