

  • A good friend of mine who is gay, told me that i had a very pretty face, and my eyes were spectacular; and she had noticed that I had lost a tremendous amount of weight so far, and could she kiss me? hmmm. never had any female ask me that before!
  • I also am 5' 4" tall, and have been battling my weight since i was in my late teens. After having my son at age 18, i once got down to 118 lbs, but i was starving myself two days, and eating 1000 calories on the third day, which made me drop alot of weight but also made me very sick. So, I tried after that over the years,…
  • Ok, don't laugh, it was an LP of the doctor doolittle movie soundtrack. LOLOL. i know, weird right? the only other record i had was a 45 of the stripping strong;. Lol. what were my parents thinking? :)