SAHM 5/17 - 5/23



  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Glad you're feeling better Kim, I hope things continue to improve. I as wondering if swimming might be a good exercise option for you, too? It's so low impact but an all-over workout.

    I second what Nicole is saying Trish, 10% per week and try a day of interval-type training for speed, where you go hard out for 60 seconds, ease it back to a gentle jog for 2 minutes, and repeat... A certain amount of speed increase will come with building endurance, too, as you get fitter, you can hold a speed for longer, so your overall speed increases.
    If you're not so great at math, a 30 min 5k can be hard to put into real terms - if it helps that's 10k/hour, a brisk, but not racing, walk is about 6k/hour. The famous "4 minute mile" benchmark is 24k/hour. You're aiming for something a bit speedier than a brisk walk, but there's no need to sprint. You may find you're not needing to go as fast as you think. Try breaking it down into a 6 minute block, in which you need to cover 1k - then you know what pace you need to maintain.
    Have you tried the c25k? You may find following that useful, making sure you're covering the distance in the time before you move on to the next week, useful as it finishes on a 5k 30 minute run.
    Or try running outside if it's not too hot, you might find some increase just from the changing scenery stopping you getting bored.
    Hope that helps.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I run 5 days a week, with 2 days where I just sit on my butt, LOL (actually I run errands and do stuff with little person, but do virtually no exercise otherwise, and eat modestly).

    Sassy, I started C25K in January prior to my first 5k race. I've been trying to lower my time ever since. I'm doing it gradually (went from 62 mins to 47 to 45). I'm just eager for that 45 to turn into 30, then sub-20. Currently I can sustain a 4.2 "jog" for at least 1 mile straight. At 4.5 mph I can go 5-10 mins. 5 mins I last about 3 mins. The fastest I've ever gone is 9 mph, and that was scary cuz my pants kept falling down, LOL!

    Welcome aboard new SAHMs. These gals that you'll get to know are the best!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome ladies!
    re: p90x. i love it--but definitely had to build up to it. i could do certain cardio ones b4 i could ever begin the strength ones. also, you don't have to use any wts. once you get into it, you will build up strength quickly--so factor in buying dumbbells. we also bought the chin up bar.

    dh, however, went from couch thru the whole pgm. he's very compulsive that way!
    neither of us did the nutrition part and he found his own recovery drink he liked.

    i really like the pgm and you will most certainly get results. also, many ppl do multiple rounds or hybrids--train for marathon + p90x. i do a hybrid version too cuz i don't like yoga (one of the dvd's) and i really like walking.

    there are lots of folks on mfp, incl non-pushy coaches, you could talk to more. just search p90x and you'll get to threads.
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hello everyone,

    Trish & KatieM - I hope everyone is feeling better.

    I ran my 1st 5K this morning! I just can't belive it. My goal was to be able to start training in June using c25k and then run one in Sept but I decided last week to just see what I was able to do and I ran 1 mile, then 2.5 miles a few days later and a full 5K today! It's slow, only 5.0 (I didn't vary the speed on the TM). I think it will be more challenging to do it outside on a track w/o the treadmill to pace me but I'm so excited. I really can't believe it. My cousin (the personal trainer from Vegas) had told me that b/c of the incline work I had been doing on the TM I would be surprised if I tried to run. She was right!

    I have been super hungry lately and have been eating more than usual. Still under cal but not by much. I have to reel it back in. I would really like to get back to losing 2-3lbs a week like I was in the beginning but it's coming off so much more slowly now:grumble: My goal is to be 165 by my birthday June 29th. That gives me 42 days to lose 12 lbs.

    So busy over the next few days (weeks, months!!!!). Headed to Boston tomorrow to watch my baby sister graduate w/ her master's degree in art therapy! So proud of her! What to wear, what to wear :smile:

    Have a blessed day everone!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    GM!!! Welcome all newbies, we are a great group to get to know, ask advice, and just be silly, enjoy!

