chelle610 Member


  • Before you pay attention to anyone's responses, talk to your doctor. They can assess your current health and help you determine what and how much you should be eating as well as recommending counseling, which is key. Knowing you are making choices based on professional advice will put your mind at ease, too. I was also a…
  • Try to focus on your health rather than your weight but don't give up! I know you want to lose, but if you give up you will probably end up gaining. Assuming that you have had a full health work-up including thyroid and found nothing, I would trash the scale and focus on eating and doing things that are good for you. Try…
  • Age: 31 Height: 5ft 7in Start weight: 142 Current Weight: 135 Goal: 128
  • The stairmill may actually be adding bulk to your thighs. I hold weight in the same areas and the only think that has helped me is regulated calories with lots of low-bulking cardio like running. It's a hard area to cut the fat from though! Good luck.