

  • hang in there and be honest about what you are eating. definitely fluctuations occur but sometimes we see the results of this week -- next week. and, if you cheated a little last week and still lost weight, those extra calories might just be catching up now. but, a pound is a pound and your body can naturally fluctuate…
  • I work part time at a gym as a Spinning and group ex instructor and I really haven't heard people making comments about other members. In fact, I have even had members tell me that they love my classes because I have shown them that you don't have to be skinny to be fit. I'm a real girl and I do need to get my eating under…
  • it's very good but expensive. and, it's the yoga part that seems to kick everyone's butt. if you can find some good yoga classes or videos it might be just as good for much less money. i know a lot of my friends swear by it and might disagree with me. see what others think.