Congratulations on your gift!! If you are interested you should check out Doctor John Berardi actually talks alot about people not eating enough to keep their bodies from going into storage mode due to undereating. He specializes in "nutrient timing". Definitely worth checking out.
You could also try Diet Rite Zero. They come in several flavors. 0 Calories, 0 Carbs, sweetened with Splenda instead of Aspartame and I believe they are caffeine free. A much better choice than most of the diet sodas.
Hey, just a suggestion, but if you enjoy Miller Lite you might want to give the new Miller Genuine Draft Light 64 a try. It's only 64 calories and 2.4 grams of carbs per bottle. It's even lower than Michelob Ultra and still tastes pretty good. Of course abstinance and moderation are still the best ways to go.…