

  • Lately, I've been going to Allrecipes.com for my smoothie recipes (it's a great site for other recipes as well!) They have TONS of recipes, and when you select one, if you scroll down the page (past the reviews), they also list nutritional information for per serving (including calories, fiber, sodium, fat, protein, etc.)…
  • No, not at my goal weight! :-) I'm actually up 15 lbs. from what I consider my ideal weight. Over those 9 years, I've let things slowly creep up a few pounds each year.... so while my daily tracking has been helpful in terms of not letting me get EXTREMELY out of control, I'm definitely not where I want to be right now.…
  • You may think I'm crazy, but I have weighed myself every day for the last 9 years! I actually built an Excel spreadsheet with a separate tab for each year. I not only weigh myself & log it every day, I also log any exercise or health-related notes that I may want to remember down the road (i.e. if I'm sick, went to the…