SAHM 5/3 - 5/9



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! Just a quick stop in, I hope all is well! Nothing much to report! have a great night!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey girls! Got back from my trip on Monday, and it's been crazy ever since! Who knew that I'd be constantly cleaning for no one in particular while the house is in the market?! I just know the moment it's not clean, they are going to call for a showing HA!

    My race was fantastic! I finished in under my goal, but those hills were a bit more than I expected...not as steep...but much much longer! UGH! I ordered some pictures, so I'll post them as soon as I get them! I made a point to make funny faces and smile at all the camera people LOL

    There was not a moment when I WASN'T full the entire time I was in WA...having a hard time getting back on track. Maybe tomorrow?? ugh!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Trish - Any improvement is good! It had to feel good to walk into your Doc's office after losing so much weight! :)

    Kim - Resistance training might be the way to go for you. I don't know how pilates would affect your hip, you may want to check with your Doc but it's done great at strengthening my back after it went out a couple of months ago. And on the positive note, resistence burns more calories in the long run (running/jogging burn more at the time, but if you lift weights, do pilates/yoga etc. it burns more calories in the long run) I'm sorry you're struggling with that! :(

    Katie - totally having the same struggles getting back on track! :) I feel for you! We'll just have to keep encouraging each other. :)

    I had an absolute blast on my cruise! :) The only down point....I got sick the day I left and am still sick. :( BUt at least if I was sick it was out in the sun, ordering room service, with no cleaning/cooking/responsibilities. Did plenty of shopping in Mexico and went snorkling. My only struggle is getting my eating habits back on track. I gained about 4 pounds on the trip, but I guess the average is 10-15 pounds! So I'm way below the curve there. :P I did get my workout in yesterday and today so I'm glad that I've been getting that done.

    Also, when I got back my parents showed me their new car and then proceeded to give us their van! It's in great condition and considering our second car is on its last leg the van is a Godsend! I'm so excited since it's so much easier to fit everyone in and get all my errands done with the bigger and spacier van. :)

    That's about it. Still recovering from my cold, and very interested to hear what my doc says about what we're going to do about my thyroid. I guess my lvls were above 6 and should be at around 3. It may be the reason I keep getting sick and been struggling with migraines.

    Have a great night all!

    Goals for tomorrow:
    Get title of van transferred
    vacuum the house
    Do pilates
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I'm still here! Busy week for me.

    Kim - (((hugs))) The arthritis in my toe is bad enough. I can't imagine how the hips would be. I agree with a 2nd opinion, trying some other exercises like pilates and also trying the Glucosamine/Condroitin. You may be able to get back into walking after you rest it and get some of the meds in your system too. You just may have to take it slower, at least for a while.

    Val - That is great news about the van!! I know you're going to love it!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    As for my running report:

    I started running 19 days ago. Out of those 19 days, I've run 11 of them. And even more importantly, out of the past 7 days, I've run 6 of them! Still not running far, but I never thought I'd run as far as I am now. Especially with the bone spur! But my toe has actually been feeling better. I can't wait to actually be able to call myself a runner! I think maybe when I"m able to run the whole 0.7 mile to the kids school without stopping?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    gm ladies!

    Kim- ((hugs)) I will be definitely runnign for you next week!

    Val- Bummer about being sick, but yay! for having a great time on your cruise!

    Amy- YAY! with your running! Keep it up!

    As for me....just trudging through this last month of school. Ashley is going to the prom next week. We found a cute little dress for $20 at Ross.:drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nice job on the dress, nicole! don't you just love getting a deal!

    welcome back katie--glad the race was a success overall!
    and val, was waiting for you to check in. sorry that you were sick the whole time....but i fully agree that if you have to be sick, being on a cruise with room service etc is the way to go! hehe
    amy, great work with establishing the running habit! wtg!!

    i got my goals done yesterday. while i need to clean a bathroom today.....

    update: dd1 is in new class and seems considerably happier. her tchr uses a doggie squeaky toy to get their attn sometimes. so i asked her, is that better than yelling at you all or being mad at everyone? yes, she says. he's the example of a kind of teacher who is creative and effective in classroom mgt. yay!
    she also said that by the end of the week, she thinks she'll like being in this new class. (oh, is that so?--hehe)
    just grateful that it's off to a good start for her.
    thanks for all your support thru this trial. :heart:

    adios for now--
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Oh my goodness Nicole, I read that and thought, "no WAY does she look old enough to have a daughter going to the prom!"
    So I looked in your profile and you have stepchildren.
    That explains it!
    I thought you looked about my age, and I started reasonably young and mine are only 5 and 6! :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Well done with the running Amy! That's an awesome effort, I hope you're well proud of yourself :smile:

