

  • I've had problems with pests getting into my greens before, I lost a whole crop of brussle sprouts to afids (sp?) before I knew what was happening. Next year if you decide to grow more greens, after you water them, sprinkle them with wood ash, it's an old trick I leaned, works great for me, I do the same for my roses too.…
  • I learned everything I know from my grandfather, growing a good garden is a lost art! I'm glad to see it's becoming "hip" to do for yourself with my generation, when I first started my garden, no body I knew had one, now, I can help out giving advise to friends that have the commitment to see it thru. I wouldn't worry…
  • I have nerve damage in my left leg, the ongoing remnant of a sprained ankle last year (unusual, rare, and extreme case) so I've kinda found myself in the same boat. I never worked out, didn't need to, I worked for a small steel distributer (lots of hands on heavy lifting) and the wife and I pretty much enjoy all things…
  • I've been growing a fine garden for the past 4-5 years, but unfortunately, this year, I'm injured, SO with a lot of help from pinterest, facebook, and friends, I've got a small container garden on and around my back porch. Roma and Champion tomatoes, butter leaf and red sail lettuce, butternut, spaghetti, and yellow…
  • hey, I'm a wookiee with 50-75#s to loose. I don't know if I'm a nerd, maybe I'm a geek? I don't game, at all, hold's no interest to me. I used to tabletop and LARP, but when I moved back out into the country, there's not a lot of people who share that interest, so I spent more time hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, and…
  • 6'2" 330#s So I guess I would be more of an ogre than a giant. packed on weight sense my injury, but I'll be back to my comfort zone of 275# eventually... I hope... really can't afford new pants...