

  • Welcome to MFP! This site is helping me a great deal. Keeping track of what I eat has been the best help. I also read alot of post and I have found several new friends as well. Together it all helps keep me going. Be positive and you can do it...good luck on your journey to a happier life.
  • Welcome! This site has helped me so much. Just reading the posts has been encouraging and helped me stay on track. Good luck in your journey.
    in Hi! Comment by headspin March 2010
  • I work out with my 3 pound weights and step during each commercial. It helps me forget about snacking. While I watch the show I am drinking alot of water. Don't let a little slip turn in to a big one. Just get back on track and keep going!
  • Welcome. I am fairly new to this as well, but I know if works! I have lost 8 pounds since I started. Keeping track of my food is not as hard as I thought it would be. When I see the weight loss happening it motivates me that much more to keep track of everything. Reading words of encouragement has helped alot too. Anytime…