kstandley123 Member


  • Yeah I've had that happen a couple time now. That's why I try to input the food into MFP before I eat it so I can substitute something out if it busts my numbers. I also try to go to places like Chili's or Apple Bee's because I know they have "lite and fit" menu options and show the cals right on the menu.
  • I've lost 27lbs in 4 weeks but I started out more out of shape than you. I would think 1/4 lb a day is doable. Just remember to eat what you exercise so your staying at 1400-1600 net cals a day. A balanced diet is needed too so make sure what you have on your list will get you where you want to be.
  • Just don't give up!
  • Just build a plan that has a good balanced diet. No point in starving yourself of one certain group just to binge on it later. A balance diet may cause you to lose more slowly than what your pervious diets have but a steady lose that you don't gain back is best. Good luck!!!
  • For the first 3 weeks I was losing a pound a day. Now it's about 3-4lbs a week. I'm expecting it to drop to about 2lbs a week soon but I had 65lbs of extra fat on me.
  • Me an exercise don't get along. I was in a really bad motorcycle accident 7 yrs ago and broke almost everything (to include my back). 5 months flat on my back in a hospital bed and the surgery I had last week on my knee was surgery #24. Every exercise I've ever tried (even just walking) hurts me so I never did it. I…
  • That's what my wife and I did tonight. I put the recipe in and she just input the data into hers.
  • Thanks for all the help. I've already changed some of settings and built my first recipe... Mango salsa for my fish!
  • FYI. I found in the settings where I can change my recent foods from only displaying a particular meal, such as only showing me my recent lunches, to a true recent food list. That will make it easier for me to add my left over dinners into my next days lunch diary.
  • Thanks, I'll try that tonight!
  • Im trying to keep my cals at 1500 a day too. I'm in-between the settings where it aks how active you are. The lowest setting was not active at all (desk job) the next setting was standing on your feet 8hr a day (bank teller). Im right smack in the middle of that. I work as Project manager and superintendent for a…
  • Good to know. That's the part I hate is inputing the same stuff. I've noticed that my wife app (android platform) is easier to use than mine (apple platform). Most of the time my lunch for the next day is left over dinner. When I input each ingredient item by item I have to repeat it all again the next day. Lets say im…
  • My wife has been amazing; she's been using the app too and has lost 10lbs. She helps me plan my meals and packs lunches for me too. What else could a guy ask for right??? I just has knee surgery a week ago today so I've promised her that we can go walking 3 night a week once I'm up to it.