I'm in. Taking beginning measurements and starting this evening. I started the end of June and got sidetracked, then never started back again. Now's the time. I will post measurements later. I need motivation.
L1D10 is done. On to L2 tomorrow. Looking forward to the change of exercise, not looking forward to the pain and aches everyone has been talking about. I didn't measure in the beginning because I truly didn't think about it. I will have to take measurements tomorrow for the next two levels.
L1D9 is done. One more day of Level one!!!! It is getting easier but it is still hard. I still sweat buckets daily.
L1D8 done... missed yesterday, my daughter got up @ 6am, never took a nap and didn't lay down until 10:45 last night. By that time I was ready for bed myself.
L1D7 done. I worked my butt off the last couple days to catch up on the missing day. Almost done with level 1. I'm getting annoyed with Jillian's voice, when my legs are dying. I understand why people yell at their tv's now.
L1D4 done. I am hoping to do it again tonight to get back on track so tomorrow can truly by my day 6.
L1D3 is done. It should be Day 4 but I missed yesterday. I am going to try and double up one day to get back on track. It is also day 4 for without soda for me. It is a hard road without my caffeine and soda but I'm making water my new favorite drink.
D2L1 done. Going to start doing treadmill and wii fit as well.
I'm in. Started today. D1L1. It killed me. I need the motivation, so I won't give up.