SAHM 3/15 - 3/21



  • KristinKeogh
    Good afternoon!

    We went for a beautiful long walk today to the library. (only open on Wednesdays on this tiny island lol!) it was a good hour worth of walking and nothing here is flat so lots of hills. I was also pushing the stroller. :) I plan on doing some Wii Fitlater if I have time. I really need to focus on drinking water. I did well the first day but only had one glass yesterday. I'm trying to just have one cup of coffee in the morning (totally doable), and the. Water the rest of the day. I guess I just don't drink enough period because I feel like I will always have to be sipping water to get in enough! That's my goal this week though. By next Wednesday I want to have had 8 cups a day for at least 4 days. I can do it.

    I am an HGTV addict so I love hearing about those remodels! :)
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey all! Missed last night due to my funness with my hubby! :) The Melting Pot was fantastic! I love that is very leisurely and no stress to quick eat and get out. The food was tasty and the company was fantastic (of course) :P My hubby has kept a tradition of bringing our wedding ceremony with us. It has the script of all our vows, the sermon, the verses we had for our ceremony. We read them together every year. It's very refreshing and keeps us focused on what we wanted in this marriage. Our wedding was centered around the passage in Ecclesiastes 4 that talks about how two are better than one. But it ends in "a cord of three strands is not easily broken" Signifying if our marriage is made up of my husband, myself and God it's much stronger. My hubby's wedding band is even three gold cords braided. It was very touching. :)

    As for's been very warm here in phoenix, getting to the high 70s. It's gorgeous out and our new house has been a little scraggly in the landscaping since it sat dormant for about 9 months. I pulled weeds...sprayed the rest....trimmed the bushes....cleaned up the leaves off the ground. I've been caught up in planting time. We're taking down the massively overgrown vines and replacing them with new vines that flower to add a little color. I also want to plant a few more bushes along the edges and still have about half the backyard left to battle weeds. I'm really looking forward to all the time outside. :)

    Welcome kristin and adrienne! Adrienne - I have 2 girls as turned 2 in January and the other is 4 months! I love having them so close together and can't wait till they're old enough to play together!

    Dolphin - thanks for the encouragement! This site has done amazing things with my eating habits. I have an internet addiction so it's nice to have a site to be obsessed with that also holds me accountable for what I eat. I was a really bad snacker. I ate healthy meals....but then had about 4 snacks in between. That has pretty much stopped now! :P I know you can do it!

    Amy - Yay on losing weight two weeks in a row!!! That's fantastic!

    Sassy - I firmly believe new cars are never worth the price! My parents bought a new car when I was little....they finally paid it off about 10 months before they had to sell it to the dump. Ever since than my dad refuses to buy new cars and has passed that distaste on to his daughter. :D

    Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

    Drink 8 cups of water (I did it today!)
    Finish pulling weeds and trimming bushes
    File paperwork
    Make daughter pick up her room
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello all you wonderfully motivated, strong encouraging women. I've been so busy I can barely think straight and today starts the worst of it. Homeschooling, book club w/ 4 extra families joining us, packing to go to mom's for the weekend, preparing food for a friend who just had a baby and making an incredible Princess Birthday cake for my adorable niece who will be 3 tomorrow. That's just today!!
    Been staying under cal and getting in my workouts, although I took yesterday off for a much needed rest. Won't be able to hit the gym at mom's this weekend but the weather should be fabulous so I am hoping to get out and walk for at least an hour each day.
    Does anyone know what shin splints feel like? The front of my right shin is killing me when I flex my foot. It has happened in the past too.
    I read everyone's posts but don't have time to comment. I'm glad you are all doing so well. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!! I've been feeling just a bit under the weather with Aunt Flo visiting, ugh, but I have still been working out which is a plus, can't wait till she leaves.

    Melissa you sound extremely busy.....hope all goes well, and I'm glad your able to stay under your calories even with making a Princess Cake, sweets are my downfall. Shin Splints- I think I occasionally get these, I noticed them after I workout really hard, or I worked out when I was really tired, so I'm thinking maybe I'm not stretching enough before or after, I have no advice, I have not found anything to help really, but I do know it doesn't happen very often for me. Good luck, keep me posted if you find anything out.

