For my sweet, sometimes short-tempered, but always understanding boyfriend of a little over a year. :heart: For my general health, and that I'm FINALLY getting over the pneumonia I've had for 3 weeks. For my dad and his patience in not seeing me or even hearing from me as often as he should/deserves. For music and dance.…
The fact that it's summer for me and my school time worries of this last semester are DONE!!! Whoo!
the cinnamon rolls. >< No bueno!!! I've asked my mom to avoid buying them for my brother, since he doesn't really eat them anyways. lol (I do!)
"You can determine if you are improving because you know the error exists." My Health class book! "Concepts of Physical Fitness: Active Lifestyles for Wellness" haha : ) For once it's not on philosophy or Ireland. lol YAY! and what's more it's relevant here :)
Willkommen & Bienvenidos a MFP!! This is a great place to help you work to improve your fitness and lifestyle. :) Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
I am ME and I'm happy about it! :D I am lovely. I am a goofball. I am adorkable. :tongue: I am strong, but prone to moments of weakness, many of which I have recovered from and many more which I know I will continue to pick myself up from. I am prone to laziness more often than activeness. I am a procrastinator. I am…
That is vile and cruel. I'm sorry that you've endured so much torment by the hands of your own family. That is honestly horrible. My boyfriend grew up being physically and emotionally abused by his parents, despite that he was always respectful and responsible. While that among other things has made him bitter and he can…
And just so you know, I'd be all for fighting zombies on your side. ..... If I wasn't one myself. :devil: BRAIIINNNSSSS!!!! omnomnomnomnom!:tongue: :flowerforyou:
To be honest I hadn't realized it was merely an expression. I admit to being a little bit oblivious to some things that are said in sarcasm. And I do see now where you're coming from. Thank you for clarifying.
It is terribly wrong that people are raised and praised and given a sense of entitlement. I feel that to do that is ignorant and immoral. I certainly wasn't raised to feel like I was better than everyone else. I have always been and to this day still am, the awkward, shy, "she doesn't ever talk to anyone", the scrawny…
I know I keep posting quotes, but people truly are eloquent in what they say. :) I feel that that's ^^^ really well stated.
Amen to that one as well. :) It really is all about how you see yourself. If who you are makes you happy and you act admirably towards others, then who's to try and change you? Kudos. :)
I completely agree with this post :)
I think that you're wrong about that. But okay. If I interpreted correctly, this post was to provide strength and encouragement to those who experience rudeness from others based on their appearance. Pardon me if I'm wrong. Care to elaborate? Instead of calling people out who you consider mistaken, don't be so exclusive…
You might be a redneck if you.... Go to a family reunion looking for a date.
A redneck family goes to the mall. They're clueless about the city. The father sees an elevator. He and his family are fascinated, and they watch as an old lady goes up to the elevator, pushes the button, and walks inside. Thirty seconds later, a young beautiful, blonde woman comes out. The father says, "I'm going back…
LOL at Irene!! hahahaa these are so bad! :tongue:
Three men went to the Church to confess their sins. The first man goes to the Father. "Father, please forgive me for I have sinned." The Father asks "What have you done?" "I lied to my wife." The Father tells him "Drink from the Holy water and you shall be forgiven." The man does as he is told. The second man goes to the…
May contain some stereotyping. I don't mean to offend anyone and I apologize if I do. Three men were out hiking. They came across a land that hadn't yet been discovered/inhabited. They decided to give the place a name. Since they couldn't settle on what to name it, they decided to draw letters of the alphabet out of a hat.…
One my 10 year old brother told me awhile back... Why did Tigger look in the toilet? He was looking for Pooh! :tongue:
Haha! That last one. Awesome. I try to. and succeed!!! Wheeee!!! :happy: I've also been trying to regain my ability to do "the worm".
Hey!! I am that spastic child with ADHD (sans Tourette's, but still)!!! lol. Especially when I'm alone. I also do just about all of the above listed (I think. I hope there's nothing too out there that I missed. :tongue: ). I talk out loud to myself, and sometimes I might act out how a serious discussion will go...…
He gets to do all the dishes as well as help to prepare the next meal/same dish next time (if not cook it himself). lol. and if that's not enough, have him take care of a load or two of laundry.
Lol!! That's funny! My boyfriend's bluetooth in his car will do that sometimes too. and it always has the worst/best timing (tense or tender moments. lol. Is it watching??!?)
I hear that! I'll be honest in thinking that I am at least a relatively attractive person. Maybe not the most beautiful supermodel, but I like how I look. What I like more about myself though, is that despite all the struggles I've gone through in life, I'm still a positive and happy person. Honestly, I don't think you're…
Haha! That's funny :)
Awwwwwww! <3 That's precious. and super creative!! haha! What an awesome proposal :)
"Yes, I'm quiet... at first. Come talk to me!" People tend to not try to talk to me because I'm a -bit- shy (understated). I'm just a little socially awkward, though. Once you get me talking, it can be tricky to shut me up! :smile:
that too.... o-o and saggy jeans in general. especially guys with boxers hanging out. what the hell, boys. (yes, BOYS. Not men.) People need to invest in belts more often. :P