    I hit rock-bottom the other day, and found myself polishing off nearly 1/2 a jar of peanut butter with a spoon because I was bored at work. Suddenly something just hit me and I thought, wtf am I DOING??? This is ridiculous! Since then I've been in a completely different headspace, and things have been going really easily.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    sarah--i feel your pain. i was there for months--just constant overeating and feeling sick and then bad about myself. i think i have finally moved out of it. setting a new goal and really remembering (with each temptation) that this axn will/will not bring me closer to my goal has helped.

    my goal is to reach goal wt by my birthday 9/4.
    and i want to get to 139 by sunday. i haven't done any exercise to make that happen. but i am being conscientious abt my eating and water.

    you too can do this!! if work is your trouble area--find some other diversion--inspirational quotes around your monitor/cubbie; crosswords, online games, word finds, online free books--something that makes it harder to eat the junk. hth
    and remember--we are here to lend our strength! :flowerforyou:
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Hi all! Wanted to thank all of you for your encouragement and suggestions about my lovely bum hip!

    Amy--I think we are on the flip of each other--can't imagine my toe feeling like this!!!
    Val--thanks for the pilates suggestion--I have enjoyed that in the past & I think excluding a couple of moves I will be fine with that. Right now just taking it 1 day at a time.

    We are actually on vacation for a couple of days. We are in Branson. DS's b-day is tomorrow & he wanted to go so here we are. Truly we needed some family time before the graduation in 10 days!!!! Only problem is that we are doing a lot of walking. Hubby is being gracious and taking the kids around to the water rides while I sit and listen to shows or work on my cross stitch. Not ideal but it is working for now. Oh the riding in the car for 4 hours probably didn't help! (Sigh)

    Stacey--glad your daughter is happier w/ the new teacher. Thanks for the comments about making right choices--it makes such a difference to consider each thing we do as a choice for helping us towards our goals or not.

    I am off to play games & eat some dessert. Thankfully all the walking gives me calories to spare!

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Stacey - Glad your daughter is doing so well in her new class! All studies show that to get students attention it's best for a teacher to speak quieter or use a non verbal queue. Otherwise the noise level increases because the student's naturally talk louder to be heard. :P so this teacher must know his stuff! :)

    Sarah- Glad you had that epiphany! :P I've struggled a bit with snacking but I'm doing quite well for just coming back from vacation. ONly went over by 40 yesterday and met my goals today. Whew!

    Kim - bummer about not being 100% but at least you and your family can have a little bit of time together. Hope you have a great time!

    Today spent the morning at the DMV with my parents to get the title and plates transferred over to my name. Then I made lunch for everyone, picked up the house, vacuumed the house and then made meat loaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. While doing that wiped down the bathrooms. Neither of the girls would take their naps today so they were quite a rollercoaster of emotions due to being over-tired. Needless to say I hit a wall come the evening once I got them to bed so I didn't get my pilates in. But on a plus side I entered in an hour of light cleaning and it burned quite a few calories. About the same as my pilates so I'll take it. :) Plus, my house is almost back to normal! :)

    Goals for tomorrow:

    Get my workout in
    pull weeds in the front yard
    sweep up the piles of dog hair

    Off to get some much needed sleep! :)

  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    GM!!! Val, I'm glad you had fun on your trip, it does suck to be sick, the last 2 major trips we took with the kids, a couple of them were sick, but we all managed and ended up having good time. I cleaned up the downstairs yesterday, doesn't it feel good to have the house clean, even if its only for 15 min., til the kids walk through again, LOL

    Kim, your always on the go, glad you were able to get away with the family, thats a very good idea to do before your DS graduates, family time is always the best. One of my younger brothers is graduating early June, we are so excited to drive to norther idaho to see the family for his graduation.

    Stacey isn't it wonderful, when your kids are happy in school. One of my son's has a great teacher this year, and I mean great, she totally gets him. He has had a few bum teachers the past few years, but this year has been totally different, he loves going to school, and loves to learn. I think we are going to do something special for her at the end of the year, just to let her know.

    Oh Sarah, I think we all have those days, of just giving in to our cravings, I do that once in a while, but I try for the once in a while, then the next day I always seem to get back on track, and remember where I was. Good luck!

    Great job on all you runners, that is awesome.

    Crazy weather here, we've about seen it all this past week, rain, lots of wind, thunderstorms, hail, flurries of snow, and when the sun comes out, it's like a beacon, we all run outside. So we've been busy. My youngest DD birthday is Sunday, she's turning 3, I'm having a bit of a hard time with this birthday for some reason, we're not having anymore kids, 5 is plenty, but I'm going to miss having the little one's in the house, and she keeps trying to grow up way too fast on us. She's so excited for her "3rd" birthday, she picked purple as her "theme" so I'm decorating a purple castle for her cake, and we're having the family over for the party tomorrow night. Ah, she's not a baby anymore......but she's still refusing to use the potty chair, the only time we could get her to use it was when we drove to Vegas on spring break, she used the potty chair the whole week, I don't think one wet pull-up, day we get home, she quit. I'll have to get creative to get her to start again.

    Well lots to do, as usual, we don't stop going in this house, I need to finish up cleaning, get ready for the birthday party, and hopefully spend some time outside this weekend, have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Dolphin - it does feel good to get the house clean even if it only lasts for such a short while. :)

    Really quiet on here today. :P I got all my chores done for the day and played with bubbles with my 2 daughters. It was pretty fun. Also got in 30 minutes of pilates. We are getting a new AC unit tomorrow so I'm pretty excited! Ours is 20 years old so it will be energy efficient and hopefully save us $$. Also no more worries that it will suddenly die in the middle of the 120 degree heat this summer. :) Well, off to bake some cookies for my hubby to cheer him up. He has a tough week ahead of him. Night ladies!

    Goals for tomorrow:
    Pay the bills
    chug the water
    run on the elliptical machine
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've been quiet, but I've been reading. This week we've been getting ready for another show. This time it's local. I'll even be coming home for lunch! Finishing up ponies now. Just need to do some sealing and glossing, then packing & sleeping.

    Went to T.G.I Fridays tonight to host my annual ice breaker dinner for this particular model horse show, and over ate. I was planning on just having dinner, but hubby thought it would be polite to get an appetizer to share with everyone. He ordered the potato skins, and there was an abundance... so I had one. I figured "I've got 150 cals, it can't be THAT much, it's only 1/2 a small potato"

    The stupid thing was over 200 cals. WHAAAAAT! Put me over by 150 I think. Ugh. Should not have caved, but was soooo hungry!
    At least I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow and THAT is a controlled portion.

    Well back to work for me. If I'm lucky I'll get to bed by midnight. I'm getting up at 5 to get Jazz at 6 and to the show hall by 7. Gotta love 12 hour "work" days!

    Keep up the great work, girls, and lmk if you need anything :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish--have fun with your show! i wasn't on much today cuz just busy being with irl friends for a change. had a friend and her 4 daughters here to play with ds. they all got along so nicely for more than 3 hrs! it was a great get together for my spirit!

    moving co. came to put together estimate for packing and moving us. yes, i am having my house packed. it's just the way we do things in my lala universe. :)
    i probably won't be on much these next cpl weeks as i go thru 5 yrs of accumulation to thin our stuff out. plus there's some sxns i need to organize to have packed for the year--as we won't need them in the rental.
    i will say--it's the decorative accessories i've gathered these years--partly as a result of being a (former) southern living at home rep. but what i have still is what i love--just don't have the space/special place for it. i know hubby's thinking just toss it already, but i like these "extras" that make a house into a personal home. i know you girls understand. :)
    so anyway...that will take my attn in these coming weeks.

    i will keep reading and cheering--and nicole, i got your pm.

    val, great on getting "work" done + bubbles. yay mom!

    time to read and to sleep. have a great saturday!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, when you get a minute can you measure the play kitchen? I appreciate it! :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish--sorry i'm such a dilly dally.
    here it is

    42.5 inches tall
    21 inches wide
    18 inches deep

    (this is with the counter part folded down)
    it is a little tykes kitchen with "oven", cabinets, dishwasher knobs, push button yellow telephone, chalk msg board and the "party counter"

    plus i would have a box of block puzzles for you--
    11" tall x15" wide x 14" deep

    so lmk if you want to hook up next saturday. i wouldn't be able to do the 29th at the end of the month.--hope your am went well and you made some $$!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    LOL, thanks, I made $25 by selling a pony from my own collection. I was sad to see him go, but the gal really wanted him and seemed like she'd give him a forever home :)

    I will plug dimensions into Dave and see if it will fit.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Stacey - Good luck on the packing! There is something healthy about going through your old things and reorganizing everything. Not that it makes it any easier. :P

    Today we had a new ac unit installed and it works wonderfully! That took up the majority of my day. I did get my run in on my elliptical and got a few odds and ends done around the house. Still need to pay the bells but that will wait till tomorrow. :P Off to bed now, hope you all have a great weekend!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    happy mother's day! :flowerforyou:

    hope your day is filled with :heart: :heart: :heart: