Haha, it's a talent that I solely possess. No, it's due to the fact that I linked my Facebook account to here and I forgot that I put the first year my mouse stumbled across, which happened to be 1990. The definition of your torso is the first things my eyes fall on which I guess shows that you are dedicated to a healthy…
You may be my new favourite person, hahaha :) Psh, I wish. And hm, to Adam2k10, taking your muscle into consideration, I'd say 165? I'm sorry I'm really bad at stuff like this
Now, now, I agree that my body language and expression may look slightly superficial but I'm just as friendly as the next person, haha
Friendly :)
Your make-up compliments your face and face shape perfectly, and your eyes look piercing. You're very pretty :)
115? :)
I used to be the exact same, I hated the way that the mirrors in the changing room absolutely surrounded me and I was forced to look at my body in every possible way. However, this only proved to me as motivation, to the point where I almost don't mind it now because it only spurs me on to perfect those flawed areas. Sizes…
West Yorkshire, near Hemsworth/Kingsley area.