

  • Oh, and does anyone know where I can find one of those jobs where I puruse internet postings and defend corporate interests? I might actually enjoy that job!
  • Wow. Yes I did create this account today, specifically to reply to this post. My real account is used strictly to remain accountable with my friends (real world, not virtual) on our food and exercise programs. I don't use that account to get involved in forum discussions, but I do occasionally browse the message boards.…
  • That's nice, but ALL meat has amonia in it. The good news is you can effectively remove it with cooking. I don't have an interest one way or another, but it appears you have a choice between a more expensive beef with more e-coli (i.e., fecal matter) and less ammonia. Or a cheaper product with less e-coli and more ammonia.…
  • Not really seeing the downside here. Sounds like efficiency to me. Just the modern equivlent of using the whole buffalo. The only negative provided by your article is the following: "School lunch officials said that in some years Beef Products testing results were worse than [/b]many[/b] of the program's two dozen other…
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