SAHM 5/17 - 5/23



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Michelle~I know how hard it is to kick the soda. How I finally did it was my daughter (5 at the time) made me promise that I wouldn't drink it again because it was bad for me. Since then I haven't had a bit of caffeine. I don't want to disappoint her. I occasionally will have soda w/o caffeine but I really don't like the taste all that much it really isn't worth it to me. Have you tried using the crystal light on the go? They have some good flavors. Good luck you can do it.

    Koala~That is awesome that you are down 2 lbs way to go! I know exactly what you are going through. I have 7 children from the ages of 9 yrs to 8 mo. I have my husband watch them while I workout or if that isn't an option then I just occupy them with something while I do a video at home. I also include them in my exercise. Go for family bike rides or family walks. The 3 oldest ride their bikes or walk which ever applies and they keep up. The 4 youngest ride in the bike trailer/stroller. The main thing for me is that I know how exercise affects me when I do it or if I don't and I love the way it makes me feel. So I make a point of working it into my day. It's just finding what works for you. Good luck.

    Trish~That is so cute I love what little ones say (except the back talking of course but sometimes that is funny too).

    Well I meet my goal of drinking the water. I missed the eating dinner by 30 min but hey that is better than what it has been.

    Today was my weigh in. I still haven't lost the weight put on from TOM. :( I am thinking of changing my weigh in day to Friday morning then that way it's right before the weekend and then that way I have some time for the weekend to get through my system. What do you guys think?

    Well my goals for today are the same as yesterday 12 cups of water at least and eat dinner by 7 pm.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Hi Koala, I work too : )

    I get up around 5.15am and start work at 6, so I finish by 2 and get home in enough time to snatch 20 minutes or so to go for a quick run a couple of days a week before my kids (5 and 6) walk home from school.

    Remember, getting exercise into your day DOESN'T have to mean an 2 hour gym bust, or a long dvd... you can work exercise into your day, and half an hour every day is all it takes... And it doesn't have to be expensive, either!
    Also, so long as you're getting your heart rate up, you don't have to do that 30 minutes all in one hit, either! 3 x 10 minute blocks will be just as good.
    Jumping rope is a favourite of mine - at my weight it's just a smidgen over 100 cal per 10 minutes (for a slow-paced jump) It's pretty easy to snatch 10 minutes here and there, and the kids like to do it too.
    Walk around while you're on the phone
    Do you have stairs? run up and down them a few time every time you go up them.
    Go for a power-walk at lunch, and eat at your desk on your return. Or if you're lucky enough to have an hour lunch break, you can do both!
    Watching tv? Do crunches, pushups, squats etc in the ad breaks. Find something to make a step-up with (a chunk of timber is good) and do stepups while you watch.
    Check out they have a bunch of 10-minute workout vids.

    If you can't snatch 10 minutes 3x a day, 3 days a week, then you're just not trying hard enough. Make it work!

    Katie, I don't think it matters in the long run what day you weigh in - you're gonna see the same overall drop over time. IMO if weekends can be a problem, the problem should be addressed, rather than just trying to find a way to 'hide' it. If you find that you overeat or don't exercise so much on weekends, then if you don't like that, having your weigh day on a Monday should hellp to hold you accountable to change that habit. If you are happy with it, then you should be able to accept any temporary scale stall that it causes, iygwim. In a month, and a year, you're still going to see the same overall loss.

    I'm not saying that this is you, but the people I see who weigh on a saturday morning so that they can "cheat" on the weekends and not "see" it on the scale, it just strikes me as a cop-out. Be accountable for your actions, y know? You shouldn't be "cheating" - that term in itself is derailing. We should be honest with ourselves. I dunno, I'm finding myself hard to put into words, I will have to think about it some more and come back.

    ETA: Please no one take offence at that, I'm not trying to get at anyone at all, just having a hard time trying to put my thoughts into words today it seems!:flowerforyou:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Sarah~Thanks for you input! I don't think that I am cheating just not doing as well as I could. Maybe I am just being too hard on myself. I have it were my friends can take a look at my diary so if you would like add me and give me some suggestions to what I could change. I am up for some suggestions. If I go over on what I track it's not by much so far it hasn't been much more than 100. But the days that I am under I feel like evens it all out. I think that what my prob might be is sodium. Not sure that I am ready to tackle that one yet. I got very discourage when I seen how much that I was taking in. So I stopped tracking it for now until I get other things down. I don't want to "bite off more than I can chew". So for now I track cals, carbs and recently started tracking fat. I still exercise on the weekends but most weekends Sunday is my rest day unless we go for a walk as a family.

