Jessbartell Member


  • Don't cave, you can do it!!!!!!!
  • Great idea, thanks! I gave up artifical sweetener about 6 mo ago, but after reading this found some non-flavored sparkling water that isn't sweetened. That will totally help, i often reach for beer for the "bubbles". Loving the ideas and accountability here....thanks again!
  • Thank you. I talked withthe hubs last night and he's in! We're doing it, starting today. Old habits die hard but here we go. ..
  • Argh, i know i need to do this. I've been considering this and you guys are inspiring me to actually take the leap...but it'll have to be tomorrow because I'm already drinking a beer ;) *warning, excuse is about to be made* i have a super stressful job that i invest about 50 hrs a week into. I also have 3 tiny humans, so…