    Val, we've had great weather for about 4 days now, so we've been spending time outside and loving it, we live in Idaho, so this is just a tease, mother nature loves to do this, it will get cold again, so we enjoy it while we can. My kids and hubby have 3-days off this weekend, so we are hoping to make it up skiing Friday night, and yard work all weekend, hopefully weather will cooperate.

    Kristin, I always thought I was a good water drinker, until I started measuring, so I bought myself a pretty stainless steel water bottle and keep it with me all the time, that way I always have water to drink. It seems to work, good luck.

    Trish, I can't wait to see pics of the bathroom floor, we didn't realize they even made the peel and stick tiles until after we had already done our bathroom, and went looking for new floor options for our son's room (he has asthma so we need to get rid of the carpet), let us know how you like it, they say a hard surface for people with asthma is much better, we just aren't sure if we want hardwood, cork board (which interestingly enough is asthma/allergy approved, something in the cork board resists insects, and mold, it just has a weird look to it), or we may do the peel and stick tiles, then get an area rug for his room.

    I hope everyone else is doing great, keep doing what your doing, I love hearing about all the small successes, makes me feel good. Hope you all enjoy your day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Thanks, dolphin! Andy finished the trim last night, so I think he will start laying the tile tonight. Yay! We should be putting the new toilet in tomorrow or Saturday, and we can finally shower Sunday. I hope we can wait that long. Hubby has a shower at work so gets clean there (no fair!). I feel really weird about using someone else's shower. I just want mine back.

    Haven't been losing much weight this week. AF is insisting on showing up a week ahead of schedule. Going to try to get at least 120 oz of water down the hatch today to see if that helps budge anything.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish--does the rec center have a shower??
    great progress on your bathroom! andy is one determined worker bee. :)

    melissa--i get overwhelmed just rdg your to-do's! good luck and how great for all those ppl to have you!
    dolphin--i remember spring in CO--ski up in the mtns and warm weather in the city. so bizarre. enjoy these last bits of skiing!

    amy--i am sooo proud of you! you have really accomplished so much these last cpl months!

    val--glad your anniv was so special. how beautiful what your dh does to commemorate the event.
    kim--you avoided those temptations--AMAZING!! it is so hard not to give in to that phantom hunger. great work!

    welcome adrienne. and sassy--had to do a dbl take--remembered you're on the "other" side of the world.

    girls--can i whine again--just a minute?? i am sooo tired in the AM. i know if i get back in the exercise routine, i'll have more energy. just can't find the time for everything yet. b/n researching hs-ing, being more intentional with boy (and others), and dd1 and researching camp for her etc....all the changes coming up. i'm drained and don't feel like i can lean on dh--that he has enuf on HIS plate and i want to prove i'm strong and capable (or else he'll doubt my ability to hs).
    it's just anxiety--and i can self talk. just my brain feels overcrowded.
    dd1 is changing meds again but rt now we're titrating up so she's not fully medicated. any doubts i had as to whether she was really sick or i was exaggerating have been wiped out. i forget what she's like w/o that med--angry, defiant, crying, violent, angry, defiant, oppositional, physically violent.....and over and over. she just smacked her 3 y.o brother (left a handprint) cuz he touched her bed. :cry:
    and so i just avoid (sit at computer) and stuff my face with carbs....

    i wish i had the kind of determination and will of you folks....i think of you all the time each time i make the choice to push thru so thanks so much for being that good voice in my head. you all mean so much to me. :heart:

    time to make the donuts (i mean, lunches):flowerforyou:
  • adriennetara
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I am feeling a bit down this morning, I should have read what everyone said about weighing yourself while anticipating Aunt Flo....but alas...I stepped on the scale anyway. I had my little melt down, and hopefully I'll be good for the rest of the day. Lol. I am very very sore today, I want to take a rest, but I have 2 workouts scheduled today : \ Tomorrow is a different story though, it is truly a day of rest for me! I hope all of you are doing well and have an amazing day with your little ones!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Val ~ Wow! That is so sweet and romantic of your hubby! Mine doesn't have much of a romantic side, so I take what I can get and live vicariously through others :tongue:

    Melissa ~ That does kinda sound like shin splints. Take it easy on the running and do lots and lots of stretching!

    Stacey ~ ((((hugs)))) Vent away anytime you want!

    Adrienne ~ Just think when you get back on the scale after AF, it will be lower...that always make me feel better! :smile:

    I have a little vent! I was just leaving base and saw that one of the military cops was running towards something, when I finally get a good look, my jaw just dropped! A little girl about 4 covered in head to toe in mud was running along the creek with 3 dogs no other adults in site (besides the cop) and at least a mile from the nearest house on base! I'm thankful she didn't get hurt before someone found her, but I'm beyond irked at the parent that apparently wasn't watching her closely enough! I know things happen, but I just cannot believe she could get that far from home if her parent was at least checking on her every 5 minutes. grrrrr! :explode:

    Anyway, got a 2 mile run in and going to a spin class tonight...hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow!! Going to drink as much water as I can too :) Other things on my agenda, pull some weeds and paint the times I tell ya! :wink:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yes, the rec center has showers, but showering around other people? The thought gives me the willies. I'm a very private person in that department. The only people that ever see me naked are hubs and the kid, and frankly I'm more comfortable in my birthday suit around the kid.

    Was supposed to take Grace to playgroup this morning. Got all ready to go, then decided to start taking some of the tape down off the walls in the bathroom while we waited to go. Needless to say I got highly distracted, and 45 mins later I left to pick up friend Jazz instead.

    But at least the bathroom looks FABULOUS! Andy did a bang up job on the painting.
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    So how is drinking way heaps of water meant to help with weight loss? Other than filling your belly up...
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    it helps flush out all the nasty stuff in your system. Sodium makes you retain water, drinking water helps you get rid of sodium. If your urine isn't clear, you're not drinking enough. Aim for half your body weight in ounces, daily.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Hi ladies!
    I've been gone a few weeks because my hubby was home for a visit. And now he's gone again :brokenheart:
    How is everyone doing? I've not lost weight in 3 weeks but it has to be because of Thomas being home and us eating terribly. Trying now to get back on track, but the old emotional eater is rearing her ugly head right now...ugh!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I DID IT!!! i stayed close to 1400 cals today--even without exercising. yay me!!

    hugs hopey--i know that evil monster very well. send him packing!! come here often and be accountable. even when i do sucky (pardon the french), knowing i have this group of sisters reigns me in somewhat. i don't want to be a whiny disappointment to them. kwim?
    so--glad you had time with dh--now come back to the girls! :flowerforyou:

    and to add to what trish said--the chemistry of fat metabolism REQUIRES water for the process to take place. so reason number a billionandtwo to drink water.

    i'll read the rest of the posts after i get girls to bed. day turned out well--boruch Hashem.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey ladies- I have been super busy...jeust a quick checkin nbefore I fall asleep on ya!:yawn: I got my thyroid test results back....I will share them with you tomorrow!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    eager to hear results, Nicole.

    Since Andy's been so busy with the bathroom, we just now got to watch Biggest Loser. We DVR it every week so we can skip commercials, LOL. I tell ya, it's such an inspiration, and I'm looking forward to my run tomorrow. I dunno if I should try for speed tomorrow. It would probably be good for me. Obviously not 10 min intervals, but go at a 6 for a minute or two.

    Instead of laying tile tonight, we went to Lowes for hardware. Got new knobs and handles to match the new door handle. We were going to get blinds and curtains, too, but Andy forgot to measure the window so we just sat there and bickered. Then we came home, he got some quality time with Grace, and then he & I watched Biggest Loser. I think he needed the mental break, and we're actually going to bed before midnight for once!

    So tile gets laid tomorrow, then it's just a quick hop, skip, and jump to finish up between seating new toilet & screwing new hardware/accessories to walls and things.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey all! Great to hear how you all are doing!

    Hope - :( So sad to have your hubby gone again! But I know you can do it! If you really need to indulge on something to make yourself feel better, try finding a snack that is healthier (like fruit, etc)

    Trish - So close to being done! I can't wait to see the pictures!

    Nicole - Looking forward to hearing about your test results tomorrow!

    Drank 8 cups of water today! 2 days in a row! Made chocolate chip cookies today for my aunt and dad who are coming to visit tomorrow. But I only ate one! Whew! Accidentally made them way to big! Used different sized cookie sheets than normal and made them look smaller than they really were. lol

    Cleaned the house today, went grocery shopping, and made cookies. Fairly productive! :) Off to work out on the elliptical machine, take a shower and go to bed!

    Goals for tomorrow:

    Finish pulling weeds and trimming bushes in the front yard, clean up the kitchen, enjoy my family!

    Have a great end to your week! You all are fabulous!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nicole ~ can't wait to hear! Hope it's good news!

    Trish ~ so close, can't wait to see the final pictures!

    Stacey ~ Wohoo! Great job on staying within your's so much harder to do when you don't exercise LOL

    I'm down 1.5lbs this week, I was hoping for sooo much more! Oh well, at least I saw a loss, right? :) I am taking a picture again at 145, maybe I'll get there next week.

    Goals today:
    start pulling weeds
    clean up the broken tile in the bathroom and get it cleaned up and ready for tiling tomorrow
    drink water
    stay within my cals
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Ladies-I"ve been gone from here for a bit- I've been checking in my plan, but haven't read the boards in a while. I only have a minute before I have to run again - but thought I'd say hello.

    I just got done with my 'Shred' DVD. I am LOVING it. I'm thinking I'm getting closer to starting Level 2. I never thought I'd do so well with Level 1--the first week, or so, was kind of ugly! I went back to see how long I've been doing it-I started the end of Februrary-I missed a few days, I'm going to see when 30 days is really up and evaluate the need to move on to level 2 then! :) I'm really happy I've stuck with something this long. It has been a long time overdo.

    I'm down officially 20lbs this morning and almost fell over to see the scale do that! I'm just about 1/4 of the way finished!!! I think I'll see the biggest difference as soon as I get under 200....hopefully by my son's first birthday! What a great thing if I could make it.

    Well, I hope you ladies have been doing well. Hopefully I can get better at keeping up with you all. Happy Weekend!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    GM! nicole--looking forward to the news. hope you got some real answers. and trish--wow! you and andy have accomplished so much in such a short time. pics will be great! and you make me want to start watching bl. hmmmm
    val--got LOTS done yesterday. and extra woohoo for eating just one cookie!!

    **kim, dolphin, adrrienne,sassy, amy---others---ya still out there? hope you check in before the weekend! :flowerforyou:

    katie--1.5 is AWESOME!! you are really making progress!!:drinker:

    I MAINTAINED!!! i know that's crazy to be happy but given my ups and downs lately, i'm thrilled. i was abt to throw in the towel if i had gained more. (i know, stupid. but i never said i wasn't stupid...)
    anyway, new goals for today thru the weekend

    *water--drink 48 oz per day
    *clean bathrooms and mop
    *tidy up for tomorrow's neighbor coffee we're hosting
    (i bought the food so i wouldn't be tempted by my own baking)
    *exercise each of the days
    *be upbeat/use my journal to clear my mind when needed

    hope y'all have a wonderful Friday!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- I am looking forward to the pics for your bathroom too!

    Stacey- Yay you for getting close to that 1400! I know how much of a struggle it is, and I know you HAVEbeen struggling PLEASE pat yourself on the back!

    Val- I am impressed htat you only ate one cookie! I usually eat the dough...I know..raw eggs...but the dough is soo good!:tongue:

    Katie-yay for the loss! It's a loss!!!!

    Ok, here's my scoop. Thyroid tests are really hard to retain in my brain when you don't study them all of the time and understand what they mean, so my take it is yes i have an underactive thyroid. It is not off the charts though, but underactive. So, right now we are going to approach it with natural stuff first. I am going to be taking iodine and believe it or not loads of folic acid. And here I thought my prenatal was enough. Nope! I am now going to be taking loads. I can't even remember what the doseage is. I think 5000mg?! Dunno. My doc thinks that is why I haven't been getting preggo. I am also vitamin D and A deficient, so I have to go to the vitamin store and get those today too. I go back to her in a month to see how everything is going.

    So, now i am off to run...I will check back later! SAHM's rock!!!:drinker: