

  • Oh damn ok. Now i get it. Thanks. Since i do want more carbs im gonna lower my protein to 140g=560cals thn drop fats to 60g=540cals which gives me a total of 1100cals. Thn i would have 922 cals for carbs which would b 230C. 560+540=1100 2022-1100=922/4=230carbs
  • Ok so correct me if im wrong. So lets say i drop my protein to 1g per bodyweight so 176g and i make my fats 70. Would my carbs be around 215-220. Just like today?im still new at this and trying to understand. Srry
  • Male,,19yo,5'8.176.6lbs,lift weights 6x a week. Just started with the macros. 2 days ago. I had counted calories before and protein intake but thats about it. I already have a decent amount of muscle(not huge,but def looks like a lift)but ive also put on some fat and i want toget rid off it. I dont want to get stupid lean.…