kimb114 Member


  • Tuna is great with onion and celery. Sometime I like it with sweet relish. But cautious of how much you eat during the week. You should only have it once or twice a week due to the mercury in the fish. It could cause defect in a birth, or so I have heard. Enjoy.
  • My Dr. suggest Flaxseed oil. I haven't tried it yet. Studying first. This is the recipe he gave: unsweeted almond milk, flaxseed oil, fresh fruit and the Almased probably with frozen fruit or a few ice cubes also if needed add some cereal for fiber needs Enjoy!
    in Almased Comment by kimb114 July 2014
  • My Dr. suggest Flaxseed oil. I haven't tried it yet. Studying first. This is the recipe he gave: unsweeted almond milk, flaxseed oil, fresh fruit and the Almased probably with frozen fruit or a few ice cubes Enjoy!
    in Almased Comment by kimb114 July 2014
  • Hi T, what is your recipe for the juice that you make? I too have a son who is now nine and with the summer approaching I need all my energy to keep up with my childcare duties. I made a green drink once and really enjoyed it but my son said yuck. I hope when he gets older he will appreciate the recipe. Thanks, Kim :smile: