SAHM 4/5 - 4/11



  • Alexis1227
    Ohhh I would like to join if I can!
    I'm a SAHM of 3 kids. I've started walking daily and my 2 little ones who are not in school love going with me. We turn on the Pandora radio on my phone and walk for about 30min jamming out to the Britney Spears radio LOL

    Let's see .....
    I have PCOS and Insuline Resistance so getting weight off is hard for me.
    My highest weight was 202lbs back in Oct 2005, just a few months before I got pregnant with my 2nd child.
    After I had her I knew how to eat right and lose weight and got down to 158lbs (my pre-preg weight was 177). When she was 1yr old I got pregnant with my 3rd child. My pre-preg weight with her was 158lbs. I got down to 152lbs by the time she was 9mths old and maintained that weight until the holidays hit last year. I got back up to 160lbs. I'm struggling still to lose the holiday weight.
    I got down to 154lbs last week by sticking to my diet but the holidays ruined me and I'm back up to 158. My goal is 140lbs and then to maintain. Its just getting it off thats killing me.
    I walk at least once a day for 20-30min and I plan to alternate Wii Fit and 30 Day Shred at night as well, at least 5x a week.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, Alexis! I have PCOS & diabetes (insulin resistant), so I totally get where you're coming from. Welcome aboard! :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stacey ~ OMG!! Seriously not OK for that teacher to act in that manner! Hope you can get a new one! I'll pass on the info to my friend!

    Thanks for the compliments ladies! And Nicole, I'd love to, wanna pay for my ticket?! ;)

    Alexis ~ Welcome!! I love Pandora!! LOL

    So I bought a new bra today and it was completely different size than I thought I was...34C! I never thought I could be small enough for a 34, but here I am! LOL To bad they still aren't as perky as they were when I was 17 :laugh: Although I am a little sad, now that I'm done nursing I've gone down 3 cup sizes :sad:
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Hey Ladies, I hope everyone had a fantabulous Easter!

    I didn't drink enough while I was away so have "gained" a kg again. I got down to 75.1 AGAIN and still couldn't break 75! grrr! Then thanks to the wonders of sodium, i was back up to 76.1 the following day. :sad:

    *finds Zen place*

    Anyway, back into it now!

    DST has finished here so it's stupidly dark by about 6pm, I'll be dragging out my jump rope and seeing what I can do with that in order to stay fit this winter! I thought I might try doing it on the c25k intervals, and walk up and down my driveway inbetween times!
    I won't go out in the dark, and taking the kids with me after school/work is just too much hassle, so its home-bound exercise for the next 5 months.

    That teacher sounds scary. I had a teacher in high school who used to do random stuff like chase people around the room with a long ruler when they hadn't done their homework, but we all knew it was jokes, y know, and we were 16, not 10!
    Doing that in a 4th grade class is totally inappropriate!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Alexis!

    What is PCOS?

    Katie- You mean I have somethign to look forward to when I breastfeed? My boobs getting smaller? YAY! I am one of those crazy people that wish I had smaller boobs. I am a 36D:grumble: and I don't like it. They really get in the way when I run and I get tired of men looking at them intsead of my face.:explode:

    Welcome back Sassy!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks again for the LOVE ladies!

    i had papa murphy's deLite vege w/red sauce pizza tonight--yum! thin and crispy and not gobs of cheese. mmm
    will for sure have to exercise tomorrow. didn't happen today as too many things scheduled. tomorrow's wide open so i can get in good stuff!
    also need to finish my water b4 bed. chug a lug.

    dd2 loved being tinkerbell at the end of her class. so cute in their green tutus and fairy wings and wands. :) it's much more money than the Y but mil gave us a lot of money in the fall to cover the kids' activities and thus the classes can be afforded. (how thoughtful of her!)

    welcome alexis! this group is AWESOME!!
    and nicole--i'm with you on teh boobs, girl! i actually had a reduxn when i was 18 (one of the best things i've ever done!). went from 32DD at 112 lbs to 32B.
    now i'm a 34C, i think. and they're too big to me! hehe
    anyway, i can totally relate, nicole. i want them to not move one bit when i exercise. :)

    back to the family....

    edit: sassy, good to hear back from you. it's so strange rdg how you're going into darkness while we're all talking about SPRING! hang in there--and you have great plans in place to keep to your regime.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    What is PCOS?

    polycystic ovarian syndrome
    details would have to come from alexis and trish. but basically--it messes up your fertility and your hormone levels. right, ladies?
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Well ladies I have to admit it. I didn't workout yesterday and I am sitting here eating a bowl of cereal. Now I do have the calories to spend but I am not really hungry. Comfort food. :)

    We have been battling a bit of a cold here and things are just sort of off. I am determined to get back on track tomorrow. I am feeling better just not 100% so I took advantage to take a bit of a break. Didn't go crazy w/ candy--plus. Didn't lock anyone in the closet today--plus. Did all my errands, didn't sit down and cry and got some free milk--definite plus. Okay so on to tomorrow.


