m1ssannthropy Member


  • Just increase your daily intake by about 10-12% a week, after you have calculated your BMR + TDEE and until you hit about the 500 kcal surplus daily for muscle growth without too much fat gain. On a recomp you're just trying to maintain as much muscle possible while losing fat and you have to get your TDEE high enough to…
  • Do you see an increase in centimeters? you feel fluffy? what kind of sodium are you using? I only use himalayan salt, and just adding some on my boiled eggs/avocado does the trick for me. I too have to make sure I eat enough salt or I get dizzy spells from my low blood pressure. Which is about 100/60 (mind you when I…
  • People just love to think that they can voice their opinion. I love the saying, "opinions are like *kitten* everybody has one" doesn't mean you need their *kitten* shoved in your face right? I lost 40 kilo and I got asked if I lost it on my own (yes, no surgery!!!) got asked if I lost it by choice or illness (ehm, I guess…
  • I'm 41 and had 5 kilo left to lose in july 2017, until life happened, now I have 11 kilo left to lose :D :# (lost 8 kilo again the past 70 days).
  • I'm so happy to see I'm not alone <3 So yeah, bad relationship = weight gain. Post bad relationship I stood on the scale and gained back a whopping 14 kilo! Whuuuuut... I have now reorganized my jeans into - fits, almost fits, will fit in about 10 kilo and will fit if I reach my target weight. I did go to Primark and got…
  • For me it's the thing I do at home after breakfast and coffee, it's much easier to do it - before - I start "life" aka everything that has to be done besides working out. Also it makes more sense to be able to use the afterburn and working out makes me feel more energetic and keeps my body strong, my immune system…
  • As long as you eat less kcal than your burn you will lose weight, depending on the difference you may lose it slower or faster. I watched a show about different diets in different time periods and they were also consulting a physician before and after about the results. Quite interesting.…
  • 1200 kcal netto (so that's what's left after you burn calories!) is what you need to feed your organs... so 800-900 kcal is going to make it impossible to build muscle and you will succeed in losing weight, but likely after 12 weeks you'll notice your body is exhausted (BBC secret eaters did a special on crash dieting,…
  • I'm so happy with this topic!! my neighbours who see me often, all want to have me make their meal plans and ask me for help (and tell me I'm pretty now and should stop losing weight)... but yeah, I was asked by some people if I lost this weight because I wanted to or if I am sick. I'm like "ehhhh". My physical therapist…
  • Make some bars, there are lots of recipes for easy non-bake protein bars with fruit or peanut butter, they are easy to take a long and eat while you are so busy. Make protein packed harty muffins, stay good for a while in the fridge and easy small portions to take. Prep at home, take with you. Food is planning. Eat more -…
  • Just started last week, needed something more low impact and am getting used to the movements. Have to get used to the timing of the movements. Can feel the use of muscles and love sweat! Really enjoying and learning.
  • I log manually into Fitbit and let Fitbit do the walking bit. I use a HRM for non walking exercise. I use MyFitnessPal because Fitbit doesn't have much of a food database (for us Dutchies).
  • Thank you so much for the site! and all the information :) I will ask the help of my physical therapist to determine the HRmax again, to be certain! Now I am having some doubts about the 187 because I have seen the HRM reach 193 once, after a very short but intense set of cardio pushing myself as hard as I could on the…
  • I tried calculating without HRM (I knew my lowest HR was 66, but in fact it has now become 60 I found out using the fit test on the RS300X) using this one online http://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/vo2max and got 37 - which is the same number on the RS300X (I'm borrowing one temporarily to test the differences). My HRmax is187…
  • Learning more everyday :) so this accurate system of OwnCal is only accurate if you are as out of or in shape as they think you are? I'm actually trying to focus more on building muscle and flexibility to support my ligaments and joints and do low impact cardio, so I can increase cardio as my body gets stronger - I'm…
  • That's very interesting, I have lost weight, am noticing I'm getting stronger and have to push myself harder to get the same amount of burn, or well according to the HRM. I bought the Polar FT7 with HRM because I do a lot of Yoga and I just didn't believe the database that said 100 kcal for 20 minutes of Vinyasa Yoga, when…
  • Thank you for your response :) I lose between 0,5 kg and 1 kg a week so within normal range, am on a high proteïn, low carb, normal fat diet. And more important am not breaking down any muscle but am lowering the fat percentage and centimeters! Since the aim is to become strong, not skinny and without aggravating my…
  • You can add your fitbit steps to MFP in the app :)
  • According to the nutrition guide I should be eat 1600 kcal a day, right now I'm on 1200 - 1400 kcal based of how intensive I've burned calories working out in the morning or do extra walking. Who is using the nutrition guide? I'm currently 195 lbs, and do everyday Yoga (yoga zone), 3x body fit yoga with gwen lawrence, 2x…
  • The Flex works with up and down motion, so take bigger steps you move up and down more and it will say you are more active. It also responds really well to the Tae Bo footwork ;) I use the Polar FT7 with heart rate monitor for my workouts, it happens the Fitbit Flex is a bit too generous with the calories burned. Hour of a…
  • I'm using Fitbit Flex, feel free to add me, I'm Dutch https://www.fitbit.com/user/2QK599