

  • I had the same problem. Unfortunately there is nothing your an do. You can spot lose weight - you lose it everywhere. You can do specific workouts that target that area. Try jillian michaels buns and thighs, squats, donkey kicks etc.
  • I think it depends on each person. I have consistently followed a 1200 calorie diet since february. I think its really important what that 1200 calories consists of - mine is mostly produce with some protein. if you find you are super hungry than you probably need more.
  • it depends how much you have to lose. i have lost about 40 pounds in 4 months. the first 20 came off very quickly (like 6 weeks). The next 20 took 10 weeks. I plateued for about 3 or 4 weeks in that stretch and then started losing again. I have another like 30/35 to go which i am hoping to do in the next 3-4 months. I did,…
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