    WATER--have not been drinking enough tomorrow--8 glasses
    EXERCISE--get on the TM for 30-40 minutes. Don't have to go fast--just go. No avoiding or quitting allowed
    SMILE--tears can't fall if you are smiling right. Love your babies and hug 'em to pieces. They grow up WAY to fast and before you know it they will be gone. :sad:
    PAINT my bathroom shelves. The closet will be reclaimed tomorrow so that little man can have part of his room back & the hall way can NOT have a dresser in it.

    Trish--love the bathroom!!!! I think we painted ours the same color. I am jealous yours is done. We are waiting on the vanity top but I am sooooo not going there. Makes me mad just thinking about it. :explode:

    Sorry I haven't commented on anyone & newbies--it has been a bad day--just ignore the above pitiful whining. I am not quitting just venting cause I know you ladies can take it!!!

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Dolphin - Yay! Congrats on maintaining your weight on vacation! I'm very impressed!

    Lenece - I'm glad you're doing ok, and it's great that God used the tough times to bring you back closer to Him! You can do it!

    Trish - the bathroom looks fantastic!!!

    Melissa - love the true! And well done on losing so much weight! You're doing awesome!

    Shera - about 2 months after having my second kiddo had a guy at church ask me if I was pregnant again. I guess he didn't think through the timing or maybe never had the facts of life explained to him lol. So I know the feeling!

    Actually did okay over easter. It was tough because it was at my house and everyone brought tons of high fat tasty goodies! :P Then they all left them here! But luckily we've managed to give most of them away since then. lol. I haven't been able to work out yet due to the colds in my family. Lol! I thought we were out of the woods before Easter. Dd1 was feeling better, hubby was feeling better and I was feeling better after a rough 2 weeks or so. Then right after Easter Dd2 got very sick! Runny plugged nose, nasty cough, fever. It's been a rough few days now. She's still sick and caring for her (and the jealous older sister who wants all the attention the baby's been getting) just poops me out by the end of the day. But luckily I've been hovering right at my calorie limit. So not too bad. But I look forward to getting back into the swing of things!

    I at least have gotten my house back in order after being sick and having company. Everything is back to normal and I can find things again, don't trip over toys, etc. This has helped the stress level a lot!

    Hope you all have a great week!

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I know alot of people wish they had smaller boobs, I guess I'd be happier if they sat where they belonged! LOL

    Stacey ~ Oh how I miss Papa Murphy's!! There was on in Spokane that gave 50% off for military...we at there A LOT!

    I am down 1.5lbs this morning!! Can you say...SHOCKED?! I'm towards the tail end of my period, so I totally thought I'd be the same as I was last week...what a pleasant surprise this morning! Well, gotta get in the shower and get the boys ready for Bible Study!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Wow, I love how everyone is so chatty, hearing about your lives, it makes me feel so much better, that we're basically all going through the same types of things on a daily basis. It's so great to come here and just vent, or praise ourselves :) Welcome all newbies, I hope you enjoy posting here as much as I do.

    Katie, isn't it amazing how changing the color can make the room look so much bigger and more inviting. WTG, I think it looks awesome!

    Val and Kim, I hope you and yours start feeling better, it is definitely not fun being sick during springtime. And, Kim, I think everyday, wow, the kids are growing so fast, we try to cherish everything, our oldest will be 12 in June, and out of all the kids she is changing the most, at a high rate of speed.........I just want her to slow down. Our youngest is will be 3 next month.........ahhh, no more babies for us. I wish you luck with dealing with the empty nest that is probably coming way faster than you want it.

    Stacey, kudos for you, for taking a stand at the school, this is the time in our kids life that they need the most support. I hope it all works out for you.

    Nicole, I'm not mad, I can just totally understand where you are coming from, being so frustrated at being stuck. I don't have thyroid problems, so its a way more harder for you. I hope for both of us we can slide by this plateau, waving, and smiling and never looking back at the 160's again!!!!!

    Trish, I live about 25 min. from Boise, in Nampa. Do you have to take your daughter with you on the trip? So you do a horse show, and is this a way to get your work, seen, and orders?

