NiecyBTL Member


  • Just added ya! I'm also 49-- motivated to stay on the journey to reach my goals!
  • Hey ladies! I'm just getting back on MFP and looking for others that are motivated to stay on their journey. Glad to connect with you!!!
  • I'm back on here after being gone for a bit too. I'm passionate about fitness and staying in good shape-- looking for extra accountability. Friend me! Would love to stay connected with you.
  • Hey all, are you following the 21 day fix meal plan along with the containers? Also how many ounces of water are you drinking/day? While calories are important to note, saturated fat, simple carbs, sugars and sodium (ie processed foods) are silent evils and can pack on the pounds as well as prevent reducing them.
    in 21 day fix Comment by NiecyBTL June 2016
  • I'm here girl!!!! Let's get this done...PRONTO! I'm just starting back today...looking to tone and clean up my diet. But the goal doesn't matter...the consistency does so let's get this party started!! Do you have your meals planned for the week?
  • Stay strong Michelle!! I'm on here to tighten up my diet for my next big goal. Would love to stay connected for accountability!
    in Hi Comment by NiecyBTL June 2016
  • Hey there!! I'm Niecy a fitness coach with a tip for ya... Are you watching the white starches /simple carbs (bread, rice, etc) and also sodium/process foods. They are the wicked evils that are sure to keep on the unexpected pounds and inches from coming off. :-) Good luck to you!!!