Firefly0606 Member


  • So to quote you "feed the workout that happened for good repair"...would it be better to figure out TDEE with no structured exercise, then after that period of time eat extra calories the following day if I got a workout in? Say, eat an extra 150xal of good quality calories for a heavy lifting session the previous day. Yes…
  • My cut I was on a month ago fizzled out into an unplanned nothing phase. Life got busy and I got lazy so working out has stopped. I got sick of logging everything and I've been eating whatever, plenty of fiber but I'm pretty sure not enough protein. I also got the scale out and have gained, not really surprised there. But…
  • When you get in 3000 calories of wholesome feels fabulous! I read it on forums, I read it in these threads, and it turned out to be true - the time to cut is when you really don't want to cut. If you're eating 3000 per day, and thinking "my cut is going to be 2700 - that's still plenty and will be pretty easy"…
  • Hope your tests go ok and give you some answers. Recovering from surgery will mean less calories as you move less, but it might be a good time to really listen to your body. You will reduce your calorie intake, but might not feel hungry. Perhaps you can focus on that? Every situation in life is an opportunity to learn…
  • It's a really good question. Dieticians are supposed to be the allied health professionals working along side other medical professionals for the greater good of the client and of the general population. Yet often their advice plays straight into the hands of the diet industry where so many people (myself included) spin…
  • Have taken measurements and they are different from last time I measured. I'm not sure whether to worry about it too much. I am finding I'm still having to battle scale thoughts so I don't want to simply replace weighing in every day with measuring in everyday. I'm thinking I'm just going to use my clothes, kids comments…
  • Yes!! Inches down is where it's at! Great result. Lucky for all of you coming into warmer weather, its starting to turn cooler here. We are having our first taste of winter today and I want summer back... :(
  • Righto. Cut starts today. This will be my second cut, this time with no scale because that stupid thing is in the shed with no battery in it. Will take photos tonight and use a measuring tape, make a note of what I lift tonight. Then put it all away and check again when I finish the cut. Lets just see what happens :)
  • Have been absent for a while so thought I'd update. Had stomach pains and extreme lethargy so my doctor ran some tests. He sent me for an ultrasound to look for a hernia, so I didn't think it was wise to lift while I was waiting to see if I had a hernia... Have not posted and have been at really rough TDEE for a couple of…
  • Yes! Eat those calories! 3000 was a mental barrier for me...I seemed to up easily through the 2000's to 2950, but then my brain freaked out at 3000. It was only 50 cal more but the number on paper looked huge!! Keep going until you find your TDEE. You'll feel amazing not gaining anything and eating the right amount of food…
  • Yeah, reading the general formus is hard work. There also seems to be a few people who have clearly been on MFP forever and a day and have made about 20,000 posts, so their advice seems credibile and seems like it is worth listening to. The deception is often not in the advice itself, but in the lack of detial in the…
  • Thanks for putting me back in my corner. You are so, so right. I thought I didn't care about the scale anymore but there must be little pieces still there, hanging on. You ask does it really matter right now if the scale shows a slight upward motion...I know the answer is no. So what's this all about with me right now? Yes…
  • Why are you assuming that 1800-2000 cal per day is enough? I follow SL and my maintenance cals are 3200, when I'm on a cut its 2800. I would be wiped completely out if I kept lifting and only ate 2000. Yes, macros are important but so is getting enough fuel to for the type of exercise you're doing.
  • Yes you'll lose weight if you eat at a deficit. Including fat, muscle, organ tissue, ligaments, bone you REALLY just want to lose weight? You need to maintain muscle at least....put some resistance on those muscles so you maintain them at worst, build them at best.
  • Then you need to make sure you are not on a diet. Because diets are temporary. You need to make sure you have good habits. What you do more often is always more important what what you do occassionally.
  • This. When I got on MFP, I spent the first 3 weeks eating exactly the same as I always did. It was eye-opening. Things that I thought weren't that bad sometimes were really full of calories. Then on the other hand, some days I realised I didn't have to dratically cut out all the bad food - there is still room for some…
  • Great results!! You're all over this!
  • Some numbers might help: I found my TDEE of 3200 when I lift 3 x per week. I'm 175cm tall, 33yo, weight in at 257lbs this morning. This is an increase from 248lbs late last year when I was confident I had found my TDEE. I am getting less concerned with the, but still seem to be gradually putting on weight. Should I go back…
  • Measurements seem to have gone UP and weight has gone UP 2lbs in a week by going back to TDEE. I may not be measuring the same way? Or fluid retention? I'm not going to get discouraged by it, just take the blind faith approach and keep doing what I do. Perhaps I'll just use my children as my measuring posts. My son and I…
  • Welcome. It's like a whole new world when you first find EM2WL but it makes so much sense. Are you going to start with a metabolic reset?
  • Massive progress! Don't discount that at all. If you keep lifting, if you keep fuelling, you won't go back to the 300 pound person of 6 years ago. You may put on 'weight', but you aren't going to be the same shape. What matters? I can totally relate to feeling muscle under the fluff. I look at my upper arm and it is big,…
  • Good to have you back :) There really is something wonderful about having to hit goals rather than follow rules for limitation. "How do I make sure I get enough protein and fibre today?" is so much better than "I'm not allowed to eat that because its too many calories and I'll fail today." Patience is a big key. Be…
  • Brilliant! Keep testing that TDEE, even when you think it can't possilby be right, having to go higher again. Mine ended up 400 calories more than all the calculators said. MFP and every other website calculator thing freak out when I put in my daily calorie consumption. MFP is my favourite - you know that little notice…
  • Moderate without any formal exercise. People usually underestimate their activity.
  • Weight watchers pretty much is calorie counting by my understanding, except you pay for it. Points are just roughly modified calorie amounts...100 calories for a medium apple, or weight watchers calls it 1 point. I've done WW in the past and liked it then, but put all the weight back on. What I don't like about it now is…
  • That's such a guessing game, right? Last week was quieter so probably not in deficit. If I had to relive last week again, how do I know how much I should be eating? It seems like it is all just best guess, and I'm not so confident to do that as I don't want to ever cut too low again.
  • This is so inspirational. The scale lies!! I think we have to all work hard on breaking that tie to the scale. If I never ever lose another pound, but can transform my body like THAT, then I NEED to be on that bandwagon :)
  • My 10yo daughter came out to the garage last night while I had my butt in the air, ready to deadlift. "Mum, you look thinner." "Really?!?!?!" I stand bolt upright and eyeball her..."Or are you just saying that to make me feel good?" "No you are. Just a little bit. Sheesh, don't get too excited" Bless her. Maybe I'll never…
  • Eating well costs time. It's not more expensive to eat nutritious, healthy food. It takes time to plan and prepare it. We have a fast food culture because they are good at marketing. It's cheap to buy and cheap time-wise. So they convince you eating their food is a win for you. Sounds like they have you suckered in big…
  • I've been at this cut now for nearly 4 weeks. I woke up this morning and decided I'll go back to TDEE now for a couple of weeks. I made this decision on the basis that this past week has been a bit out of the ordinary - haven't done any workouts, have been super busy and extremely tired. I have structural problems with my…