Adirafox Member


  • This. Or a gin and tonic. Or maybe a LIIT. Margaritas (on the rocks) are great, too....... Yum!
  • That is an awesome story, and truly inspirational! I am so proud of you, and so grateful that you shared!!
  • I forgot to mention that I like to drink, which some of you will fist pump and others with disapprovingly shake your heads at. It doesn't matter much, though, since apparently Candida dig the carbs in the alcoholic beverages, too, so I'm doing my darnedest to abstain. Boo.
  • I'm also hypothyroid, and my husband noticed (when we were first dating), that I used sea iodine. He suggested I switch back to regular ole' table salt (with iodine), and my thyroid function has improved. Not all the way better, but I'm on very low levels of synthroid.
  • Okay, Mr. Magoo, I get it. You done be super smart. "essential" = have to have to live. Go look up cellular respiration, since you dig internet research. Also, if your body is cannibalizing other nutrients, you are effing your body up and eventually, it's going to pay you back for that.
  • Coconut oil is great....if you use expeller pressed, it doesn't have a taste, but if you use virgin or extra virgin, it gives your popcorn a lovely subtle coconut flavor. Personally, I like my popcorn with Sriracha, but I'm a freak. I make it for my son with salt, raisins, and peanuts (sometimes chocolate chips, too) and…
  • Fiber isn't a carb in the way that we think of them. Fiber is cellulose, which we can't digest. It stays intact throughout digestion, helping to clean out your intestines (that's a good thing. Prevents all sorts of yucky stuff, from digestive issues to cancer). If we were ruminants, like cows, we could digest fiber as a…
  • I have a PhD in biology and up until this year, was a h.s. biology teacher (now switching to chem and AP Environmental Science). Your body gets energy from glucose, the chemical formula of which is C6H12O6. Other sugars have variations of this chemical formula, like C12H24O12, etc. Your body breaks all sugars down into…
  • Maybe you could do something with your hands, like knitting, cross stitching, etc? For now, it sounds like you should get rid of the trigger foods. If you husband wants them, tell him tough because he says you are being lazy :grumble: so he can drive wherever and get himself a single serving. To add to the exercise idea,…
  • I define "health food" as any food that has a positive nutritive value for my body. Nutella does not, sadly, though it does make my soul happy.....until my pants are too tight.
  • LIES!! LIES!! Bald faced LIES!!! That stuff ain't like Nutella at all. :angry:
  • The worst thing about cookie butter is trying to figure out what to put it on. Graham crackers? Animal cookies? Am I really putting COOKIE butter on COOKIES??? I literally cannot have Nutella or Biscoff in the house.
  • Word. Nutella is delicious, but it isn't a "health" food, which is why they had to change their ads. You notice they no longer claim Nutella is healthy? They still claim it is made with skim milk (true) and a "hint" of cocoa (my *kitten*!), IMPLYING that it is healthy, but it isn't. One, it's super chocolaty, and not in a…
  • I remember reading about a woman who won a Darwin Award for attempting to consume her carbon from the air. Pretty hilarious stuff..... By the way, I have a PhD in biology from a REAL university, not America Online. This stuff is bollocks. (I'm not British, I just like to pretend)
  • I'm not sure if I fully understand. You haven't lost any weight in five weeks? Or have you just started logging? How do your clothes fit? Have you taken measurements? It's possible you are toning up, which may not be reflected on the scale. Hang in there, I know it's hard.....I've been stuck for a while now! :flowerforyou:
  • My local HEB only had sample sizes of something called Jay Robb protein powder, so I got one in whey protein and one in egg white protein, both chocolate. I then made my homemade frapp with that and it was great, but I discovered something even better: I prefer the egg white protein powder (less of a twang, I think), so I…
  • Any thoughts about the sleep patterns it can track?
  • Word. Just remember, this is YOUR journey.
  • Thin women are often worse, IME.
  • I never tell anyone my weight, because I'm vain like that, but I get you. My problem was the women I worked with (thank goodness, no longer!!!!!....though I'm sure I'll meet some doozies at the new job) who were in better shape than me and thinner than me who would go on these strange diets every week and then gorge and…
  • We ate a lot of junk food when I was a kid and growing up, and it was not only a part of life (soup sized bowl of ice cream at 8 p.m. every night? Sure!) but there was also this stigma attached to it, like, "This is why you're a chubby kid." My older son can have the most delicious piece of cheesecake in front of him, eat…
  • If you want to use coffee for iced purposes, make your coffee super strong, then at least let it cool to room temp before putting it over ice.
  • Skyrr....I think. I haven't tried it, but was just reading about it, too!
  • I bet my HEB would do that for me. They're pretty awesome. I've also heard that the egg white protein is pretty good, too.....I remember someone talking about a liquid form with a pump top.
  • The ones I have been getting have only 100 calories in a 1 cup serving. If I blend it with ice, it's the same size as a grande from Starbucks, and their light mocha frappucino has 130 calories and probably has yucky stuff in it. Yes, these have sugar, but it is actual sugar and not HFCS or artificial sweetener. I recently…
  • I wish it were possible to get sample sizes of any protein powder you want to try!