jtaylor2188 Member


  • I'm definitely interested. I'm looking for around 10-12 lbs over the next two months. 5'8" 201lbs 27 yrs. Good luck!
  • Coach J, Definitely slipped my mind. I am trying to lose some belly fat and at the same time tone up my chest, legs. I would like to increase my Lower body strength, in particular my lower back, quads, hams, and calves.
  • Ninerbuff Circuit 1 is the first half of the workout. 3 sets of of that, then move to the second circuit.
  • Shmrek Well, I'm not tooting my own horn or anything but when I hit the gym, its me and 3 other guys in a personal gym. And we "get it" . I feel like the sheer amount of reps are enough to, at a minimum maintain. Taking your advice into consideration, I may want to establish an extra day where I hit all three core lifts to…
  • It's best to change your workouts. Your body will do what it is made to do and adapt to a workout. You need to focus on trying to confuse your body with different weight, reps, and intensity. I'm not saying change your workout every week, only when you feel you haven't progressed at a reasonable rate. Be patient! If you…
  • I am in the same boat! I have a terrible diet and eat way too much. I'm looking to lose 15-20 lbs. You are more than welcome to add me. However I just downloaded the app and will be starting tomorrow.