    *edit~I actually went back through my diary since the day I started MFP and there was one time that I did go over by 214 and that is the highest I have gone over and it just happens to be the day before I started TOM. There was only two other times that I went over and I started 25th of April.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I think, if you're averaging out, then you should go easy on yourself if you go a little bit over one day, a bit under another... I guess the thing to remember is the whole "lifestyle change" aspect - are you going to eat EXACTLY your maintenance calories every day for the rest of your life? nah! we'll have a big day some days, small days the other. The main thing is that it all evens out. Life is for living, of course, and what's the point in trying to reach a happy weight if one is stressed trying to attain and maintain it?

    One thing I found REALLY helped me a few months back (I was on here since September 09 on a different name that one of my darling children managed to delete LOL) was to briefly go into my goals, and briefly change it to maintenance (then change it back if you want). My calories for that are a bit over 2000.
    I was getting so discouraged and down on myself on the days I might have been 1 or 200 over my goal, that I threw in the towel a good half dozen times between September and February.
    What I saw was that, even if I went over a little bit, I was still putting in an overall deficit every day.
    What I switched to doing for a while was setting to maintenance, and just trying to eat between my set goal of 1400 or so, and my maintenance of 2000 or so. So long as I didn't go over the 2000 every day, I knew I at least wasn't gaining weight. And it allowed me so much more freedom and the space to really sort things out and find a good balance.
    Plus it's SO motivating to see myself "under" every day LOL

    Now I have it set back to my 1lb/week loss, but I still keep that maintenance level in the back of my mind for days like yesterday when I just say to myself, YES! I WILL have a burger, and I will enjoy it, and it's OK!.

    Another trick to try is setting it to maintenance as if you're at your goal weight, then just eat that (you may find that depending on how much to have to lose now, it's similar to a 0.5 or 1lb loss goal anyway) - it'll be slower, but eventually it will balance out, and at least then when one finally reaches goal, there's no big changes to be made :wink:

    oh, also, I find it's not until I'm onto about CD9 or 10 that I start to lose that TOM fluid weight. I gain it all during, not just before, so everyone is different on that too. You'll start to see a pattern soon I'm sure. Bodies can be sooo confusing sometimes! :sad:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sarah- that's a great Idea about the maintenance! I was thinking about that too..I might try that for a little bit.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whoa...i missed a lot.

    katiem--i do weigh-in's twice a week to keep me accountable--i think sun and fri? or tue and sat?? something so i see where i am at the start of the week and b4 wknd to keep me going thru that hard time.

    i weigh myself more often but only COUNT it 2x. that way i won't be discouraged by those little fluctuations.

    i worked out today!! and now i MUST eat dinner!
    and then to school fine art show...ugh. soooo not wanting to....
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks guys for the good ideas. Sarah I am going to keep that in mind with the maintenance thing. Stacey I like the idea of twice a week then that way I can make sure that I am keeping away from those bad foods (don't want to see it on the scale) it will also push me to workout harder. I have been contemplating it all day and I think that my body is too used to the workouts that I have been doing so I need to shock it with something different. So that is my plan for tonight (that is when I exercise). The plus is that the workout buddy is feeling the same way so it is all green lights for me.

    As for the goals I finally was able to eat dinner before 7 pm YAY. Also doing awesome on the drinking water.:smile:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    ugh....over in cals! I was sooooooo hungry today! I overate cornbread with my chili for dinner...oh well....
  • trkoala
    trkoala Posts: 8
    Thanks for the exercise suggestions. I work from home with both my boys here as well so my day can get out of control really quickly. My 2 SIL's and I are trying to work around our kids and work schedules and work out at least 3 x's a week. Tonight we went to the local lake and walked all the way around pushing our double strollers. :) So 60 minutes of walking with extreme resistance. :)

