Firefly0606 Member


  • The thing that stopped binge eating for me, was finally figuring out at a too-aggressive cut in daily calories from my maintenance amount made me crave. Cravings --> running out of the finite resource of will power --> binge. So yes, tracking calories is a part of the equation, because I can monitor the amount of energy…
  • Yep! Down 7 lbs, about 100 to go.
  • Vitamins and fibre. Eat the fruit.
  • Fabulous! That must feel amazing!
  • You guys are my favourite couple.
  • Carbs aren't magic. Reducing them isn't going to make you lose weight faster. Carbs are also not evil. They don't have any power over you, you are not weak to the power of carbs - often when people over restrict they experience cravings. If you are over restricting carbs, or calories in general, your body tells you what it…
  • This is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it. It really makes you wonder why modern medicine and diet are pretty much mutually exclusive. You are looking fabulous, but WOW! your health results!! Well done to you!
  • Fantastic transformation! You're an inspiration, well done to you sir!
  • TDEE is your total energy output, averaged over a week, including everything you eat, your daily functions and any additional exercise. It's a bit different from the way MFP calculates your calories, which sets your calorie intake lower and adds back in any exercise you do. Your TDEE will depend on what sort of work you do…
  • Perhaps you have hit rock bottom, that's why you can't go any lower. 35lbs in 2 months? Wowzers. That sort of weight loss looks like success on the outside, but what did you do to your insides by dropping weight that quick? You are going to find it impossible to find that motivation you are looking for, if that motivation…
  • Why do you think carbs are something to be fought? Your body is pretty smart - if you are craving sugar (a carb), or rice or bread (carbs), well your body is likely needing carbs. Carbs are not evil, nor something to be avoided to lose fat. A carbohydrate is a macronutrient. Like protein and fat, carbohydrates are…
  • Been there, failed that. A classic weight loss industry money spinner, and the only thing that ended up thinner was my wallet. VLCD's don't work for long term weight loss. If you are after the quickest fix possible then it is going to work because you are effectively starving yourself. The second you come off a VLCD, the…
  • All of your advice was so on point a few months ago when I posted here last. You're all awesome :) I have just finished another smaller cut cycle. It was only on this cut that I lost any scale weight. I cut for 3 weeks, and I'm at maintenance now for a week, then will go back on a cut again. I lost 1lb per week over the 3…
  • Why have you put yourself on a 'diet' or 'plan' that is so strict that you can't have a few days where you live your life? Why are you punishing yourself by not allowing yourself to enjoy your anniversary? Why do you think what you have done is "sabotage"? You drank some liquid. You ate some food. That's it. No criticism,…
  • You have done well so far! More than half way to your first goal :) Life is a gift and is worth living, keep taking one step at a time and you will get there. I'm excited to see you progress on your journey :)
  • What made you decide on 1200? 1200 is the diet industry default because anyone can lose weight on 1200....and it makes their product / plan / theory / whatever they are selling look like it works. That's really low for most people, and unless you are really short and already close to your ideal weight, 1200 is a pretty…
  • I helped my hubby quit by rationing for him. He was smoking about 14-15 a day. In the first week I gave him his cigarette allowance of 13 each day. Then in the second week 11 each day etc etc. He was cigarette free in 2 months. See if your other half would do that for you? You have to want it though. I'd made suggestions…
  • TDEE is something you have to figure out. Calculators are a guide and starting point, but not always accurate. The only way to figure it out is to eat at TDEE for a few weeks, say 1 month, and maintain your regular exercise pattern. After a month, you can tell whether you are a little bit over, a little bit under, or just…
  • What made you decide on 1400 cal? Muay Thai 3 x per week, plus cycling - that's not a walk around the block, that's burning some serious energy. If your TDEE (your bodily functions + regular day + including all of that exercise) is, say, 3000 cal per day, your cut may be too aggressive. A 20% cut would be 2400 cal per day.…
  • Chicken is my fave. Yoghurt my second fave. And boosting my protein with whey.
  • You are already really busy and burning a heap of calories with your lifestyle, working, keeping your house, raising a young child. A structured workout time is probably going to be very hard to achieve. I found it impossible to fit in regular structured workouts as a full time working mother before my kids started school.…
  • I hear you girl. I aim for about 180-200g per day, based on aiming to get 30% of my intake as protein whether I'm on a cut cycle or at maintenance. For similar reasons to you it sounds...preserve/build that beautiful muscle that is already under the fat padding, while reducing my body fat slowly. It's working - slowly. The…
  • So what is an ideal length of time to cut? I have tried in the past and lasted 2-4 weeks. I didn't think I failed when nothing happened, but thought I could do better next time. Did some reading and thought 8-12 weeks was a good length of time. So I decided on 10 weeks. Does anyone have any set cut / maintenance cycles, or…
  • I'm aiming for 10 weeks. I had a couple of attempts at cutting that I only lasted a few weeks. In my last attempts I cut too much and half heartedly watched my macros. It feels like I can sustain my cut for the full 10 weeks this time.
  • At the 4 week marker of my cut. Nothing to report - which is ok, but slightly annoying. Thanks, body for not playing nice. No change in weight, no change in measurements. Have been consistent up until this weekend just passed, hopefully just a slight blip in the map. Back on track today and going to hold steady.
  • That's the sort of progress I want to see!
  • 2 weeks in to 10% cut. Not having a meltdown or anything like that at the 2 week marker, on track and holding steady. I look back over my first few attempts at cutting - I had no idea cutting would be hard. I guess I have come to a point where my body refuses to accept a large deficit. I am not just paying lip service to…
  • The thing that stands out for me in your post is where you say "Calories needed". Needed for what? Your TDEE is actually your calories needed, that's what you need to maintain your current weight. Or, if you meant "needed" to lose weight, I'm not sure that's accurate either.You are only giving yourself 34 calories more…
  • If your calorie deficit is too severe from your TDEE (more than 20%), cravings could be your body simply telling you it is HUNGRY. And really hard to stop them, because your body is HUNGRY. Check your calorie intake. If your TDEE is 2000, and you are trying to lose weight only eating 1500, it might be a better strategy in…
  • I do not even know how I EVER ate under 2000 calories. I had another little stop and think break after my last post (seem to be doing a few of those...) Heybales - you are all over it, I realized that I do not need a reset as I have been eating more than TDEE so just need to find a number to cut to. And ibtmas - thank you…