mfp_1 Member


  • Please allow users to log weight eaten. The requirement to convert weight eaten into servings eaten is bogus and unnecessary arithmetic.
  • It's not mandatory in the EU:
  • Yes, you can edit existing food items to add values in grams. Please do.
  • Do you plan to get a digital food scale to improve portion control?
  • ************************************* Variations: Small dogs (especially poodles) and cats are the usual victims of this clash with technology, but parakeets and turtles have also been sent to the great gig in the sky in some tellings of the legend. Almost invariably,…
  • I agree it's good to think of people that aren't at home. Just a caution that terms like 'our' may not mean what you want them to mean on this international website.
  • It's a frequently told story in a variety of versions. Snopes says it's an urban legend:
  • A warning label only means somebody wrote it. Anything else is speculation. Maybe somebody did the thing somebody wrote. Maybe they didn't. Maybe somebody did the thing somebody wrote and won money in court. Maybe they didn't. Maybe somebody did the thing somebody wrote and won money in court and the new magic words will…
  • CudyBug wrote: >How is it the cigarette's fault if someone catches something on fire with it? It isn't the cigarette's fault, it's the smoker's fault.
  • Some scales show a trend graph such as: Here's just one example that does it:
  • 36% of fire deaths are smoking related. Cigarettes should pay for 36% of emergency service costs.
  • Breakfast: porridge made with water - 30 seconds in the microwave. Job done. or better still: oatbran made with water - 30 seconds in the microwave.
  • Do you have a digital food scale?
  • The Snopes link addressed that specific point: **************** "Although there have been a few verifiable cases of pets subjected to microwaving, each of them were deliberate acts of cruelty, perpetrated by twisted souls who knew all too well what they were doing. Micropoochings arising from a lack of understanding of the…
  • Meets the criteria of urban legend. See what Snopes says about it:
  • When you say 'states' do you mean 'member states of United Nations'?
  • I agree with MsLilly200. Serving size is bogus. I ignore it. It defies logic that an active body builder would eat the same as a sedentary old lady. Use any serving size you want when creating food items. All that matters is that the composition is accurate 'per 100 g'.
  • Yes, scales are designed in metric. The basic increment for that chip is 100 g. The nearest to 100 grams is 0.2 lb.
  • I agree you did the right thing. Unfortunately, a lot of people would now be scared to do that with another person's child.
  • Actually I was only joking ...
  • I burned my ear - somebody phoned me while I was ironing.
  • That's weird, I haven't heard of that. I have heard of scales that remember average (median) weight for the day. For example, step on it naked in the morning and the display might say 50 kg. In the evening with clothes after a heavy meal it might say 52 kg. It remembers your average weight for that day as 51 kg. You can…
  • My experience with digital scales is: * they all give small variations. * small variations are insignificant to me * they all vary badly when the battery is running down * they all vary badly when not on a flat surface The above applies to cheap ones as well as expensive ones. Q1. How old are the batteries? Q2. What…
  • There's nothing inherently wrong about knowing weight variation. It just depends on your head. Some scales record your weight and show a graph. See the graph at: Here's just one model with that feature:…
  • You raise a good point. Serving size is bogus in all countries. I ignore it. I control my serving sizes, not marketing departments. I've seen nonsense like individual yogurt with a "serving size" of one third of a pot. All that matters is composition 'per 100 g'. If the composition of the food varies, that's a different…
  • Just another thought: Do you have a food scale to weigh what you eat?
  • Most digital scales are fine. Make sure you put the scale on a flat surface. Everybody's weight goes up and down. t's a trend you're looking for. One measurement doesn't mean something wrong with you or the scale. If you weigh more often, you'll see the trend better. Some people use a chart or a logbook. Some scales even…
  • I heard that story too. Then I found Snopes lists it as an urban legend:
  • I heard that story too. Then I found Snopes lists it as an urban legend:
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