    I was under my cals today! Woohoo! Drank 9 glasses of water.
    Tomorrow I'm going to go to my parent's house to work without the boys which is always a challenge for me. We've nicknamed it the carbohydrate H*** due to the sheer enormity of the number of snacky things that are there. So my goal tomorrow is to BEHAVE! LOL!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Tara -

    we share the same birthdya, though i am older!! it is a great day.

    i did well till we went to costco to return stuff and I ate too much in tastings and snacks! i put a hot dog in as my food from the food court to account for all the snacks, hopefully enough calories.

    it is 130am here, i need to go to bed!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gm all! michelle--it is hard to avoid those tempting snacks! just so long as the giant tub of cookie dough doesn't wind up in your cart, you're doing good! :tongue:

    for those who asked--we are moving locally--to a diff part of town. we live in las vegas
    the packers come in 2 weeks and then we move the next day. can hardly believe it!
    i am just tring to enjoy my home for these next cpl weeks--my backyard, my "landscape", my kitchen and other things i love about it. (sigh)

    not much on schedule for the afternoon--that should be a good opportunity for me to exercise. after school time was a challenge for me--my energy was so low.
    and will work on getting all my water in

    hope everyone has a wonderful day--meet those goals! vault over those obstacles!
    we are MAMAS! :flowerforyou:
  • trkoala
    trkoala Posts: 8
    Woohoo, Michelle! We are birthday buddies! :) I refuse to go to SAMS on Saturdays when the samples are out in force. It's just too dangerous. :)

    Stacey - good luck with the move, even if it is in the same town it is a BIG job. Good luck with getting all your water in today. I know you can do it!

    Lost another lb today! Woohoo!! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hello Ladies,
    Trip to Boston was great. I am so proud of my baby sister. We had a delicious dinner at Big Pappi's Grille afterward. I had a chicken,pear, goat cheese salad. I want to eat that all day everyday. It was soooo yummy. I had other things too but that was the best part of the meal. I decided not to count yesterday and enjoy sensibly.

    Trish- I didn't mean 5.0 is slow in general but I am 5'8" and have long legs. A moderate walk for me is almost 4.0. I don't even break into a jog until I hit 4.5 and all those running people at the gym are crankin at 7 or 8 mph!!! I felt like a snail next to them lol.

    I am looking forward to running again and started a little ticker. My goal is to get 100 miles in this summer. I DEFINITELY need a better bra before I run again though or I'll have to double or even triple up. OUCH! It didn't bother me when I was running but the "girls" were so sore the next day!

    So frustrated w/ this slow loss:grumble: Need to see some progress....last nights ice cream indulgence didn't help...gotta get back on track. Cursed TOM :frown:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone! How was everyone's night?

    Stacey~Good luck with the move. I agree with Tara that it is a big job to move whether it is in town or out! I hope you are able to soak it all in while you are still living there. You can get all of you water in.

    Tara~Good luck at your parent's house. I know that one all too well it is the same at my parent's. :grumble: You can do it! Oh and way to go on the lb lost.

    Well as if my life wasn't crazy enough my cat had 5 kittens in the middle of the night. :huh: First time momma and she is such a good momma! :smile:

    Well last night I got in a 9 + mile bike ride (longest I have gone on ever) and it felt great! :drinker: We did it in 1 hr and 11 min. We are planning on doing that ride some more until we are stronger at it and then go onto a more difficult route. Hopefully the weather works with us on that and stays nice.

    I am going to work on getting my water in again and also eating dinner early again. This is what my goals will be until I can keep at it for more than a few days.

    Hope everyone has a great day!:smile:
  • trkoala
    trkoala Posts: 8
    Well I already busted and finished off the package of Fig Newtons. But... I refuse to eat anything else while I'm here! :ohwell:

    Katie - whoa! 5 kittens! That makes for an eventful evening. I'm impressed with your 9 mile bike ride. My husband told me 2 days ago that he fixed the handlebar grips on my bike so perhaps in the near future I'll climb on board and knock off some calories that way too! :wink:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wow! I missed so much, sorry again for going MIA!

    Welcome to all the new girls!

    Trish ~ I do intervals on Monday to help build the speed, a faster short one on Thursdays, and an easy comfortable pace for my long ones. The important thing is that I finish the long ones, I don't care about the time too much. Pretty much everything Nicole said, since I'm coming into this late ;) My goal is to run a 5k in under 30 in June! Not sure if I can do yet, but I'm sure as hell going to try! Running that fast for that long seems almost impossible to me! HAHA!