    We had a great weekend, until Sunday night I came down with a nasty head cold, all day yesterday I pretty much slept on and off, and wouldn't you know it the one day I want to take a nap the 2 little one's do not, so they just had quiet time (well sort of quiet time) on the couch watching cartoons while I tried to sleep. I'm feeling a bit better today, not so foggy, good thing its a bit cooler and rainy this week, I won't feel like I need to go outside and accomplish some yard work I'll just let the rain do its job of watering everything for us.

    Good job to all you runners!! You sound like you all are accomplishing so much. I am a bit afraid to start a running program, just not being able to do it, or keep up, I really want to time myself on a mile, but Melissa after hearing how well you did, I wonder if I will do the same, I use my Elliptical on a regular basis, and have built up great resistance on it, so I think I will try it soon, I'll let you know how it goes.

    Today my only goals are to drink lots of water, eat good food and take another nap, need to kick this cold before this weekend, we have Soccer Kids Cup Saturday-2 games and a bday party for our DS turning 10! Good times!!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay melissa!!! and LOVE the new photo--you look relaxed and happy!!
    have a safe trip--and congrats to your sister. what a wonderful field to enter.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gm! dolphin--sorry to hear you're under the weather, too. i think you made smart goals for yourself today--def. fluids and rest. :)
    ~~get well~~

    i keep bouncing b/n 140.8 and 139.6. ARRGH. i think the only way to kick out of the 140's and stay out is by exercising. so today's plan is to use one of the many dvd's i have and burn the goop!
    i did well on water and cals yesterday, so i just have to keep it up.

    have a great day all! movers (diff ones--first never got back to me w/estimate) coming to estimate. and we sent in the signed lease yesterday. it's really happening.
    katie--how's your house/moving coming along?

    have a great day all!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Melissa, you're hurting my feelings by saying 5 mph is slow, LOL. 5 mph is pushing it for me. YOU DID GREAT, HON!!

    Grace is better and worse. She is playful and mischievous today (decided that tattooing her legs in pen would be a good idea, and was running at the head of the kitchen, pausing, then saying "GO!" and running to me, then repeating, lol), but very snotty and coughing a lot. She's also been doing really well about telling us when she needs to potty... even if she does nothing on the potty when we sit her there, LOL.

    I am hopped up on airborne & Bolthouse Farms C-Boost juice. I have no desire to be as miserable as the little person, even though my body is threatening to be.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!

    Melissa~That is awesome on the run. Sounds like you are doing good. I tried to run on my mom's treadmill a couple weeks back I think it is harder on the treadmill then outside at least for me it is. I am not able to run much my workout buddy has bad knees so she doesn't like to run and when I go with the hubby a lot of times we have the kids with us so that doesn't work very well either. However it is something that I have been wanting to get into.

    Stacey~Good luck with the moving. Where you moving to?

    dolphin~I hope that you get feeling better soon. It is no fun to be the one that is not feeling well when you have little ones to take care of, they never let you get any rest. Good goals.

    Well I guess my kids had a 24 hour bug because they are all feeling back to themselves today. It was a very interesting "ride".

    Yesterday I walked 4.82 miles. It wasn't all at one time, I walked to get 5yr old from school that was 1.22 mi, then we decided to walk to the store to get some things that was 2 mi and then my workout buddy wanted to go for a walk and we ended up walking 1.6 mi. I guess I am conditioning myself for another weekend competition. I am hoping that it stops raining for a bit today because I was wanting to go for a bike ride for exercise today. If not then it looks like it is going to be "the biggest loser cardio max".

    My goals for today are to drink at least 12 cups of water and to not eat any later then 7 pm.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Trish~That is funny about Grace. I know that they are on the border of feeling good and rotten and being mischievous.:grumble: LOL. 1 good thing about the little ones not feeling good is you have a break from their mischievousness. I have way too many trouble makers in my home lol. That is so cute sounds like she is learning something about running from her Mama. Good luck with the potty training. That is always a joy. You are not only training her but yourself as!:laugh:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone!

    Dolphin- sorry to hear that you are sick!

    Melissa- THAT IS AWESOME about your 5k! Keep it up, you are doing great!

