

  • I made an amazing smoothiethis morning, which kept me full till lunch! a few strawberries, natural fat free yoghurt, semi skim milk, bananas and oats...honey if you want it sweeter, and blend. Perfect! (125 calories per 245ml glass)
  • Hi everyone New to this, need some friends to help me stay motivated! I have PCOS and currently have been prescribed Clomid to help me conceive. If anyone else is in the same position please feel free to add me.
  • Hi! I am totally in need of motivation too! Im new to this and would love to share ideas and encourage eachother! 26year old female teacher. :D
  • Hi I was overweight from a young age and then all of a sudden I lost so much weight that I became anorexic in my late teens. I am now married and have been trying for a baby for over a year, and need to lose weight, because I am now clinically obese for my height. I find it such a challenge. I have become lazy and just…