    Melissa ~ Congrats on your first 5k!!!

    stacey ~ thanks for asking, nothing happening right now. Just trying to keep it picked up in the off chance we'll have a showing. Now that schools out, I'm hoping the market will pick one seems to even be looking right now!

    Sarah ~ Congrats on the weight loss!!

    Carter got sick in the middle of the night last night :( Poor kiddo, woke up like nothing ever happened this morning though, so at least it was only a 2 hour bug LOL Just hope Alex doesn't get it too. It's going to be a lonely weekend for me, hope I can keep the eating in check, I always do worse when hubby is away! Get to do Zumba and CrossFit tonight, wohoo :) Drinking lots of water today, so proud of myself ;) It's gonna be in the 90s, so I think I'll drag the kids pool out and let them play!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    LOL my birthday is the day after - but I'm much younger!

    yay kittens! I love kittens.
    We had this FAT as cat turn up on our doorstep one day about 7 years ago, she was obviously pregnant and due, but such a darling that, considering we lived rurally, it was obvious she wasn't a wild cat and had been instead been dumped : (
    She had 7!

    Well I've got a bit of a weird cold going on this morning. A sore throat and just a general odd feeling in my face, coupled with violent sneezes every so often. No stuffiness or runny nose tho. I feel fine and crap at the same time.

    I wanna go home already, and it's only ten to 7!
    roll on 2pm I say!

    I hope everyone else has a good day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Therapy day. Got my mall crawl in, much to Grace's displeasure. She has been getting better steadily, and I'm fighting hard to keep the gambu away from myself. Sore throat is gone, but now I'm all congested. Blech. Enjoyed an awesome smoothie for breakfast-- Bolthouse C-Boost juice & 1 cup frozen mixed fruit. Can we say IMMUNITY MONSTER? 1300% vitamin c in that critter, and it was delish!

    As for the mall crawl, I went 2.91 miles in an hour, and felt like I could have walked all day.

    Can't wait for tomorrow-- PAY DAY! Friend Sam is going to watch Grace so Andy & I can go to dinner in peace :)

    Days like this make me think I could do a 10k in 1:30. That's a decent time for a first 10k, right?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Tara~Well it would have been very eventful if she had let us know however we didn't know that she had them until after they were all born and nursing. She climbed up onto our sons bunk bed (top) and had them while everyone was sleeping. Our son woke because the kittens were crying and so he came and woke us up at 2:30-3 am to tell us. Thank you! I was impressed with myself as well the farthest that I have gone is 5 miles so that was quite the stretch for me. Good luck when you start biking. I have found it is an excellent way to burn calories.

    Sarah~Fun yes. Stressful yes. Trying to keep the kids away from them has been a bit of a joke. They are so excited and they so badly just want to go a watch them. I don't blame them in the least they are so cute.

    I wanted to show you guys them so I changed my profile pic to them. I wasn't sure how to post a pic into the forum board.

    Trish~That is nice that you found something that you can drink that has so much vitamin c. I hope that it works for you. That is awesome that you have some one to watch your daughter for you. Date night is always nice! Good luck on the running.

    Katie~My kids got something similar a few days ago. they were running temps and coughing and then the next thing I know they are feeling better and up and running around. It was very weird! Hope it doesn't spread through the whole family for you. Also good luck on selling the house.
  • trkoala
    trkoala Posts: 8
    Well today just went to heck in a handbasket. Just to catch everyone dad had spinal surgery on April 13th, then contracted pneumonia and an UTI and ended up in the hospital for almost a month. And of course when he got home he had OT, PT, and a nurse three days a week and had just gotten back on his feet and using a cane to get around when we went in today for his follow up surgical appt. The doctor took one look at the incision area and admitted dad to the hospital because he has at least two bone spurs that have broken off the spine and are just floating around. They will be going in tomorrow and cutting them out before they can damage his spine.

    So... there goes all my great grocery shopping and planning - right out the window! My goal for tomorrow is to pack my food for the day and just bring it with me so I can avoid the temptations of vending machines and hospital cafeteria food. And I will pack healthy snacks so that I don't stress eat on junk tomorrow.

    Ugh - just when I was getting myself back on track. :)