Zchi6 Member


  • Skinny cow candy bars and ice cream snacks! Seriously.. They are delicious and a candy bar is only about 110 calories. I know we are supposed to try to eat healthier foods but sometimes you can't deny that sweet tooth. They aren't sold everywhere but I have found them at Target and Walgreens. Hope it helps!
  • Turbofire does have strength training...using the resistance bands. If you get the full set (including the advanaced DVDs) there are about 4-5 strength training workouts. They worked for the me first time around. (I already have completed one round of TUrbofire... then I did P90X and decided to return to CHalene.... Hope…
  • I am actually doing a hybrid of the two right now. I also did P90x but it didn't have enough cardio for me. I love the strength training of Chalene Extreme but the cardio in Turbofire is unmatched by any other program I've tried. I lost over forty pounds using Chalene's programs and I also have bad knees! I would try…