Cancuning Member


  • I agree. I haven't found one that lets you calculate the calories based on your Vo2 Max. This is the most accurate way to know your calorie burn. I adjust mine manually but you must know your Vo2 Max. The average female has a Vo2 Max of 35 ml/kg. The higher the Vo2, the more you burn on the same work out.
  • Just like maps1974, I started on June 22. In my younger years I was part of the national swimming team. Unfortunately it took me 17 years to get back to swimming. Since I started I have lost 23 pounds and counting. I recommend to use a Vo2 calorie burning calculator to stay motivated. Regular calorie calculators don't take…
  • I think you are correct to give yourself a 900 calorie credit for swimming two hours. I agree with others when they say the calories MyFitnessPal says you burn from swimming it's wrong. It could actually be more. The problem I find with calorie calculators & watches is that it does not take into consideration your Vo2 max.…