    Hope everyone has a great day, my hubby is out of town left yesterday at 3pm for training in Ogden, UT, he made it safe and sound, will be driving home late tonight, I'll stay up and wait for him, he'll be coming in really late. So my goals for today are: grocery shopping early this morning to beat the crowds, exercise, build a couple flower beds outside in the front yard, laundry (I do this everyday), and take my son to cub scouts, and try to find out why my daughter's soccer coach hasn't called about practice, first game is Saturday, hmmm, not sure what is up with that.

    Have a great sunny day everyone!!!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Dolphin, yes, more or less about getting my work out there. It's a national qualifier. The top two horses in each class get an invite to the nationals. So the better my custom ponies do, the more people notice that they do well, and potentially more orders. You're welcome to swing by the show hall and check it out if you like :)
    Grace is going to stay home. I wouldn't know what to do with her at the show. They tend to run about 8 hours. My neighbor girls (her regular babysitters) are going to watch her from noon until Andy gets home.
    Oh and Ogden is 1.5 hours from me!

    Nicole, I consider myself small breasted. Want to trade half yours?

    Katie, woot, woot!

    PCOS is Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's a birth defect of the ovaries. The eggs tend to get stuck on their way out of the ovary and turn into cysts or something like that. People says it makes it more difficult to lose weight, but you don't see it stopping me!

    Okay, off to muster up a run. Today is Grace's first day back in the child care at the RC. She's been healthy all weekend-- YAY!
    I hope to slip under 200 this week, but haven't seen much progress lately.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim--didn't read thru your post yet--have to make those ## lunches!
    but--you were on my mind. i rd your blog the other day and you hadn't posted up here....

    can you share your lemon chkn recipe and 3 bean soup?

    i'm looking to incorporate them in my menus this month. thank you so much!!
    ((hugs)) on the bad day. "some days are like that...even in Australia. " ((hugs))
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i love all the + vibes this am!!
    trish--i'm glad grace is finally feeling better. and i hope you have lots of success at the horse show.
    trish/dolphin--i used to teach up in ogden. i taught writing at weber state univ (before dd1). my p's once did a scenic drive and then stopped at a "famous" place for honey butter and muffins (i think?).
    anyway, wishing your dh and trish safe journeys.

    val--sorry everyone's been so icky sicky. :( we so understand how exercise, etc, takes a back seat to tending to the kiddos. hope baby is better today and you can get closer to getting your exercise in.

    katie--congrats on the loss!! that's awesome!

    time to tackle the to-do's. will chat later tonight :flowerforyou:
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    I should really keep track of my period better than I do.
    That weird shift on the scales is now explained!

    Frick it's cold today!

    My sister used to collect model horses when I was a kid, do you have any pics of your work?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone- I will try to check in ...but I am going to be super busy before we leave on Sat! I will check in when I can!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Have a safe & wonderful trip, Nicole!

    Sassy, you can check out my work at Studios/

    I will have more up after this weekend. The most I've sold a model for is $600, but I've seen them go for $8,000!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    8000 smackaroos?? wow!!
    good luck!!

    safe trip nicole. have lots of fun and take lots of pictures!!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I also have PCOS, funny that there a few of us that have it. i have had to use in-vitro to get pregnant, but since have had the triplets, my symptoms have been getting better, but I have struggled with my weight my whole life, can't remember when i wasn't on a diet,

    sorry i have been MIA, been struggling this past couple of weeks, just want to eat all day long! house is a mess and i can't seem to get ahed of it.

    everyone have a great night, got to get some cleaning in before midnight bed time,

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    DD2 is doing much better today! She's still sniffly and a little sedate still. But she can now sort of breath through her nose and thus is finally eating normal amounts again. She's also back to being all smiles which just makes my day! DD1 seems to be recovering from a severe bout of jealousy after her little sister getting such large amounts of attention. :) Today her sister got normal amounts of attention so she was much less clingy.

    Since everything is getting back to normal I got a small workout in. Didn't make it to the elliptical like I hoped but did get in my pilates so at least it's something! Tone those muscles at least! :) since things are still a little stressful I don't know if I'll make it to the elliptical at all this week, but my goal is just to get some form of a work out down every day for the rest of the week. We'll see if we make it.

    For dinner we had very easy chicken veggies and rice. Got the recipe from my MIL and it's great. Sautee up some chicken. Then simmer water and cream of chicken soup. Add minute rice, some frozen veggies (broccoli, carrots and cauliflower) and then cook it for 5 minutes or so with the chicken. Voila! Tasty meal that's relatively healthy and really easy. :)

    Off to bed, have a great day tomorrow!