    Trish- gotta love the marker tattoo's, good thinking about boosting the immune system!

    Katie- WOW, I think it is so great how much you walk!

    Stacey- When is your official move day?
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Oh wow Melissa, I bet that feels awesome!
    It's surprising what our bodies do without us realising it huh? I had a moment last week when I took my kids for a wee run, and I hadn't been out running (or doing much exercise of any sort to be honest) since January or so, and I was still able to go for 10 minutes (would have been longer if I didn't tire myself out trying to keep up with my energizer bunny of a son).

    Weigh in today and I'm DOWN half a kg! After I don't know how long of fluctuating around the 79.5-80kg mark on my work scales
    (I've concluded that my ones @ home are bung, so have been using my work ones, but they're heavy and I also have to stay clothed *L* so I've adjusted my previous weights up and just go with these ones now! It means I put down a weight around 3-4kg heavier than I actually am, but still the general trend shows :D ),

    I've cracked 79! 78.95 this morning! That has just made my day.

    Anyway I had to quickly come and share that while my orders are printing. Now I better go and get my parcels packed for the day because I'm out of here at 8am to go get a 24-hr holter monitor fitted.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sarah, that's awesome!!!!! yay for losing that weight!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Sarah~ Nice job on losing the weight! It always feels great to lose.
  • trkoala
    trkoala Posts: 8
    Hello everyone. I'm a WAHM but I thought I'd try to wiggle my way into this group. :smile: I have two boys ages 2 and 3 who have graced me with all the baby weight from both pregnancies that I'm still fighting with. I'm tired of fighting the same 5 lbs over and over again. Hopefully if I can be consistent and distract myself from the enemy (aka. the kitchen) who is always just a footstep away I'll actually be able to get rid of these many extra pounds. I look forward to getting to know ya'll better.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    welcome trkoala! we have other mom's that work too!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry I have not posted in a while and guess what, the weight shows. I am so bad about my water, I am additcted to the diet coke and diet wild cherry pepsi, it is my caffeine and treat for the day, if i only drank it in water not soda, I would be doing grand! I am back on track for like the 100 millionth time. I have got to get this weight off. I feel like I sound like a broken record. Went back to gym on Monday and I am sore still, but a great sore. It actually feels good. I am going again tonight. I did not make it yesterday because I was trying to get some stuff cleaned out and someone was picking up stuff so it messed with my schedule, that is okay because I cleaned for over 2 hours yesterday, even though I look around and can't tell what I did. Everyone have a great week.

  • trkoala
    trkoala Posts: 8
    Good Morning everyone! Today is a great day - mainly b/c I stepped on the scale and two lbs didn't step on with me! Woot! Woot! Now the trick is to not gain it all back next week. :)

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to best schedule working out into a schedule full of insanity (and two small children)? I'm am a very routine oriented person and if it is not part of my routine it won't get done, and if I get off my routine then all heck breaks loose! YIKES! I'm flirting around with the C25K program but I have started it 3 other times and never get past week 2 due to my inconsistency, weather, children, work etc...

    I hope everyone has a super day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    koala, I go to a community rec center that has a day care. My 22 mo old LOVES it. The other day when I went to gym, she got all excited when she saw me putting my HRM strap on. "Play? Play?" I told her she needed to stay home with daddy cuz she was sick. She was very sad.

    Just find someone or something to take care of your kids so you can focus on you. Incorporate them as body weights if you have to, but find a way to make it happen. Otherwise, it won't.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    I can totally sympathize with you...I have 3 boys and babysit 3 babies through the day so my day is packed as well.....What I try to do is think of what I have to do for the day (the night before) and figure out when I am going to get my exercise in for the day....this morning I was up at 5:10 goin on a power walk for an hour because it is a busy day for us around here......if it is raining I do the elliptical at my house...if my kids have ball practice I walk the dog 4 miles around the track at the park (very fast pace)....I just adapt my exercise to everybody's schedules....sometimes I have to do the elliptical at 9pm because I have not had a minute to myself all day to get my workout in.....but just promise yourself you WILL exercise not matter what and then do it:0)